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Sonichu THE REAL SONICHU: Annotated Edition [FAN COMIC]

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Blank, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    You forgot to add the other annotations! I actually enjoy reading all those
    Blank and hm yeah like this.
  2. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    I was going to write a comment detailing all the amazing things punchy says.
    But everything he says is literally the best.
    Blank likes this.
  3. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    Jan 30, 2017
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    oh man there's a ton of stuff going on

    hey is this also on a comic hosting site somewhere?
    Blank likes this.
  4. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    First thing: the annotations for "A Skunk's Life" are finally up. You're welcome @ShavedSheep

    Hmmmmmmnope. Honestly before posting here, I wanted to start up a website for TRS, actually put down some money, get a secure domain and the whole nine yards (mostly because I don't want my information getting out. Not like I'm anybody important, but if anything 1/20/17 cemented in my mind is to ALWAYS cover your tracks)... but the honest thing is I don't know how many places can tell the difference between "satire" and "harassment" anymore, and I didn't want to be throwing down actual $$$ for some ween chucklefuck to waddle on through and get my site pulled because they think I'm harassing a delicate exceptional individual.

    That said, if anyone has any suggestions where I can curtail that possibility and at the same time, keep my information hidden from WHOIS searches, I'd probably be interested.

    Anyway- let's get going...


    The main reason I turned Bionic into Bianca is because at this time Chris was going full-bore into being "Christine" so I figured I'd have a character follow suit. Plus I figured I already had a handful of homosexuals, a disabled all-terrain 'Chu, some minorities, and enough vanilla furries, so I figured having a transgender furry would keep Tumblr at bay, or at least confuse the fuck out of them.


    You know what was a great game back on the NES? Super Dodgeball. You ran around the globe and literally kill other nationalities with dodgeballs. It was a very educational game- it taught me Iceland had penguins and once you kill Russia, you have to then face off against your demon dopplegangers, just like real life.

    Oh, and Angelica is a superfreak.


    Tubsharks: Nature's hidden killer.


    Although I was being my typical self and neglecting to put in any background, I'm actually pretty happy with the choreography in this and the previous pages with Bianca and her SAD ball. Gonna have to make sure to bring it back in later on.... I say that a lot...


    This and the next few pages, I pretty much pulled a Frank Miller and had the right side work as a side-story/ back story for the happenings and going on. Not sure about the effectiveness, or if it disturbs the flow too much, but if anything, I like it. For whatever that's worth.

    I'm still happy with Sonichu's facial reactions on these pages. I think I was really hitting my stride right around here.


    In case you need reference for what the hell Chris is doing in the last panel. Be forewarned- it's Chris being Chris.

    Also, Oooooh mysterious packages ooooh....


    Probably the only time Robee hasn't thus far annoyed me during my re-reads.

    More music references.

    Some folks noticed that Silvana was looking slightly different from when I last drew her... which was about a year prior. I suppose her features were a bit softer now. No real intention behind it though. Kind of the same with any other character from when you first start drawing them to how they eventually end up looking with enough time I suppose.


    When I first wrote this page, I completely and accidentally had Wild call Silvana "Simonla." Complete mistake on my part, but people seemed to be receptive to it, hence is why I had the characters react to it on the next page. Just rolling with the punches.

    ...and because of a simple name mistake, I get to expound about Wild's dementia. Wheeeee plot conveniences!


    Whoopsie Poodles.


    I remember writing and re-writing a loose script for this section, and in the end Crystal is having the same mental breakdown as most of the characters seem to do. Then again, she did just totally liquefy another character so.... eh.

    I like the interaction between Wild and Graham on this page. Although I do risk him becoming the "wise black man" trope, I do kind of want Graham to continue to be one of the more anchored characters in the series- a calm, firm, and authoritative but not a jackass sort of way character. One that just so happens to old wear solid gold Viking armor.... because thank you Chris.

    Also, yeah, really happy with how well his profile shot in panel 4 came out. Little victories.

