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Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Yawning Sneasel, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Bruh if we randomly swung by there and sat and ate, we'd be the liveliest pair of people the Fashion Square Mall has seen since 2009, and it'd probably be a little depressing because of that lol
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    cumrobbery and Ms. Mowz like this.
  2. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    For some reason this makes me wanna know what Chris' monsters would be like if he went to Silent Hill.... and what endings he'd get.
    cumrobbery and Ms. Mowz like this.
  3. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Chris would get the dog ending if he was in Silent Hill.

    (And now I want to see some kind of showdown between Chris and the Silent Hill 4 circumcision guy.)
  4. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Funnily enough I thought about adding "Knowing Chris he'd somehow get the Dog ending as his canon ending."

    But retracted that when I realized I was thinking from the perspective of Chris writing a Silent Hill story as opposed to him actually facing his demons there.

    When I give serious thought into this...

    I see him mostly playing the role Laura plays in SH2. Being an insufferable brat who screws over everyone else and is suspiciously immune to monsters...

    Though unlike Laura who is innocent and understands James isn't, for Chris he'd be immune to the monsters and unable to see then simply because those monsters represent personal demons and Chris doesn't feel guilt or remorse.

    At least this is based on my understanding of the series. I only played 2 because the PC Version is abandonware with a fan mod that makes it playable.

    Then again Eddie didn't feel guilty about anything and he still had monsters, actually he was turning evil because of persecution complex.. so maybe Silent Hill only spares the truly innocent and not those who legitimately perceive themselves as such while being guilty as hell...

    Actually wait.. I completely forgot about Angela whose only crime was killing in self defense..

    Moving on, I could see Chris getting the dog ending with Patti controlling everything.. failing to understand any symbolism about how the things Chris deems good leading him to evil (Since Patti was controlling Silent Hill and she was the only individual that Chris showed geniune care for) and singing the bark version of the ending credits with her. Being derpy, off-key, but weirdly charming in an autistic way.

    I dunno I always liked Resident Evil better anyway.


    I ultimately see Chris as someone immune to real consequences as him getting away with everything beyond some minor humiliation seems to be a rule of the universe. As his true punishment for being Chris is the fact that he is Chris.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  5. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    This forum probably has more users than the mall there.
    ToroidalBoat and Ms. Mowz like this.
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    Skeletor likes this.
  7. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    When did people start using DA again? I thought everyone moved on to other art sites.
    The Scrunkly and ToroidalBoat like this.
  8. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Wow he’s still into MLP.
    Ms. Mowz and ToroidalBoat like this.
  9. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    That is the first time I heard of Deviantart in a while. Takes me back
    Skeletor and Ms. Mowz like this.
  10. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Of course he is, a big part of his end of days prophecy is that he needs to get Hasbro to do a few more seasons of FiM so the world can end.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  11. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    Well, if the world will end if Hasbro releases those seasons, don't you think maybe they won't release them?

    And this is pretending that the ramblings of an insane autistic manchild are true
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  12. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    No no see by delaying the end of this world in that way they damage Equestria and anger Celestia who Hasbro knows is real because they psychically communicate with her to get episode scripts, because creativity doesn't exist.

    This is what Chris actually believes.

    (Though with Gen 5 reaching nowhere near the financial success of Gen 4 I could see Hasbro returning to FiM in some way.. which Chris will take credit for because he's Chris)
    ToroidalBoat, RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  13. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    LOL the bronies scared away any kind of audience it may have had.
    RetardBus and ToroidalBoat like this.
  14. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    More like Gen 5 was trying to scare off the Bronies to get the kids back, which wasn't a good idea because the Bronies were the ones dropping money on merch and spreading the show via word of mouth.

    They promised Gen 5 would be a direct continuation of FiM but that proved to be a lie
    RetardBus likes this.
  15. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Thought you were talking about Gen 5 of pokeymons for a second, and was thinking "wasn't that ~2010?".

    Seems that lolcow was the first "brony", and he could very well be the last.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  16. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Actually the fandom is still very much alive. It mostly focuses on making fanworks for and about Friendship Is Magic.

    Generation 5 is not outright hated or anything, it's just the Bronies tend to be "lukewarm" about it, not really bashing it, but not really giving it positive attention either. Sometimes you do see Gen 5 fanworks, but it's rather rare and seems to reference the IDW Comic (which uses an art-style and tone closer to Friendship Is Magic, there actually was a Season 10 of Friendship Is Magic made for the record, but it was done as a special "After The Ending" arc of the comic named "Season 10!" as an eye-catching gimmick more than a true continuation) more than the actual show. Much of Bronydom was absorbed into the furry fandom, but you still have things like FIM Fiction (The MLP-centric version of fanfiction.net) that remain solely Pony focused.

    "Ore, why the fuck do you know this?"

    Some of my friends are still Bronies, heck, I even have one who's so hardcore about it that he doesn't consider anything past the first season canon other than the Discord two-parter. (Which as he has told me numerous times, was originally intended to be the Season 1 Finale before the episodes were moved to the beginning of Season 2 so it could start with a ratings boosting 2-parter)

    My point is less "My friends are freaks", and more "MLP has a seriously dedicated fandom"

    What's more surprising to me is Chris still being into the HD Neptunia series, as I'm surprised that had a fandom to begin with.

