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Sonichu THE REAL SONICHU: Annotated Edition [FAN COMIC]

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Blank, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Trickie

    Trickie Senpai noticed me

    Feb 28, 2016
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    You know, I think I remember the reason that you were doing that in the first place was that you were trying to prove you could do a good job with the materials that Chris used for the True and Honest originals, and if that's true then I think that after 100 or so pages, you've more than made your point.
  2. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Yeah but don't stop now!!!
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I love how the story went from cheerfully gritty to pitch-black. Blown-up Sonichu is a great character.
  4. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    Jan 30, 2017
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    keep it up man really digging the story
    Blank likes this.
  5. 313

    313 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I'm waiting eagerly to see the next page!
    Blank likes this.
  6. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    goddamn, this started as a prank and now it's become the best webcomic I've ever seen.
    Looking forward to the finale :)
    Blank likes this.
  7. Trefoil Knot

    Trefoil Knot < x,y | x² = y³ >

    Feb 24, 2017
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    Okay, I literally just made an account to say this: Though the curious behavior of CWC has intrigued me for many years, I never really interacted with the community around Chris that much, not because I'm too cool or anything like that but I just never really made it a priority in life, plus it seemed like the Kiwi people were more lolcow enthusiasts in general, and while I can certainly appreciate that, I take the same approach to lolcows as I do a lot of internet culture: I'm content to wade in the shallow end like the sad normie I am, haha. But for whatever reason, Chris-Chan is just... strangely fascinating to me, and I used to check here and there to see what nonsense he had gotten into, until one day I discovered TRS and actually started checking the cwcki every few days just to navigate to the thread to see if a new page was up yet.

    I have been lurking and reading TRS for all that time and it's time I finally said Blank, this shit is freaking ridiculously great for what it is. Seriously, while I do adore Sonichu as a beautiful piece of crap that entertains me with its perverse combination of creator naivete, bizarreness, perversity, shittiness, and the deep and twisted story of its creation, it has no literary substance whatsoever. A Domino's pizza box has more characterization and gravitas.

    The fact anyone can take Sonichu and actually do something with the premise that has characterization, themes, humor, and plot is astonishing, and even the author stand in soapboxing (though honestly I've never disagreed with any of the soap boxing lol) is a clever mockery of the original, given the skill with which it is worked in as opposed to being shoe horned into a strange man's power fantasy.

    As a massive nerd I have to say you'd be fun as hell to play Dungeons and Dragons with XD (or maybe Shadowrun or Dark Heresy or something with an aesthetic packed with guns, DnD might be too nerdy for you, haha). I will not blow smoke up your skirt and say you're individually the best person at any one element of this thing, but it's very rare to find someone who is competent in so many aspects of creativity like that, which makes the whole greater than the sum of the parts. Trust me you're way harder on yourself than I would ever be, lol. Even the pages you think are shit made me go "God damn." I hope to see the rest of this, but I also hope you branch out and do your own stuff some day if you aren't already.

    That's a lot of dick riding but I've literally been lurking and reading this stuff for years and these commentaries are a treat.

    FWIW I agree with others, you made your point by doing this with shitty materials already, so do pages any way you want that doesn't drive you crazy.
  8. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Well, I guess I can't just disappear now, now can I?

    Seriously though- THANK YOU for all the kind words. Last couple of days have been kinda shitacular, so you don't know how much it helps to read something like that.

    I can't... I won't... I.... uhm... I'm just working on it...? Eeep...

    Yeah, I know I missed Christian Love Day. Work excuses, life excuses, blah blah... BUT!


    About a couple of years ago, the Sonichu fan collective held a certain Youtuber who went by the handle DStecks. Now, DStecks made a name for himself doing reviews of Sonichu comics off and on... but the main reason he gained notoriety among the collective was when he, in a bout of guilt, decided to donate over a grand to CWC, so he couldn't ethically review any more future Sonichu comics. While I don't hold any ill will towards DStecks for his actions, nor am I going into the "you shouldn't give Chris money" minefield, I do think it was an incredibly self-serving and outrageously spergy maneuver on DSteck's part.

    ...and I maybe be a bit bitter that despite doing the title cards for a number of DSteck's videos, I never saw one red cent for my trouble.

    To that end, I'd like to present to you all The Dstecks' Collection. While only tangentially related to TRS, it was a bit of a fun diversion in between pages. Be forewarned, the following is quite... "exceptional".

    Annnnnd we start right off with an ahegao Rosechu because we are a classy establishment.

    The series I helped DStecks with was what he called the Sonichu After Dark videos or something similar. They were essentially video reviews on CWC's latter comics where things started going from stupid-family friendly to autistic wet dream. My first assignment was to make a title cover for the video which would start with Sonichu and Rosechu's... erm... sexy time... and lead into them heading to the 4cent building.

    This gave me a chance to draw Classic Sonichu, aka, the version with the Sonic quills as opposed to the TRS dreadlock style. Same with Wild.


    And this is how you draw a nekkid furry chick on your thumbnail on Youtube while avoiding YT's censorbots.

    This version or Rosechu was obviously a closer depiction of the traditional Raging Rosechu as opposed to the TRS Giant Pink Murderwagon. This was also very early on when I was still getting used to using a digital format, hence the chunky lines and the splotchy shadows.

    End part of issue 8 where Rosechu decides they need to make a Playboy calendar because... because fucking Chris I don't goddamn know...

    The poses were an intentional homage to 90s cheesecake comic artist J. Scott Campbell and Gen13. If you don't get it... it was a 90s thing. Just smile and nod.