    Okay, that's enough for today... coming up next: Not Suitable for Younger Audiences.
  5. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Apparently my love of seeing insane religious zealots getting killed in fiction extends to Sonichu parodies. Good to know. Also, great work on the explosion/dissolution.
    Blank likes this.
  6. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Crystal seems very human as she's trying to understand that she just exploded someone.
    That's some grade A writing right there
    hm yeah and Blank like this.
  7. Samachu

    Samachu Cross stitcher

    Jan 30, 2017
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    The way you draw the muzzles of the Sonichus and Rosechus makes them look like chimpanzees, I think it adds to their animalistic ways.
    Blank likes this.
  8. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    What is this madness, an update not a half hour before midnight?! Yup, got a lot of stuff to get done before Christian Love Day so I'm actually working on this on my lunch break because they haven't made a word yet for this kind of masochism.

    CHAPTER THREE: PART FOUR - Not Suitable for Younger Audiences.


    If Sonichu works as Chris' id, then Robee is essentially Chris' libido personified. Around this time, Chris was posting tribbing articles on his Facebook page - this was just me making the parallel and/or trying to exorcise the thoughts out of my head.


    Writing character introspective parts is always a bit of a minefield because you want to be accurate, but sometimes you risk going into severe melodramatic pretentiousness. I think this part with Crystal is right at the edge of that. In the end, I think it works, but I probably could have trimmed it back some.


    100+ pages in and finally someone tries to be a hero.


    Again, I want to do more with Blake when I can permit it. The character is supposed to be a hardass, but at the same time probably the only one out of the CC that actually wants to do be a hero, but somehow ended up where he is. As for his relationship with Robee, I think he finds himself as the boy's father, not out of paternal love, but more on the fact that he realizes there isn't anyone else around to raise him.


    For Punchy, every day is a buddy cop movie.

    In regards to Blake running with two full-sized characters... I'm gonna use the same comic book logic that DC uses with the Flash and say something about inertia and mass and science and numbers and things.


    Wild is a more difficult character to write, because while he has a good heart (boy, that's a cliche term), he's also got a bit of a mean streak, as we'll see more later. He's not exactly an anti-hero, but more he tries to do what's right, but ends up doing more harm than good.

    As a sidenote, wow, the flatbed scanner I was using really made Silvana look speckly.


    Father of the millennium.


    And Sonichu continues on his solo douche parade...

    The first panel was supposed to be an intentional parallel to how Lolisa was looking back on the first page. She's been having a helluva few days.

    In retrospect, I kind of wish I also included one of those goofy maps Chris would sometimes include in his comics. TBH, when trying to define "place" those stupid maps can be handy. So... good onya, Chris. Broken clocks and all that.


    Word bubble layout on the last panel are attrocious. Also, while I like the large first panel of Sonichu pointing at the reader, I wish I made his expression more menacing than... I dunno, smug sneer.

    The reference to the gloves is essentially my own spergy way of explaining why most of the 'Chus are wearing those dippy Mickey Mouse gloves (outside of the obvious reason that Sonic was wearing them in the first place). Essentially in 'Chu culture, they wear gloves to keep away curses and hexes, and whatever else Chris would concoct. But as we'll quickly see with Crystal, there is some truth behind it...



    The Blarms curse is essentially brought upon by the Amnyfest ring, for anyone who tries to use it but is not the One True Hero (Chris). Again, this is me making fiction out of fact (read: making a justification for why IRL Chris was having a shitfit over Sonic Boom's blue arms). In the TRS reality, Blarms is an actual real curse.

    So... I'm making a fiction, take reality, and making more fiction. I could work for CNN!


    Wheee heroic superhero group run. Also had to cheat on the perspective something fierce since I envision Dagget to be around the 6' territory, Bianca a few inches shorter (still tall for a 'Chu), while Blake and Punchy are around the usual 4'-8" to 4-10" mark.


    The Kyanite personification is, as Nait conveniently explained, a manifestation of Crystal's negativity and pent up anger towards Chris and the CC. Just a lot of angst about realizing she'll never be completely separated from her dumbass brother. I'm not sure she counts as an OC, but if she does... great... I have a Sonichu OC. Not sure how to feel about that.

    When this first appeared, I had someon, I think @Trickie , ask me if she was supposed to be a sort of parody of the Steven Universe fandom. Little known fact: I don't like cartoons that much. I don't watch Steven Universe, Rick & Morty, Normal Show, Homestuck, Adventure Time, or Spongebob. Not saying they're bad, or you're a bad person if you like 'em... I just can't get into them. I dunno.


    So, storytime!

