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Sonichu THE REAL SONICHU: Annotated Edition [FAN COMIC]

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Blank, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The year is 2014. The CWCki member known as "_blank_" is given the bet by his best friend "I bet you couldn't try to take Sonichu and make it interesting."

    Three years later and 200+ pages later... nothing has been proven except never try to bet _blank_ to do anything on a timely basis.

    "The Real Sonichu" tackles the question: what happened after Issue 10 of Sonichu. Technically yes, Chris did manage to churn out some stuff in Issue 11 and retconned how he brutally murdered his enemies "da twolls." So if we are taking that as absolute canon, consider this a "What If" or an "Elseworlds" yarn.

    In the beginning, the pages were done in adherence to the "classic CWC" style - that being Crayola marker on Xerox paper. As time went on, _blank_ grew tired and started to branch out, moving up to Prismacolors, then getting a halfway-decent scanner, then a lightboard, then an actual graphics tablet. Thanks to Sonichu, _blank_ had begun to rekindle a desire to make art, one which he had nearly forgotten after years of killing himself (metaphorically, of course) in a collections department.
    ....and here's where I stop talking in the third person like a sped.

    Welcome to the 2nd edition of The Real Sonichu. Yes, we're posting it here. No, we don't have a website yet because I'm not exactly sure if most web hosting providers can differentiate between "satire" and "harassment." And no, even if Kiwi Farms comes back, we're probably not going to be posting new content there because until I can be assured otherwise, the Farms is hellbent on running face first into oblivion.

    That all said, I'm going to be uploading the older stuff up in 5-20 page chunks, probably on a daily basis. This will hopefully provide enough background for people coming into the comic fresh... and also give me enough time to get some new content done. And for those who have already read this, to make it a slight bit more worth your while, I'm going to be adding annotations here and there.

    Alright- let's do this.
    CHAPTER ONE: PART ONE - The First Fifteen.
    Humble beginnings. Back when I first started this nonsense, I did everything on one page - the pencil roughs, then inked right on top of them, followed by the markers. Also, the first time this was uploaded, it was just the ink outlines. Great way to start a series.

    I had no reference for how the Asperpedia Four were supposed to look, so this is a half-assed attempt off of the character Chris used in Sonichu 10. Don't ask me which is which- I have no idea. I think the one on the far right might be Mister Satan.

    Good ol' Reggie. Also yes- she's supposed to be reporting for a cable news outlet and they're using a handheld camcorder. Main reason was because if I drew an actual over-the-shoulder camera, I would've been obscuring most of Darkbind's face. And I was too lazy to redraw a panel to make it accommodate.

    I hate how the last panel looks. Still hadn't really figured out mentally how the 'Chus heads worked yet so it just looks... weird stretched out the way it does.

    Panel three, Darkbind is reciting lines from Clutch's Big News 3. If you don't know yet, I'm a YUUUGE fan of Clutch. More references to them later.

    Crazy to think in reality Chris has only gotten weirder looking. Also I need to say thanks to Chris for basically providing me with all the lines I will ever need for his ex-Mayor's persona.

    This page Darkbind is mumbling out Paul Davis' '65 Love Affair. I don't like Paul Davis - I just knew at the time my brother hated the song so I threw it in there. Because I'm that kind of sibling.

    Few pages later, I retconned myself whereas apparently Jamsta somehow survived this. At the time, I had some idea of bringing him back as some kind of cyborg or something, but 200+ pages later it still hasn't happened.

    I still honestly don't think anyone cares anyway.


    Dun dun dun.

    Also, making panels for the side of buildings in Photoshop is a bitch. Yeah, I probably could've have just broken out a ruler and did it myself, but that, again, me and laziness...

    Few things:
    1) I think I originally envisioned Magi-Chan to have a British accent (akin to the Sonichu animated series. "SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY!!"), so at the time I was having him saying more stilted Brit phrases. At least I'm guessing that's why he was saying "poppycock."
    2) I really like the speed line effect in the second panel. Gonna have to re-use that later.
    3) Darkbind is muttering "Don't Stop Believin' " by Journey. Not a big Journey fan; it was probably playing on the radio when I put this page together.