    Super fun fact - I recently was informed by a member at the Farms that apparently this picture was uploaded onto some furry wank-bank site, which I found completely hilarious. Someone actually thought this was wank-worthy material. FUCKING STANDARDS, PEOPLE.


    Lazy pic I know. But wheeeeee Vaporwave Jamsta. Wheeeee.


    I wonder if this is that furry wank-bank too.

    Anyway, this was the title-card for the Beach episode where we are all introduced to Silvana and her exploits of sucking off a dragon for bus fare or whatever. Blake is truly the only saving grace of this.


    The Date-Ed episode. Coloring is slightly better in this. Also if you don't get the movie poster reference, then I has a sad.

    This title card was for the tail end of Sonichu 9. Chris had this incredibly doofy splash page of Rosechu so I decided to use that as inspiration for this piece... which essentially looks like Rosechu's brain just gave birth to a miniature sun.


    I mentioned in an earlier collection that I am terrible at drawing mechanical- this includes mechas.So to hide my glaring imperfections, I pulled a JJ Abrams and added an inordinate amount of glow to Son-chu. Next time, I'll actually try and find a ruler.


    This one is actually a personal favorite of mine. Technically it's a classic Sonichu, but it's pretty obvious more than a little of TRS Sonichu bled into this one. Also a first attempt at drawing classic MLW with the bizarre viking helmet thing. I may have to redo this one again somewhere down the line, now that I'm a bit better with linework.


    The Giant Penis Comic. That is all.


    Issue 10, part one. Chris goes on a tirade against the homosexuals taking his Axe. Admittedly a lazy title card, but they can't all be winners.

    I miss Chris and the Hedgehog Boys. Just saying.

    In the previous title cards, you may have noticed the left and right sides of each piece were suspiciously empty. that is because DStecks wanted me to include the silhouettes of Rosechu and... unknown woman... on each card. Kind of tie them all together.

    This title card was the second to last card before DStecks posted his last video of the series and did his little defiant dance of dancing defiantly. I not going to post the last title card though because it really is pretty weak. Trust me, you're not missing anything.


    ...that said... DStecks kinda sorta reneged on his previous claim about not reviewing any more Sonichu comics. Around the holiday season, DStecks decided to make one final video detailing the Sonichu Christmas special. I never talked to him about it, but it felt like it was bit forced on his part, so go ahead and watch it if you're something of a completionist, and you don't mind hearing tirades about gamergaters and shit (no, I'm not joking).

    And one more for the road. An earlier piece when DStecks discussed Christian and the Hedgehog Boys. the 'Chus were obviously styled more in the TRS fashion. Looking at this now, I'm honestly kind of surprised the amount of effort I put into this.

    But that's enough for now. Hopefully next and before too long - some actual honest-to-goodness new content!
  9. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Those title cards were the best thing about those reviews.
  10. Trefoil Knot

    Trefoil Knot < x,y | x² = y³ >

    Feb 24, 2017
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    Yeah DStecks kind of went off the virtue signaling SJW rails there at the end. I kind of get it, I mean I don't objectively hate Chris either but if you're sick of reviewing Sonichu... just stop reviewing Sonichu. If you feel guilty about keeping the money you got making fun of Chris, I can actually understand that, but for God's sake don't give Chris the ad revenue you made, send it to organizations that could use it to fight malaria or comfort terminally ill children or something.

    It's remarkable to me how strong the SJW orthodoxy is that the fact Chris went into this transsexual lifestyle suddenly puts Chris in this protected, sacrosanct category where he is to never be criticized despite Chris' noted positions that are strongly anti social justice (such as statements about race and individuals from certain racial groups and his continued loathing of homosexual men). It's rather similar (though much weaker in intensity) to how that whole political impulse champions Muslims who would want to enact Sharia law in countries that don't already have it, despite the fact that under Sharia law the various gay/trans/attack helicopter SJWs themselves would literally be drug out into the street and killed. I just don't get that thinking at all.

    I liked his series overall despite some cringey rough spots and some of his other stuff isn't bad, but the more the guy falls into the SJW well the worse off he is. A couple of his later non Sonichu videos it's like he's tense, grinding his teeth, muttering to himself "Must... virtue... signal..." I hope he grows out of that mindset.
    ShittyRecolor, Blank and Pigeon Crow like this.
  11. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Die Chris
    Long Live TRS
    Long Live Blank
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  12. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    And so, nearly two weeks later.... NEW CONTENT... which I'm sure is exactly what people have been waiting to see... >.>


    ...and before anyone freaks out - I'm already working on the next two pages. Hopefully the next will be done before the end of the week.
  13. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Great reaction from Magi, and that's another damn fine creepy-Sonichu face.
    Blank and Deleted User 0007 like this.
  14. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Well, seeing how he could have gone out, I feel a bit better about wild dying how he did.
    Blank likes this.
  15. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Blanks giving out horrible deaths like Oprah gives out new cars.
    QuiltGuilt, Blank, Hellblazer and 2 others like this.
  16. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    QuiltGuilt, Blank, Hellblazer and 3 others like this.
  17. Rick_Astley

    Rick_Astley I want Scottish independence from the planet

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Now, this is Sonichu I can read.

    I'm really enjoying this, props to you.
  18. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    Jan 30, 2017
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    that's an ow
    Blank likes this.
  19. Samachu

    Samachu Cross stitcher

    Jan 30, 2017
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    At least Silvanna gets to die with a smile on her face.
    Blank likes this.
  20. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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    RIP trap

    you were a pretty shitty trap