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Blood Whistle

Discussion in 'Internet Fiction/Fanfiction' started by Ms. Mowz, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    The tune of the Blood Whistle played over and over, a loop that only exacerbated the sound within the walls of my psyche. I tried exiting out of whatever this program might have been but the window wouldn't close. I eventually had to take out my laptop battery, which didn't sit too well with my OS. Luckily, I didn't lose any files. Now for the gameplay.

    I was on a weak imitation of the world 3 level map. The water was none other than blood. Ravenous fish jumped out of the water, looks of primal hunger on their faces. There was something off about Mario's map representation that I noticed right away. Along with his Raccoon tail, the blood whistle was now a permanent fixture through his body. His skin had dulled a little from its prior shade of gray, now more outwardly noticeable. His mustache now had dots of red clung to it as well. Without my or Mario's control, needless to say, I was moved to the first underwater stage.

    A cherry red tint absorbed the entire screen. This was to be expected, as the water looked blood-ridden from the outside as well. I swam down the left side of the level to get a fire mushroom. As soon as Mario got it and his outfit changed, he got an evil simper on his face.

    He looked at me and said "Revenge, yes?" I confirmed his suspicions and then we set off for the danger that lurked near. The fish cast malevolent gazes at Mario as he swam by, incinerating them. His normal, happy smile returned. So did mine. The annihilation of the carnivorous critters didn't last long before both Mario and I faced a hellish dilemma.
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  2. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    There was a large fish with rows of razor-sharp teeth. Below him were two power up blocks, one black-looking and one purple-looking. I assumed that these were supposed to mean red and blue. Obviously there was no progress from this point without finding out what these blocks had in store. Mario's expression changed back into its gaunt appearance that he has had for the majority of the game. Knowing I had no other choice, I dauntingly hit the block that was black in appearance on the left.

    The fish swam around from its position in top of us and began to tear off Mario's limbs. By this time a group of fish had congregated around the entire scene. Their laughs were deep and short, registering as barks for the 8-bit sound processor. Mario's unable body wobbled as he bled out, spewing black across the red. When he finally died, the big fish began to laugh. After a couple of seconds Mario's limbs re-grew. With the blue block remaining, I hit it to get this all over with.

    Bubbles stopped coming from Mario's mouth. He cried out for help but that only made the problem worse. He sucked in tons of water, his hands around his neck. His face began to grow from gray to blue in a matter of moments. He kicked and fought, but he only wore himself down. Getting angry, he began to incinerate random fish that had gathered in the crowd. The fish began to laugh louder. For every fish he killed, two more appeared in its place. After a while he just gave up. I watched as Mario uttered his last gurgle on world 3, the Blood Whistle stabbing and taking him away. I saved and quit with haste. See you all tomorrow.
  3. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Say, do you think we should make a thread on Sonic.exe and its author? I feel like there's more than enough there for a thread.
  4. John_doe26

    John_doe26 There was once a time when everything was fine

    Sep 28, 2022
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    Only the original, Round 2, and the 2017 reboot were written by the original author, JC the hyena who also groomed children and was a massive creep in general.
    The original stories were overshadowed by the fangames they spawned, and in my opinion, the original and Round 2 are so horrible, they're hilarious, while the reboot is the literary equivalent of being trapped in a room with the most annoying and worst Sonic fanboy you can imagine.

    Sorry for sperging about a bloody eyed hedgehog.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  5. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    JUNE 10TH, 2012
    Campus police gave me a visit today. Apparently one of you had reported my comments related to suicide and claimed I was insane. As a result, I have eliminated all personal information from this blog. I located the person who reported me and banned him. I also have an IP tracker, so don't any of you try that. Speaking of followers, fifty thousand? I had never expected this page to accumulate this many active viewers. Wherever this popularity – or notoriety – came from, I am grateful. Now for today's gameplay. After today, I'll be lucky to finish the game.

    Princess Toadstool's letter appeared after the previous screen from world 3 faded out. She was squirming and shifting around. Bowser's hand covered her mouth and nose, but it was easy to see the fear in her eyes. They darted left and right in stark, true fear. Bowser continued to have that sadistic smile on his face as he struggled with her. After about a minute and a half, Peach began to change.

