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8/11 - Bronycon 2017

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

    The aftermath:
  2. Birdoj

    Birdoj bird but in esperanto

  3. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

  4. Matthew's Mother

    Matthew's Mother 9/11 casualty

    I imagine going into any of the bathrooms in this place, and this cacophony of squeeky farts and diarrhea just assaults you as soon as you walk in the door.

    The amount of sugar and other junk being consumed at an event like this across the weekend must be insane.
    TiggleYaPoosay and Trefoil Knot like this.
  5. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    There's only one real superstar in that lineup and the other's merely just OPL.

    Great thread. Chris is bruising weirdly it sees to me on his lower bicep on his left arm near his elbow towards the outside in one of those pictures. Walking around a hotel for three days causing his calves to hurt, especially when his elevated pain tolerance he normally exhibits is taken into account, is a bad sign for a 35 year old guy. I too am mystified by the tweet referencing his purple recolor on the trip with him to this collection of cloppers. The relying on others to save him with a ride share opportunity at midnight because he didn't get his car out of the parking garage on time is exactly the kind of thing only the king of lolcows can be sure to deliver to the fans. I'm rotting produce right now for it to be handy for throwing at the screen while watching the impending begging videos after his vacation while broke. 2017 has been a hell of a year to be a cwcki author so far and looks like it won't be hitting the brakes anytime soon as it arrives at its conclusion, my best wishes to all you Christorians updating that thing during this robust new era of major and minor shit almost daily.
  6. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    oh god yes that's coming. Chris tried to hide from reality at Bronycon and all he did was delay the mean ol' troll debt collectors. I bet in addition to the ebegging to 'fans' he'll be tweeting his new 'friends' from Bronycon, maybe even trying to panhandle at the celebs on facebook. It might have been the real reason he went there: to find allies(suckers) who'll bail him out.
  7. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Nah, Chris loves his mlp shit. Probably the most fun weekend he's had in ages.
  8. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    So where do we stand on the odds for each of the voiceactresses he met getting sick of his BS like Doopie and telling Chris to fuck off?
    I don't think we're going to hear the end of his Bronycon experience any time soon.
    Someone In A Tree and QuiltGuilt like this.
  9. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    At least he got out and had human interaction.
  10. Count Olaf

    Count Olaf The Swedish term for beef that is roasted

    Not to mention there's still the court date he has to attend later this month. If he doesn't go and his car gets repo'd down the road as a result I can only imagine the kind of begging we'll see.
  11. Someone In A Tree

    Someone In A Tree Well-Known Member

    Chris is just a typical Brony and these actresses have enough followers that Chris
    Is just another voice in the crowd. It would have to take a lot more than calling them 'darling' to set them off.
  12. Liquid Squirtle

    Liquid Squirtle Still Shitposting on the Moon Staff Member Administrator

    Not likely, I imagine they all know to go the Tara Strong route and ignore him. Considering that manchildren regularly make weirder requests in their Twitter feed this isn't worth much to them.

    I'm not really going to try and read too much into it. Apart from Chris dabbing, which should be a crime against humanity, this was probably the most fun he's had in a long time. At Bronycon suddenly he's not always the weirdest or grossest person in the room and his infamy is the only thing that seems off. It's also a denial tactic for his upcoming court date.
  13. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    calling his shitty attempts at dabbing a crime against humanity sounds like a-logging to be honest
  14. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    It's dabbing. It's pure evil no matter who does it.
  15. Major Tech Priest

    Major Tech Priest Adeptus Biologis studying Sonichu

    Trilby likes this.
  16. Serial Murderer

    Serial Murderer Your best friend

    I burst out in laughter at that very first picture. quality entertainment haha
  17. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

  18. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    Watch it Kelly, chris knows who you are.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  19. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    He's always been like that. Back in the old days we used to call it Squirt-Logging, but that made everyone deeply uncomfortable.
  20. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Squirt-Logging sounds like the kind of fetish only the *real* weirdos look for on PornHub