    I think the only part of this page I still like is Lolisa's profile shot. The rest looks like shit. I mean, it's not supposed to look "great" but still. Shit.

    Introducing the iPickle 7.

    Also, it is really weird, looking at a version of Chris this "thin." And clean. And hair not colored like Oscar the Grouch's pelt.

    Although it has aged somewhat for me, I was REALLY happy with how MLW appeared on this page. I see a ton of imperfections now, but back then it was kind of a watershed moment when everything came out looking about as good as it did.

    The TV screens, outside of obvious copy-pastes of the original Sonichu comic and pics from a few pages back, also- obviously- have some other additions. Dude with the burning beard in Neil Fallon from Clutch (told you they'd be back) from the Burning Beard music video. The old lady with the burrito... no idea where it's from. And the Power Ranger panel next to them is actually from the first piece of artwork I made on the CWCki, the CWCville Rangers...

    God, I'm retarded.

    Poor Nait. His facial structure has shifted at least a half dozen times in this comic. Here we have him in the "meth-head gay guy" mode.

    Same problem with Merried Senoir Comic. He's started to look more human in later pages, but his first appearance he looks like a Yukito Kishiro reject character.

    The background of Grisby's page were actual mock magazine covers I made exclusively for this page... and which of course I managed to obscure most of them for all my trouble. I'll have to rummage around my hard drive and see if I can post them up again.

    Also, Chloe and Blazebob's redesigns are thanks to no small part to me playing a fuckton of King of Fighters 2002. Blazebob is riffing off of Kyo Kusinagi's design, whilst Chloe is riffing off of Vanessa's.

    And on that note... I really hope they bring back Vanessa. Moving on...

    I really feel sorry for Blake. When I first started this up, I had in mind he'd be the main hero of this yarn, but somewhere along the line he has kind of fallen to the wayside. I still have plans for him though, so you never know.

    Also - all praise go to GodBear.

    At this point I had no idea what the hell bubble's character was going to be, so at this point she was just kind of a space filler character. Basically like how she always was in the first place anyway, I suppose.

    Next time... (The Opening Act of) The Rosechu Incident. Expect it tomorrow, or sometime Saturday.
  2. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    Jan 31, 2017
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    God damn you even made Lolisa important.



    I tip my hat to you.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
    Trilby and Blank like this.
  3. CWCki Jeff

    CWCki Jeff ★★★

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I didn't get a chance to read a lot of it on KF, so this is perfect!
    Blank and ToroidalBoat like this.
  4. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Blank, ToroidalBoat and CWCki Jeff like this.
  5. Corgi

    Corgi Friendly Forum Fiend Staff Member Moderator

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I'm glad this is back in action.
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  6. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Awesome. This'll be a great opportunity for a reread, and annotations are always fun.
    Blank likes this.
  7. The Three Snakes

    The Three Snakes Aroused.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Arise, comic. Arise.

    So I can read it again.
  8. Aggressive Bubble Cat

    Aggressive Bubble Cat "Angry salt water bathed Pussy"

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Oh my gosh all my yes.

    Rip Jamsta.
    Trilby and Blank like this.
  9. Flame the Sunbird

    Flame the Sunbird Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    This is fantastic! I don't know what I like best "The Yellow Devil, Sonichu" quote, Bubble's banging bod, or the "I Was a Teenage Crack Whore" headline for Lolisa. :)
    Blank likes this.
  10. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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  11. 313

    313 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Hey Blank, now that the Farms was back up, iIwent and counted the number of pages. If you include the smaller ones before the Farms went down, you've done 202!
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  12. Samachu

    Samachu Cross stitcher

    Jan 30, 2017
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    I look forward to the next part. :)
    Very good. ^ ^
    Blank likes this.
  13. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Legit looking forward to this
    Blank likes this.
  14. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Apologies about being absent yesterday. Friday nights I usually help curate Movie Night and I generally get absolutely nothing done.

    CHAPTER ONE: PART TWO - The Rosechu Incident (Intro)
    One of the downsides of my comic is that I have had a VERY bad tendency to go off on long tangent and flashbacks which deviated away from the main storyline. When compiled like this, I suppose it seems very minimal, but considering at the time I was cranking out 2,3 new pages a week and these tangents might go on for an entire month... I think it annoyed more people than it did entertain.