    Her eyes grew an ominous read as she pushed Bowser's arm away with inhuman strength. She cackled like a loon, blue veins bulging so noticeably that they were clearly visible through her white satin gloves. Bowser than began to cower in timidity. The text on the letter said only this:



  6. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    The letter scene was abruptly cut off and the world 4 level select map was brought into view. Goombas and Koopas of all sizes appeared, furious and hungry as ever. This addition made sense. This was the giant/tiny world, the shown enemies would be dimensioned as such. The normally green grass was withered and dead. The small patches of water were blood. Mario still was in the fireball fatigues that he donned in world 3. When compared the other worlds, the map view for this one was vastly less disturbing. I would go as far to call this tolerable. Mario moved towards 4-1, into whatever nightmarish scenario this stage had to offer.

    The stage had the usual kinks of any level in this game. The sky was black, which made the white clouds vibrantly contrast. A reversed version of the ground level once again played. The wood – as it had been before – was decaying and wasting away beneath Mario's feet. The pipes were faded and cracked in various places. All of the enemies still possessed the same carnivorous looks of their inter-game counterparts. There was, oddly enough, a startling abundance of them. Koopas and Goombas danced around in a ritualistic manner. Mario was visibly petrified as he tried to avoid them, my arrow keys keeping them inches away from his life. Amidst the all of the din, there hovered a solitary power up block.

    It was regular in appearance. Nothing was outwardly off about this, which greatly surprised me. Not knowing what horrid item it contained, I bumped it in blind vain. That maybe it could help me. You can most likely infer from the intonation I made in the preceding paragraph that I was completely mistaken. What appeared next is what I dreaded. That damn whistle. It was sitting there, blood washing over it as it rose from the yellow square. It sat there almost beckoning my name. With the imposing enemies, I knew I had no other choice. I took the weapon from its place. Fruitlessly hoping for the best, readily expecting the worst.
  7. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    The on-screen foes ceased all activity. Their faces returned to a neutral, bank state. Five minutes they stood in place like this not moving a muscle. I jumped around and tried to kill them, but to no avail. It's almost as if they were frozen within the confines of time itself. As if for specifically them, all interstellar and physical continuity came to a careening halt. Then they began to move. After the first couple had did it, I realized What truly was going on. This was a mass suicide. Most of them just jumped in the nearest hole, but others performed incredible feats of acrobatics and medical possibility.

    One Koopa was bashing his head in on a pipe. Another Goomba jumped six or seven times his own height, turned around in the air, and sent blood flying everywhere with a great splat. Soon all of the enemies were dead. Their remains were spontaneously upchucked from the trench below. A grisly mixture of guts and gore littered the entire remainder of the level. Mario shuffled through the remains, horrified with tears streaming on his face throughout. Random deep, bassy tones played with nothing else to accompany.

    Realistic squishy sounds were emitted every time Mario took a step in the scattered carnage. He continued to cry for the duration of the level. The whistle faded into view and followed Mario a few inches above his head, like a pestilential virus. After he cleared it, of course, the whistle went straight through his chest as Mario was headed to world 5. The game has a habit of putting me where it needs me to be, so I closed the window without saving.

    Witnessing all of that death really racked my nerves. Sure it might be a game, but with the things this game has had to present to me I'm starting to lose my perception of reality. I'm starting to wonder to myself what is real and what is inside the computer. These two things are quickly fusing into one. The lines… they're blurring. Pretty soon the days will start fading together, and by then I'll have lost all sense of reality. I hope to see you all tomorrow. I don't know how much longer I can put up with this game. No, it's not a game. I couldn't tell you what this is.
  8. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 little cat says hi

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I guess this kid never heard about psych care
    a psychotic break while playing a video game :nicememe:
    John_doe26, The Scrunkly and Ms. Mowz like this.
  9. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    One thing that keeps ringing in my head as I'm posting this real bad pasta (that I'm kind of surprised nobody else has mentioned in the thread so far): Did the kid that wrote this not realize that 99% of this wouldn't even be possible to pull off in an NES game, even a hacked one? Yeah, I know this is minor compared to the other problems with Blood Whistle, but still. Hell, those pictures he made (which are the sprite equivalent of "NICE FUCKING MODEL! *HONK HONK*", BTW) actually breaks the three color limit on NES sprites.
  10. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    So how long does this "creepypasta" drag on for? o_O