    Back when my brother was in college, in the dorms he had a person he called the Jacked-Up Asian living next door to him. Apparently the guy was a total maniac and spoke mostly in spouts of yelling and throwing things. Anyway, my brother told me the tale of thing lunatic screaming at like 3 in the morning, some crazy ass shit, and then the phrase "No more Humpty Dumpty! It's Time for Action!"

    So of course I had to steal that phrase and re-use it with everyone's favorite Jacked-Up (not-exactly-Asian) 'Chu.

    Wheeeee-hee-heee an actual fight scene!


    I made the goof of confusing the main Jerkop for the Mana-Jerkop. So far no one has complained about it.


    Dynasty Warriors: Sonichu Edition.


    I think he deserved that.

    Also the Happy in Paraguay is yet another obscure video reference.


    While I'm happy with the detail in the fifth panel, I think it could've been composed better- actually show Spunky holding the gun instead of just the tip of it.

    Annnnd not much else to say about this one.


    Probably the closest Magi has ever gotten to cute... poor boy...

    Heart level brought back to zero.

    Also, I posted this page maybe a year or so before Overwatch came out. Reason I mention that is because Overwatch has a purple haired character named Sombra that goes around and boops nose... obviously they must've stolen this from my interpretation of Silvana, and I am expecting an apology from Blizzard. Okay, not really, but odd coincidence. But... if there is someone over in the Blizzard offices reading this, shoot me a note. I'll work for cheap.
  9. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Robee trying to hit on womenfolk is both hilarious and Office-level painful to watch. The amount of Bill the Cat in Wild is fun- love the perpetually goofy eyes.
    Blank likes this.
  10. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "I don't watch 'normal show'"
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
    Blank likes this.
  11. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    I love how blank made Robee what Chris is in real life vs what he wants to be. He'll try to flirt in the worst way possible, he'll defend Sonichu to the death and he won't shut up about lesbians.
    It's nice to see that even though Chris is gone, his weirdness lives on in robee
    Hellblazer and Blank like this.
  12. TheEnderGecko

    TheEnderGecko True and Loyal Sonichu Fan

    Feb 9, 2017
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    You've been slamming on Marvel a lot. Are you a DC fan or do you like some other publisher?
    Blank likes this.
  13. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Well, the one with the raccoon and the bluejay. Whatever it's called. Yeah, I could google it but *shrugs*

    I actually grew up reading Marvel comics and it wasn't until college that I got into DC, but most of my affinity used to reside in Big M until maybe a decade ago when it became readily apparent that they were more interested in stupid all-encompassing crossovers and "changing the status quo" every five months. And of course, there has been the abyssmal lack of anything worth reading, their disgusting approach or trying to eliminate their X-Men franchise in hopes to force fans to get into the Inhumans, their outright disrespect for their existing characters, and although I hesitate to use "social justice" since the phrase has lost a lot of its meaning over the last couple of years, Marvel's ham-fisted approach in promoting diversity has been astonishingly bad.

    I'll avoid going on a rant (trust me, I could go on for a looong time), but no, I'm not a fan of Modern Marvel. And I'm not so much a fan of DC, if only because if I do read anything, it's typically just a Batman comic or something. I do like their Vertigo line however.

    And as for Image and Dark Horse and IDW and whatever... if I hear good things about a series, I might buy a TPB of theirs somewhere down the road... but I very, very rarely if ever buy individual comics anymore, let alone keep a subscription to anything.

    -----ANYWAY! Time for content!

    CHAPTER THREE: PART FIVE - Wanton Violence

    Magi-Chan isn't the type to take rejection well.

    I -think- the "Oh Barf" line was supposed to be a reference to River City Ransom, but I keep feeling like that might've been something stupid Chris would've said as well... eh.


    Magi-Chan, in some ways, represents Chris' slothful behavior. Not saying I think Chris could ever become a US Senator or anything, but I honestly think once upon a time, if he put in even a modicum of effort into anything he and his family would be in a better position than they are now.

    Magi-Chan represents that in which he is essentially the Deus Ex character, but he never really bothers to do anything - mostly expecting others to do the legwork, and/or things will just align themselves up. So.. while I feel bad for his character, I can't say I'm fully sympathetic.


    Not sure if Sonichu's actions would qualify as "unorthodox leader" or just simply being a troll.


