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Twitter 06/28/19 Video evidence Chris has psychic powers.

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Pibot, Jun 30, 2019.

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  1. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 little cat says hi

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I'm not sure if Chris is aware that his personal beliefs most closely line up with New Age philosophy or if it's just that he gets his beliefs from whatever he sees in the cartoons and other forms of media he likes.
  2. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Apr 4, 2017
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    “Is Chris actually retarded?” Asked no one ever again.
  3. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Definitely the latter, I think.

    Cartoons and vidya often have psychic powers, and @Marvin said Chris thinks in "magical thinking" (stuff just happens, no causality).
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  4. Feldmann_Cee

    Feldmann_Cee I’m the Lord of the Harvest here as well!!

    Jul 8, 2019
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    If Chris has such tremendous psychic abilities, why doesn’t he get himself to BronyCon with his powers??
  5. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    What if we could've seen now back then?
    Ms. Mowz and One Too Many like this.
  6. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Damn Dirty Trolls.
  7. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Jan 20, 2017
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    All that psychic red tape.
  8. Judgesaturn507

    Judgesaturn507 rambling without substance

    Feb 17, 2022
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    He has to work too hard to prevent the merge from taking place. That’s why despite having god powers he needs to order pizza because he can’t make food appear from thin air.
  9. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I find it funny how Chris thinks he's Christ, yet he's really "Honor Roll" about how the universe works.

    (And he doesn't really care either as he just wants wacky hijinks with corporate mascot characters IRL.)
  10. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    To be fair Randi's prize was largely bullshit and more showmanship than a real offer. Many books have been written explaining this very thing and how it was doubtful he ever had the money to begin with.

    Honestly being autistic myself it is a safe bet that Chris will do anything that I would do in my lowest moments.. only less competently. Since I drank the New Age Kool-aid to cure my depression up until I realized it was pure bullshit, it was only natural that Chris would run down the same path and never be smart enough to realize he'd been had.

    And now he thinks he is Jesus and runs "Neo Spiritual Christianity"

    Patchman would be proud...
  11. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Every time I learn more about Chris' unironic understanding of the world I die a little inside.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
    ToroidalBoat and Ms. Mowz like this.
  12. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Does that freak still think he was born as "Chris Chan" as "punishment from God" for "being a lesbian in a past life (who went to Woodstock)", or some deranged BS like that?
  13. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    I knew that he was a "Lesbian in a past life", but I didn't think being Chris-Chan was something he saw as a punishment, or that he believed Lesbianism was wrong (As far as I know he only thinks Male X Male pairings are wrong, and that has more to do with Misandry and not wanting men to be happy than it does with Homophobia)

    Personally I do believe in past lives and feel like there's decent evidence for them, the evidence is largely anecodetal, but has been collecting in such vast quantity (Most famously by Ian Stevenson, a man so good at collecting it that known skeptic Carl Sagan felt there "had to be something there" and it should be "Looked into more" as he wrote in his book The Demon Haunted World)

    But the thing is, I tend to only believe these cases when people have out of character memories they can't explain.

    A straight guy remembering getting abused by a pimp berating him in a language he doesn't even understand anymore, sure that's more than a little weird.

    Or some kid who's only seen modern media remembering the details of old timey movies he worked on as some director he has no reason to know, why not?

    A woman with no formal training on or even knowledge of Egyptology suddenly being an expert on it after coming out of a coma, to the extent where after this inspires he to get a degree in Egyptology so she can accurately show diggers around a previously undisclosed digsite to chambers she shouldn't know are there? Sounds like a smoking gun to me.

    Hell even a non-weebish guy obsessed with Western Fantasy and Knighthood suddenly realizing he's a Samurai has some (but not much) plausibility, because if he was making it up wouldn't he just go with being a Knight and following the rules of Chivalry that pertain to his fantasy instead of a different kind of warrior with a different kind of weapon and a vastly different code of honor (Bushido)... it might even explain why he was drawn to Knights, because he was a Samurai, and Knights were the closest thing to Samurai in his culture.

    (These are all cases I've personally heard of or read about)

    But Chris' past life memories are obviously cherry picked.

    First off, the guy who applies whatever media he consumes to his life, to the point of building a brand around a Sonic/Pikachu hybrid suddenly thinking he's Jesus after being forced to actually read the Bible for the first time? Doesn't take a crackteam of Super Skeptics to tell you why that's bullshit...

