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YouTube 04/22/24 Harvesting Process, Gravel at the Sonichu Temple

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by RetardBus, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    The title is spot-on. In this video, Chris uses a trowel and his hands to shovel a bunch of gravel into a plastic bucket. Then Chris waffles on about his usual religious mumbo jumbo.

    This new video Chris uploaded 5 days ago is pretty boring for the most part, but there are interesting things to note about it. The first being that this is the first time Chris has returned to 14 Branchland Court since September 4. The second is that at 33 seconds in, we hear a distinct sound from his phone. I recognize what this sound is. It's the default call hang up sound on Samsung Galaxy phones. I know this because in my sophomore year of high school back in 2015, I had a Galaxy S5.

    That means Chris was on the phone with someone before he started recording, and hung up at that point in the video. However, he wasn't holding a conversation with them after he started recording. Maybe some Praetor people wanted to silently listen in on what Chris was doing and told him to take the call. Creepy thought. The other possibility is that he was talking to Flutter before recording, and she hung up on Chris when you hear that sound in the video. Other than those two shots in the dark, your guess is as good as mine.

    According to the CWCki, the rocks we see in this video are different from the gravel Chris has for sale on the OfficialCWCMart store on Etsy. This indicates that the ones he started selling before this video are probably generic stones from a hardware store he's been reselling to gullible weens for a quick buck.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
  2. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    oh FFS

    Also I thought he was banned from there.
    Sparklemilhouse and RetardBus like this.
  3. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    If he was able to go there back in September, and was able to go back there 5 days ago while broadcasting it to several thousand people on the internet with no police interference, I guess not. Unfortunately.
  4. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    There is probably some ween that gets suckered into purchasing those rocks...
  5. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Weens are so fucking stupid, that Chris-Chan can sell them rocks. Incredible.
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    And yet weens think they're "trolling" by buying rocks.
  7. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    and not even interesting rocks like geodes, just plain gravel
  8. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Y'know shit like this is why I never doubt that weens are significantly dumber than Chris himself. So much so that they get scammed by him selling them gravel for $15 dollars.

    Weens have the collective IQ of a fucking boulder.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
  9. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    I know right? Imagine being scammed by Chris of all people
  10. Kong


    Feb 28, 2016
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    The best part of this is not only does he part dumb weens from their money, but the fact that Chris will get money will make other weens who really hate Chris mad as well. Bravo Chris.
  11. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    For once Chris is the one successfully trolling everyone else. Oh how the tables have turned in 2024.
  12. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    It's been speculated that the overpriced "art" and "relics" that "Praetor" is selling is part of some "money laundering" scheme, with that egotistical lolcow being blissfully unaware of that.

    Dunno how credible that is.
  13. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    This was a guy who tried to blackmail a man he believed to literally be Tito from Rocket Power, and he communicated with this person over public youtube videos, meaning not only was there a ton of evidence of extortion that would incriminate Chris, but trying to black mail someone through a public forum of any kind is self-defeating even if it wasn't illegal because you've already loudly announced the information you're demanding money in order to keep secret.

    Being scammed by Chris should be impossible, but we live in a society....
  14. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    Hearing Chris compare himself to dirt in a positive manner is as amusing as it is surreal.
  15. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Wait a second, isn't he not allowed back at Branchland? Has he recorded himself violating a court order?
    RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  16. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Didn't that protective order expire?
  17. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    The protective order we knew about expired after Chris was arrested and incarcerated in early August 2021, since he wasn't free again until March 2023. We don't actually know if there's any legal order barring Chris from being near Barb, and there probably isn't any that says he can't be present at 14BC.

    If anything like that did actually exist after the Jail Saga ended, then it was probably thrown out after his charges were dropped last August. I say this because it was well documented that Chris went to his childhood home to retrieve some belongings back in early September, and nothing happened. Similarly, this video was uploaded a week ago and has over 16,000 views right now, and Chris wasn't arrested for violating any sort of court order.

    I don't think Chris should be allowed to be around Barb again unsupervised either. While there's a lot we don't know and likely will never know, the fact Chris isn't a registered sex offender, and he can still freely waltz around Barb's place nowadays is a good example of how the legal system failed when tasked with handling a high profile disturbing and unprecedented case. One that I don't think it was prepared to deal with.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
  18. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    There's a lot I could say about that, but discussing the circumstances around the... event.. is such a landmine at this point that I decided to delete that and move on. All I will say is that Chris cannot be left unsupervised not because he is dangerous in a malicious criminal sense, but because he can't distinguish between what's in his mind and what's in front of his eyes. The state knew that, they then took two years reconfirming the obvious while trying to find some way for him to be competent enough to stand trial, and instead of declaring him a ward of the state and putting him in some kind of therapy program, they let him go. That is the failure.

    I'm just gonna move on and get back to the topic at hand.

    I spoke with a friend of mine with interests in Christory about the rocks today. Said friend mentioned that buying the rocks isn't as dumb as it sounds, these people probably just want the packaging it comes in with return address attached, something to put on their shelves with some documentation proving it came from an infamous person. On that perspective, I can see it, but I'm still not putting money done. Even buying from Chris has proven to be risky given that he doxes people when they complain about not getting their order... Well that and it's literally just gravel.
  19. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Even if he does start sending the gravel from 14BC's driveway instead of the supposed generic hardware store stones weens were buying from him before this video was uploaded, is that really that much of an improvement? Aside from it's extremely tenuous association with Christory, I don't see how gravel from a rural Virginia driveway in any other part of the state would be any different from it. Hell if I was a far bigger idiot myself, I could probably go to some random abandoned house around here in Syracuse that nobody cares about, fill a plastic bucket with some gravel in the driveway, then hand it to a ween and tell them it's a bucket of 14BC gravel I had shipped up north, and they'd probably believe me.

    I really wasn't kidding when I said weens are significantly more stupid than Chris himself is, and I don't think that's an exaggeration after Christian's latest little moneymaking stunt especially.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024 at 7:56 AM
  20. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    weens only care about provoking people, so if buying some gravel from CWC ticks some people off, they'll do it
    that said, yeah, they don't have the foresight to see why their actions seem very stupid to outsiders
    don't get me wrong, Chris is a very strange person, but at least for the last 10 years or so he's figured out how to get money from all the trolling he's been through

    some nitwit paid Chris $1500 for the Sonic totem, so paying a few bucks for some gravel isn't as crazy as some things the weens have done

    I guess from a pseudo-religious context, they're relics because they've been touched by Chris, but any sensible person would regard their interest in Chris as a dirty little secret and not something you'd openly talk about without a screen name