    I think I was running behind on my personal deadlines on this page, hence why I made it a fairly simple 4-panel page. Kinda bland, but it moves things along, I guess.


    Gotta be careful of those magical black men.

    In hindsight, while I am glad I have Silvana standing up for Robee, it does feel kind of forced. Still, good to show that at least one of them isn't afraid of confronting Sonichu directly.


    Bleah... moves the plot along, but bland page. Next.

    As a personal sidenote, right around this time I was posting this page, I had some serious family issues brewing, which took about an entire year to get any resolution to. So, I guess while I kept most of the personal stuff off the inked page, it still have that memory attached to this. Kinda weird, like... invisible ink or something.


    Her being a weeaboo would probably help explain why all of her dialogue makes her sound like a DBZ villain. Not saying that was intentional on my part... but if it works, use it.


    "Oh... Woooooooooooowww..."

    Anyway, the whole Rosechu/ Sonichu thing was essentially a buffer and a way for me to try and expand Sonichu's character outside of being a 4' 6" bag of dicks, and maybe also help explain it somewhat. Plus, since Rosechu's backstory was that she was trained to fight by Kel, it might be in her nature to be more physically aggressive, coupled with an unhealthy amount of angst about having to play the housewife role.

    Fun fact: I am terrible with drawing anything mechanical, and this means guns. So, I tend to do a Liefeld and try to find creative ways around just outright drawing a gun. Thankfully, shotguns typically have a massive flare so that gives me a shortcut. And yes, I'm actually trying to get better at it.


    Moral of the story: Most of life's problems can be solved with Shotgun.


    I really wish I used Sandy more in her debut, if only because I spent a signifigant amount of time trying to get her design right and have it reflect both her folks and also retain a "coal miner's daughter" feel to it.

    And Poor Robee, getting carried away with his empathy again.


    ...why did I draw a smiley face button there at the bottom of panel 4?

    Also, wow, I know it's self back-petting, but the last panel honestly doesn't suck. Way to go, me.

    Since Nait is anti-Chris, I figured he'd be the opposite of Chris in a lot of ways - physically fit, consise, confident... both are still jerkbags though.


    Actually surprised how well the dialogue rolled on this page. Usually looking back at these pages, I can see little points where I think they yammer on too long or don't give enough insight into the character, this one though... good rhythm.


    Like I mentioned in previous rants, I grew up reading comics in the 90s, so... yeah a lot of the good ol' ultra-violence you got from McFarlane, Larsen, Portacio, and Texiera left a sizable imprint on my psyche. It's not like I get aroused by it or anything, but I will admit it's fun to draw.

    Woooooo I probably got issues... woooo....




    She'll walk it off. Maybe. Possibly.


    Again, total dirtbag, but super fun to write.


    People liked the weird Sonichu imp-thing I made a few dozen pages back, so I figured I'd bring the little turd back and give him an actual reason for existing. Also, I don't do or read a lot of fantasy tomes, so I'm kinda winging it with familiars. Hope I'm not too far off base, but I'm sure if I am, the local D&D crew will educate me.

    For the record- despite taking a chest full of magical buckshot, Bianca isn't dead yet in the comics.

    Also, I'm not exactly sure why I started this weird puck and clenched-teeth look that Blake is sporting and Nait was using a few pages back. Kinda weird. Hmm...

    Next time: Old Dog and New Tricks
  14. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I like sandy.
  15. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Shit's bout to go down next issue, Damn I'm both depressed and excited
    Blank likes this.
  16. 313

    313 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Spunky and Magi-Chan? I ship it.
  17. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    CHAPTER FOUR: PART ONE - Old Dog & New Tricks
    The title for this section comes less from the actual content, but more about what was going on personally. While this section begins with the more traditional style, it was back in 2016 where I purchased my first digital tablet, and moved from working with traditional inks and markers and working entirely digital. There have been a few shortcomings in the process but overall it had been enjoyable. On a smaller note, it was around here where I moved from hosting my images on Photobucket and onto Imgur... which reminds me I need to close down my PB account before my subscription comes up again...

    Also during this time, I had a ton of personal stuff come up with my family and also work, which had taken a significant amount of my time which I would normally be using on TRS. While the first two years I was able to crank out over 170 pages of content, the 2016-to-now has been an uphill battle. Buuuutt here we are.... let's do dis.