    And the white autogynephile suddenly obsessed with New Age Mysticism under the misguided belief that it will give him powers and hasten the coming of an End of the World prophecy that benefits him specifically? Well of COURSE he'd want to be some drug addicted carpet-munching Karen from the good ol' days, it matches up too perfectly to his current personality and obsessions. It's a stereo typically new-age persona that he objectify!

    But the oddly comparatively subtle smoking gun, is Chris making a list of famous figures he's sure he wasn't in a past life. But, why would he be going through famous figures to rule out which ones were him? Why would he think ANY of the famous figures were him at all? It's almost like he's trying to come up with cool names to associate with himself, and crossing off the ones he doesn't like. Especially since King Henry The 8th (An infamous womanizer known for killing his wives, inventing divorce, and being fat as hell... All of these are conflicting his Chris' loose morals and self-image), was at the top of his list. He's LITERALLY just going through famous people and going "Oh hey, he's cool, I wanna be him!"

    Plus why would he be looking at the middle ages at all, especially male monarchs, when his own backstory is that he was some lady pony who spoke with Merlin in the 13th Century before Fiction and Reality were separated into their own worlds! (Which already doesn't make sense), did he think Henry The 8th was a Pony Girl?

    It's almost like he's building up a story in his mind, and making shit up as he goes along... (Because he is)

    Now I'm not saying Reincarnation is for a fact real, I'm saying, in a world where we can absolutely say "Reincarnation is one of those weird facts of life that we don't understand and likely won't.. like Conciousness or Quantum Physics.", we could still point to Chris' past lives and say "Bullshit"
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
  14. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The evidence for that always turns out to be lacking. And can you imagine living in this world full of suffering over and over and over, changing your identity and losing your older one again and again? Also any horrible thing -- however unlikely -- becomes a certainty given enough lives in this world. I think reincarnation is a form of hell, and a cosmic horror, and I hope it is utterly impossible. A book on it that I like is "Reincarnation: A Critical Examination" by Paul Edwards. From a spiritual viewpoint, there's "The Case Against Reincarnation" by James Webster.

    Anyway, back on the topic of that lolcow, I think what's going on is that his life sucks and he wants to feel important, so he makes up this grandiose narrative about himself.
  15. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    For the record, most societies that teach Reincarnation consider it a bad thing that you escape after awhile with a high enough spiritual awareness or by being a good enough person. So Reincarnation sucking is not because Wishful Thinkers didn't think hard enough about it, reincarnation sucking is the whole point.

    Personally I find reincarnation likely, as we establish that all energy and matter in this world is constantly recycled, going from one form to the next. Why the hell would human consciousness be the one exception? It just strikes me as a weird contradiction. But thank you for the books, I'll have to look into them to see the other side of the argument.

    Anyway, I firmly believe Chris does not actually believe in the Dimensional Merge, and will eventually post a forum topic where I give my case, but I'm too lazy right now
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  16. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Either he's stupid enough to really believe it, or he's desperate enough to want to believe it.

    As for the rest of that post, I replied to that in that other thread. But in short, a program does not somehow magically go somewhere else when a computer is turned off, as an analogy if the brain generates consciousness.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  17. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Personally I will give him credit for "channeling Randy Stair"

    He actually stuttered less and adopted Randy's pronunciations... which is odd as I didn't even think he knew other people talked differently as he seems to assume all his speech is normal and his impersonations of others are just him saying "Hello my name is..." in his normal voice

    Dude didn't even put a Hindi Accent for his infamous Apu impression

    So the fact that he actually successfully mimicked to some degree Stair is... impressive. It wouldn't be if anyone else did it, but it's like having a deaf man sing lyrics back to you that were played.... weirdly impressive and slightly spooky

    (Yeah I saw the most recent documentary lately and now I'm all about Dat Ghost Squad)
  18. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Remember when he actually expected Santa to kidnap a woman for him and leave her tied up under the Christmas Tree.

    He legitimately expected this to be the case and Borb had to explain why it wasn't to console him on Chrimbus
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I thought he wanted Santa to just arrange things so he'd meet a girl, but knowing how freakish he is...
  20. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Hearing a then 77 year old Bob in 2004 reading his Christmas letter and being embarrassed to say "boyfriend free girl" was simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking.
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