    The developer Idea Factory was known for making horrible, largely Japan-Only RPGs like Spectral Tower. The original Hyperdimension Neptunia is legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played. HD Neptunia was merely the first game of theirs to ever do well in America.

    How? Nipoon Ichi not only had their company guest star as "Nisa" who was a series mainstay (Until the reboot), but published the game in America, and American Nippon Ichi fans are a small, but devoted cult... So when that cult got the word out on this largely self-referential gaming themed RPG where you played as the guest of the Sega Saturn to stop a witch who personifies Video Game Piracy, well that moved units because Meta-Humor was still a fresh concept, and Piracy hadn't cemented itself as a necessary evil required to ensure media preservation yet.

    It did well in Japan because Idea Factory got a bunch of other (Largely Japan Only) companies to put their name on it, with the justification that they would have their companies personified as party members.

    Now how it became a franchise when the first game was continuous grinding through randomly generated dungeons with the same enemies and layout, with all the jokes being Neptune looking at the camera and saying "Hey guys, did you know that Mario exists?" I will never know. (To be fair, Neptune is a pretty entertaining character, she's just the namesake of a terrible series)

    For the record: The version of the original game in Steam is not the original PS3 release, so if you're wanting to look into to it to see how bad it could possible be, keep that in mind. The Steam version is a remake of the original game that establishes a new canon.. (and to be fair, has better jokes, as in... actually spoofing the tropes it seeks to mock instead of just casually mentioning that video games exist) It largely exists to pretend the original and infamously horrible entry never happened, and to get Nisa out of the story. (Short version: The heads of Nippon Ichi pissed off the staff at Compile Hearts, and Compile Hearts was more crucial to the game's continued success as a franchise than Nippon Ichi, as Nippon Ichi was only ever involved to get Westerners to buy the game.) (For anyone who cares, the Nisa character is still used in the Disgaea games, though her backstory was retconned in her later appearances so that she's just a generic super heroine instead of being Nippon Ichi's manifestation in Gameindustri)

    This is also why HD Neptunia has like five hundred spinoffs and sequels, Idea Factory was so used to churning out bargain bin crap fast enough to keep their heads above water that when Neptunia actually made money they decided to scrap everything else and become the "Neptunia Company!" (Which tbh, I'd have done the same thing if I ran a failing business, just hatch my wagon to the first thing that people actually liked)

    Now, given that Chris famously does not play or seem to enjoy RPGs (Beyond Pokemon), it actually is a bit of a headscratcher why he likes HD Neptunia.

    I understand it's an Idea Guys originated idea, but before I realized Chris didn't like RPGs, I just assumed he had played the games and liked them despite them being horrible. He didn't, he just saw the promotional anime which only lasted about twelve episodes. So it's surprising it had such a big impact on him to the point that he still claims to be CPU Blue Heart in CURRENT YEAR. Ya think he had cast it aside or forgotten about it by now, especially since he doesn't need the CPU angle to be divine anymore now that he's Jesus.

    Though a bigger mystery to me, is why doesn't he like RPGs. Isn't that genre a magnet for autistic people?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  17. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Didn't he get into that series because of the "Idea Guys" meddling?
    RetardBus likes this.
  18. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    True, but given that Chris does not play RPGs, I wonder why he stayed interested in it instead of letting it fall by the wayside like a lot of other things the Idea Guys introduced him to.

    It's also really weird he doesn't like RPGs, I mean, while they are the stereotypical "Smart Person Game", and Chris is... Honor Roll, pretty much any RPG can be beaten easily if the player just grinds enough, and being relaxed by repetitious actions is a common autistic quirk.

    I know a lot of weens tried to get him to play Persona 5 (And I have no idea why), but I don't think he ever played that. I don't think he's even mentioned playing Sonic Chronicles (the Sonic RPG) or the Paper Mario series.
    RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  19. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    And I definitely remember some ween with an autistic obsession with Nocturne paying Chris to shill that game.
  20. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    He did actually play Persona 5 Royal on a lengthy stream, because some moron who was constantly orbiting Chris to the point of getting followed back by him on Twitter and getting regular replies, actually shipped him a sealed copy of it for the Switch. From what I observed, this guy I'm talkin about had actually orbited Chris, enabled him, and started falsely white knighting him to befriend Chris, just to get him to play Persona 5, his favorite game of all time. I couldn't make this shit up even if I tried. Is that the only reason he tried so hard to befriend Chris? Probably not, but there's only so much I can know for sure.

    This idiot ended up deactivating his account twice around 2 months ago when two people confronted him and warned him in DMs that Kiwi Farms and EDF were planning to dox him for touching the shit and white knighting Chris constantly to make another example out of the weens, and thankfully he hasn't been back since. Probably for his own good, I'm glad he didn't get himself doxxed like other weens have.

    Fucking weens, homie.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
    Ms. Mowz likes this.