    "Jeff's Sexy Party" is a hail-up to... uhm... sort lolcow of the week I guess. I honestly can't remember- all I know is that I never got an invite to any sexy parties.

    Nait's transformation is... hurm... we'll talk more about this in a few pages.

    Trebor is a time-constraint casualty. I had originally planned for Capman to have some kind of mind-altering power where Punchy and Wild would spend about 3 or 4 pages fighting living memes before finally beating Capman in a unicycle battle while wielding laser cats which shot rainbows out of their eyeballs...

    ...and then I realized 1) that was retarded; 2) We already have Chloe and Magi who already provide enough psychic-esque attacks; and 3) I needed to keep the plot going. So- Capman got curb stomped in two panels and nobody cared.


    Yes, Brit-tay is kind of pirouetting on one foot - thanks Liefeld.

    I decided on this page Moe would have a "Lassie effect," in which all she can say is "But during the stone age" but everyone around her knows exactly what she means.

    And yes, Sonichu is eating cereal drowning in vodka and EZ-cheese. The absolute madman.

    Again, my eternal thanks to Chris for providing the CWCisms needed to make Robee's dialogue possible.

    Turdijerk, in my mind, is supposed to be a bit of a pugilist who trained in the same dojo Punchy was raised in. Pointless bit of backstory for a character who appeared for like all of two panels in Chris' original comic, and was no doubt inspired by some manager which kicked Chris out of the store for being an entitled manbaby.


    This page is pretty much me pontificating by proxy, not going to lie. I probably offended some people, but at this point I didn't care... and I don't care now.

    Be who you are, do what you do, but don't expect me to care about you because of your gender, your race, or your sexual preference: I only care about your character.

    Okay, getting off the soapbox.


    This plot twist was actually something I had in mind waaaaay back when Wild first decided to follow Robee. While the little green monkey is generally affable and playful, I used that to mask his true intentions to straight up murder Sonichu and/or Robee if need be. Wild was an intentional snake in the grass the entire time.

    Song reference - trying to find one of the most annoyingly upbeat songs possible to listen to while strapped to a time bomb.


    Best ugliest explosion ever.

    Bye Robee.


    Moe the Basement Hedgehog (she's the one with the giant tumor head) is an unsung hero, being the one who saves not only Bianca's life, but also Blazebob and Chloe... and probably others before this segment is done.

    And yeah, Spunky might have a thing for Magi.


    I mentioned it before, but yeah, I kind of put these characters through a stupid amount of abuse.

    This page is actually the first all-digital attempt I made with TRS. Overall I think it came out.... ehhh... kinda okay.


    When I did this page, I think it was after I hadn't done a page in weeks, hence why it serves as a sort of catch-up page.

    Magi's dialogue is somewhere between Adam West Batman monologue and the B-Side to a Peter Gabriel album.

    And of course, there is transformed Nait. Essentially he is supposed to be like an imperfect Chu - a cheap mockery of the original, hence why he looks like one of those poor crossbred dogs which got the recessive genes from both parents. While in transformed mode, Nait goes from snappy comeback king to more of a hyperactive pug or something.



    Everything about this page is just shit. Composition is crap, coloring is crap, jokes are flat, artwork is shit. Only reason this ever was published is because I had spent WAAAY too long on this page and couldn't just let that time go to complete waste.



    Another digital page, still trying to learn how to draw on a digital tablet. And even though I still had experience with more traditional tablets and also over a decade's experience with Photoshop, It honestly is a learning experience. These TRS pages essentially worked out to be practice while I learned how to make it work.

    Nait's face still bugs me. It's one of those deal where I can see it in my head, but trying to translate it into a drawn form is very tricky.


    Bye Ami.


    Yup, that's everyone's favorite incompetent LP'er behind the camera.

    Layla is essentially the ice-water queen of this yarn. While not cruel or malevolent, she is generally unaffected by her surroundings, hence why being in front of a giant blue murder monster doesn't sway her composure. And now you know how she is able to stand being Punchy's spouse.


    Back to doing pages by hand as opposed to digital- didn't want to screw these up.

    I think I also expressed it earlier (I'm too lazy to look right now) but Graham is one of my more favorite characters. He oddly serves as something as a moral compass for me when writing these pages- while nearly every character is out for their own interests, he's just trying to uphold the law.