    As it is, here we are now so...

    This was the first page I had drawn Punchy and Wild proper. was basically winging but thankfully their designs worked pretty well right off the bat.

    Also, believe it or not, but using the original comics for reference on how big characters are in comparison to one another is a complete fool's run. I basically concluded the 'Chus for the most part should be small child size, or at least as big enough that they could piggyback off of a grown manbaby. In any case, I kinda like how this laid out, with Sonichu kind of hovering around Chris, acting like a representation of his id... wooooo I'm starting to sound like I know what I'm talking about. I better step back.


    I like you this page came together. Wish I could redo panels three and four though. Extreme closeups are nice and they're easy to do, but they really break apart the action.

    The glowing eye effect is probably something I lifted off of Steve Skroce's work. If you ever get a chance, look at his work on the Gambit comics. That dude knows how to put together an action scene.

    Ahhh, the joy of making text balloons in Photoshop.

    Still need to actually explore what happened between Sonichu and Patti-Chan.


    This always comes up with this page, so I'll just say it now: on panel one that's supposed to be foreshortening on Bubbles leg, not her China. This is why such things like pools of shadow are great and something I should really use more of. Also no, I'm probably not going to go complete furry and ever actually some of the 'Chus genitalia.

    ...sorry not sorry, furries.


    Wild's dialect comes from a mix of lifting lines straight from Spazkid's Sonichu animated series, and also mimicing the dialect in Justified. This is also your reminder to go watch Justified because it was an excellent series.

    Punchy on the other hand is just complete meathead. I know the whole joke was to make him very... Asian. So if it helps you sleep at night, just think of him as a very meatheaded jacked up Asian. I dunno where I'm going with this.


    Yeah.... yeah I really like writing Punchy.

    ...oh right! Giant pink monster thing! Should probably make a mention of that since she takes up a third of the page. Honestly, I think when I introduced Feral Rosechu aka Face Rape Rosechu, I alienated some people because I deviated from the original meth-head look and instead made her literally Hulk out. Or maybe they're just upset I didn't draw her nipples. I really can't tell sometimes.

    Anyway, in my headcanon, I figure the most Rosechu flips out, the stronger the beast becomes. Complete Jekyll/ Hyde ripoff, I know. It's a fancomic of a fancomic, relax.


    Sometimes when I'm doing these pages, on very rare occassions, I stop and draw something and pull back and go "What the fuck did I just do."

    Angelica's face was one of those moments. Not wanting to sound like I'm patting myself on the back, but when I finished the pencil rough, I literally stepped away for like 12 hours, just looking it, terrified of inking it because I was convinced I would totally fuck up just how perfectly unnerving it is. Thankfully, Godbear was smiling upon me that day.

    The font I used for her word bubbles is completely balls though.


    You just gotta grab them by the pussy duck.

    Already realized the font used on the previous page was balls, apparently. Also realized Chris had to speak in comic sans because of course he does.


    Feather-tossing power totally lifted from Marvel's Archangel, name ripped off from Yugioh.

    Hope you enjoyed seeing that power in action because that's the only time she ever uses it during the entire run.


    Silvana has proven to be a very complicated character to get just right. I want her to be a very confident character, but sometimes I have her come off maybe a bit too bitchy. I'm still happy about her intro here.

    Also- fun fact - a few months after doing this comic, I managed to fuck up my own tailbone doing some kind of super workout routine where you go from a standing jump, to a squat, then a pushup, and back. About the fifth one in, felt like someone snuck up on me and kicked me square in the ass. I was seriously on the ground for like an hour. All I'm saying is tailbone injuries really, really suck.

    Good job Blank, just having everything happen off-panel.


    I think I was playing Persona 4 at the time hence why the Big Boobed Pickle Monster probably has a bizarre SMT vibe to it. Frickin' anime, man.

    Like I mentioned earlier, these tangents would go on for a while, this one taking about a month to do. So, after this page, we jump right back into the present. Thus far I haven't gotten around to explaining more about the Rosechu Incident, but I hope to alleviate that sometime this year.