    (you know a story may be unenjoyable if you ask how long it goes on)
    The Scrunkly and Ms. Mowz like this.
  11. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I checked. There's four parts left. The June 11th "entry" is next, and it immediately starts off with something incredibly stupid.
    ToroidalBoat and The Scrunkly like this.
  12. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    A common tip in writing circles is, "if it isn't absolutely necessary, cut it out." If this author followed that advice, this story would be about a paragraph long.
    ToroidalBoat and Ms. Mowz like this.
  13. John_doe26

    John_doe26 There was once a time when everything was fine

    Sep 28, 2022
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    In other words, it goes on for way too long.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
    ToroidalBoat and Ms. Mowz like this.
  14. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I think he's making it a play by play of all 8 worlds in SMB3 with a "2spooky4me" twist. Probably in the hopes that somebody would turn his awful pasta into a real ROM hack, not thinking about, well...
    The Scrunkly and John_doe26 like this.
  15. John_doe26

    John_doe26 There was once a time when everything was fine

    Sep 28, 2022
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    Wait I just remembered something, wasn't the guy who wrote this banned from the creepypasta wiki for posting actual gore?
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  16. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    JUNE 11TH, 2012
    Today being D-Day fits, because I'm fighting one hell of a war against this game (and a losing one at that). At least there are no more mishaps with you all so far, which puts me at rest. As of today's gameplay, I fear for my own life. I feel as if something is coming after me. Lurking, seeking me out as to make immediate my demise. Never before has anything like this ever happened. Never before has anything electronic made me truly afraid, truly scared. I most likely will get no sleep tonight. Nothing in particular occurred, it's just… you'll find out below.

    I was in the middle of the cloud portion of world 5. The sky theme played, except it was drastically slow and demonic whispers were clearly audible. The whispers were almost the same as the ones I heard back in world 2. Mario was outfitted with the Tanooki suit, which naturally suited the environment. There was nothing there except two things: A red dot, and a card game.

    The card game icon looked similar enough to its regular game clone, except the spades rolled across a red background instead of a blue one. Now, for whatever reason, I was allowed to choose which path to take. I chose to do the card game, hoping it would serve as some sort of reprieve from all the madness. That was not the right choice.

    Toad didn't explain the rules of the game like normal. Instead, I was plunged into the rolling slots. Beside the slots was a risky scenario. Toad was on a guillotine. He looked at the camera with timid, teary eyes. He also was vigorously shaking his head. He shook his hands in a futile effort to free himself from this appalling apparatus, but nothing came of it. The entire picture engulfed me so much I didn't even notice the slots. I cautiously pressed them, trying as best I could to line them up given the stress of the situation. I failed, and had to pay the personal price.
    Congratulations likes this.
  17. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    The blade fell with breathtaking speed. Toad was beheaded right then and there. His head did a couple of spins in the air before landing in a conveniently placed nearby basket. The initial spins flayed blood across the white room. Blood filled the basket and filled it up, toad's body spraying blood from the stump where his head used to be. Out of nowhere, the Blood Whistle came down and struck his torso. The scene faded out and back to the map. I was moved to the only remaining destination in world 5.

    Silent lightning streaked across the licorice black sky. Gray clouds and Mario were the only other consistently visible things. As far as everything goes, silhouettes of winged demons flew and danced in the background. I tried turning into the stone structure the Tanooki suit is so famous for, but it failed. No music at played. None at all. The demons would be heard whispering in what sounded like a variety of languages.

    Spanish, German, and Latin were the most prevalent ones. A primal fear of the unknown gripped me as I blindly navigated the level. Judging by the look on Mario's face, it plagued him also. This stemmed from childhood, which made it all the worse. I not only felt like Mario was in danger, I felt like my livelihood and well-being were in danger. At that moment, one of the demons swooped down.
  18. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Playing a spooky mario romhack is literally just as bad as fighting a war.

  19. John_doe26

    John_doe26 There was once a time when everything was fine

    Sep 28, 2022
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  20. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 little cat says hi

    Jan 23, 2017
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    is this guy saying D-Day was June 11th? Because it was June 6th