    Dunno if it comes off as insensitive or not, but after the whole Spunky backstory where things got super-dark, I'm always trying to keep some levity in a situation. Still, it sucked to write these pages.


    ...not so fast, Mister Gordon.

    Overall, kinda happy with this page. Sandy's running panel holds up pretty well, I think.


    This page is one of the more recent ones, so I still haven't really figured out what to do with Simonla yet. I feel like I need to give her more than just a cameo appearance - not too often you can use a giant buck-toothed armored war machine in a story after all.

    Also, I should've swapped Simonla's and Wild's text bubbles. Reads weird this way.


    Annnd this is the last traditionally drawn TRS page... unless I decide to go back. Readers- what are your thoughts- should I go back to traditional, or, after you see the next section, so I continue to go digital?

    That's all for now. Tomorrow I'll be bringing you the last of the previously released pages with The Real Sonichu: Confrontation. I know, real unique name right there.
  18. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    This is where characters continue dropping like flies.
    Goddamn it blank Why you do this to us you beautiful bastard you :'(
    Hellblazer and Blank like this.
  19. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    If you kill Sandy or Punchy im gonna flip
  20. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Annnndd here we go... last of the old bunch...

    CHAPTER FOUR: PART TWO - Confrontation
    Here I begun to work exclusively with digital - moving completely away from ink, markers, and delightful copy paper. As I mentioned with the previous entry, I might go back if people miss it, but thus far no one has complained...


    When I moved to digital, I started to use Manga Studio 5, which is now called something like Clip Studio Pro, probably because the weeaboo market is drying up. One of the cooler tools included with it is it's perspective tool, which allows me to make perspective images a helluva lot easier than Photoshop did, so I decided to abuse it a little on this page.

    Also bonus material for the billboards. Keep in mind they actually don't pertain to the TRS storyline, but as you may have noticed, I tend to use anything that isn't nailed down.




    When I first started to use digital, I was obviously very sketchy with my work, mostly trying to get used to the feel of using a digital tablet as opposed to inks. It has it's up and down- lines and colors are obviously much cleaners, but unlike traditional, it can get away from you REALLY quickly if you allow it.


    One of the goofy things about One-Armed Sonichu is how I constantly have to keep remember that he only has one arm. This page in particular, second to last panel, I had drawn this fucking awesome shot of Sonichu leaping forward, his arm outstretched... and then I remembered by the coloring phase "oh yeah, that shouldn't exist..."

    So, another fun bit about digital: the correct cleanup is a a ton easier to do.


    Linework here is becoming more confident by this point. Coloring is still finding it's way though.

    At this point, time-wise, I was really behind where I wanted to be, so I thought "hey, since I'm not stuck with copy paper anymore, let's try a different size!" and concluded for some stupid reason that making bigger pages would be easier or something. I never claimed to be a smart person.


    Here's a little tip for anyone interesting in drawing faces- the more detail you put into teeth, the more menacing and off putting they look.


    Bit of an experiment on this page- using the more sketchy style in action shots, and trying to use cleaner lineart in the "calmer" portion. It works to a point, but as I begun to re-learn- the calm section still needs some black pools to help it pop- otherwise it looks washed out.


    Eventually I started to use a smaller canvas-size, and also moved away from the airbrushed color look to a more cel-shaded appearance. While I like the airbrush feel, it was also a bit too much of a contrast with the linework. Lines also continuing to be more confident.


    Started to experiment more with the space provided, being more expressive and crap, like I even know what the hell I'm doing.


    Just noticed like literally seconds ago Sonichu's and Rosechu's text bubbles merged. Heh- whoops.

    In regards to OSnichu's eyes- yeah, they're supposed to be burnt out- hence why he's wandering around blind. By all regards I probably could draw his head with like one giant socket, but that might be a touch too gross.

    Annnnd here's the last page I posted before the Farms was firebombed!! Text is... really tiny. Will need to be more conscientious about that in the future. Otherwise, lineart continues to grow smoother- remembering to include pools of shadow.... it's coming along.

    So there we go. That is -almost- the entire set. However, I still need to upload some other odds and ends, but for now, that is the collected TRS from Christian Love Day 2014 to Christian Love Day 2017. Here's to hoping I can get back into the groove and continue to bring you fine folks more pages.

    Thanks to all the fans who read this - you are the main reason why I keep doing this.