    Next up, Skunks and Siblings.
  15. Lunechu

    Lunechu Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I love this. It's really inspired me to draw Sonichu related stuff, which I've been meaning to do for ages, so thanks. Can't wait to see more.
    Blank likes this.
  16. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    It may have annoyed some people, but I really enjoyed all the asides. Sonichu backstory is a hell of a lot of fun.
  17. TheEnderGecko

    TheEnderGecko True and Loyal Sonichu Fan

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Holy crap. Never thought I'd like dark, gritty Sonichu fanart but...damn.
  18. 313

    313 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Hey Blank, what font do you use for most of the characters? (Not including Angelica)
    Blank likes this.
  19. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    ....we haven't gotten to the dark part yet... but THANKS!

    Here's a sampler for ya....

    Now then... ONTO THE PAGES.

    CHAPTER ONE: PART THREE - Of Skunks and Siblings
    Technically, I made this page after I made the upcoming page. I can't exactly remember the reasoning, but Chris has finally made a new online appearance (this was before he was posting every stupid thing he finds online on his FB account), and it was so pathetic I had to make a page.

    This also served and a very, very early test run for using a character template, just to see how it would work. Overall it's very rudimentary and I can't stand how this looks, but it did it's job.

    One page, two big introductions. The first being fan-favorite Spunky (Megagi0, and the second being Alpha Sonichu...

    ...I remember coming across this page in a Google search for Sonichu and I knew it must have been hitting some nerves. Nothing about my interpretation of Sonichu is mellow. He'll explain it more later on, but pretty much I wrote Sonichu as a manifestation of Chris' aggression and frustrations, which is pretty much what he ended up being at the end of the official comic run- just a tool for the creator to get revenge. Sonichu is essentially a neglected and abused pet who also mirrors Chris' ego.

    So in other words - he's fucked.


    Drunk Magi is best Magi.

    Also, I hope you enjoy my poor, poor attempt at giving a couple of characters an Oz accent.


    This was intentionally mean of me because I knew people would automatically think this was Megan making her appearance in the comic. As it is, I'm probably never going to include her in on this simply because I realize she'd rather not be attached to the manbaby any more than she unfortunately already is.


    So yeah, technically this is the end of chapter one... but we got a ton of stuff to get through and I'm not going to get caught up on semantics.

    When I first drew Crystal, I wanted her to look like the polar opposite of OPL's greasy, doughy self, but I think I only partially succeeded. Her actual physique in this page is all sorts of borked, mostly due to the fact that at this point I hadn't tried to draw an actual human being for years.


    Only thing that looks good on this page is the hot-pink mutant. Everything else on this page is shit. Next.


    I probably spent a solid hour watching capoeira videos just so I could get the main panel's pose right.


    I when through a number of revisions of Colossal Chris' design before I got it to a point where I could deem it acceptable... I mean, as acceptable as a Viking furry manbeast can be. Some people asked me back when this first released why didn't I have him become Chris-Chan Sonichu first... and honestly it's probably because this version is just so much dumber to look at.


    It's a very, very obscure reference. And for the record, I don't have any real affinity for Krokus, I just think a band naming themselves after those dippy purple flowers is fantastic.

    As for Megagi, I figured I needed to give her some kind of magical powers since she used to hang out with a friggin' Sailor Scout. Bonus irrelevant points - the "War Child" on her tank top is in reference to Jethro Tull's album of the same name. If you're into prog rock, it's a real treat. If you're not into prog rock... this probably isn't the best album to start on.


    And here is where my troubles begin: starting to bring in characters that aren't directly involved in the immediate scene. At the time i figured I hadn't had Wild show up yet and I knew he has a fan favorite so I wanted to bring him in. In retrospect, I kind of wish I held him back for a little bit, but ah well.

    Also, TRS Simonla is built like a brick shithouse. Kinda wish Chris didn't kill her...


    Dun dun duunnnnn, soap opera draaaaaa-maaaa....



    NEXT: Kids These Days
  20. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    Jan 30, 2017
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    lol sonichu is farting words on the lower right

    anyway it's a real treat to read these again! i have some catching up to do as that thread is hella long