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Financhu Crisis 10-20-2018: Chris gets free Sonichu plushie, is ungrateful.

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by YamchasOnlyFan, Oct 20, 2018.


    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    You entered a DeviantArt contest? Yeah, don't toot your own horn on that. In fact, I'd keep the fact that you post on DeviantArt in general a secret.

    Me neither. It's as bad as making a CWCki Club account at the beginning of the year, then making threads about unimportant and obviously IG-inspired tweets and saying "Epix wins. These are funny and totally not IG-inspired guize."

    I'm on to you.

    This, however, is accurate. It's as if Vivian Gee got New 52'ed out of Christory.
  2. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    Not so much a contest as a friend's OC tournament (It was a sort of commission/gift art for her). I use the same handle here as I do on DA plus I've posted some of my own "fan" art to the Sonichu Fanart thread soooo it's not that much of a secret. :yawn:
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2018

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Dude, she owes you nookie for making you go somewhere like DeviantArt. Just Saiyan.
    HotaruThodt likes this.
  4. Glaive

    Glaive Cyber Tzar Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    On-topic please lads.

    To quickly address. Folks can most certainly reference things they use or enjoy if its topical to a given discussion. I see what you're trying to do. And it's no bueno sir. You can wack off to your own Sonichu rule34 art for all we care.

    "No fear mongering" isn't any sort of autismal hardlined rule, but it's a good nicety to be reminded of.
  5. flowers for sonichu

    flowers for sonichu Better person than Chris


    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    This scary suggestion?

    I'm sure Hotaru is shaking in his boots over this. And now back to our regularly-schedules thread.

    Do you think that, given the fact that Chris is trying to pull a Infinite Crisischu, him fucking the plushie is 1) him trying to bring it to life and 2) fucking life into said plushie is the Infinite Crisischu equivalent of Jason Todd coming back?
  7. Liquid Squirtle

    Liquid Squirtle Still Shitposting on the Moon Staff Member Administrator

    Since Hotaru doesn't seem to have a problem with it I'm not going to be a dick and put you in time-out, but how about Be Civil? Not particularly a fan of your passive-aggressive jabs at people in general either. If you have an actual problem with someone report it to us. Otherwise if you have a compelling concern take it up with them directly in a PM or something rather than interjecting into a thread where it's going to stray off-topic and not actually accomplish anything other than salt. Despite the fact that running a Chris-oriented forum is a more surefire sign of autism than creating Sonichu, we do indeed got this.

    Chris has always had a history of looking a gift horse in the mouth. Someone clearly put a lot of time and effort into the Sonichu plushie so it's even worse in this case, but he's always thrown shade at someone for so much as drawing digitally. He's also scared shitless about the last-drawn version of a character overriding his own so that's also a possible reason why he hates fanart like he does unless it's 1:1 with his. So much so that it was the entire basis of the Asperchu saga. As for if that's changed any, I tried to read the Chupocalypse posts and I smell toast now so no idea.
  8. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    Well considering Chris thinks his art is "perfect" on the first try and his hand-drawn originals are of "professional quality" so it makes sense as to why Chris would look down on most fanart in general.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Which baffles me, because even the most renowned comic book artists in history do multiples drafts of damn near every frame they draw. The only time I saw someone get right in one try was George Perez at a Comic-Con.
  10. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    George Perez is a master though. The guy can fit over 30 something characters on a splash page.

    Also here's another thing to keep in mind: Harry Partridge offered to make Sonichu cartoons for free but Chris turned him down because his style "wasn't anime enough".
  11. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    *rubs temples* ... Only chris could turn down free exposure for his precious passion project because it just didn't suit his precise vision. What else, would chris insist on voicing all the characters himself or would he demand A-list actors?
  12. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    I think Chris said somewhere that he would voice both himself and Sonichu, but Sonichu's voice would be a little higher than his (keep in mind Chris thought he sounded like Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby before he developed TITS)? So...its pretty likely.
  13. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    I remember that now. God, imagine trying to direct him from the booth with his inability to emote?
    "Chris in this scene Sonichu's in danger so you can sound a little worried. I said worried, try again. W-o-r-r-i-e-d not constipated or batshit insane, try again. Fine. Whatever, moving on."
  14. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    He's literally the modern equivalent answer of artistic prime King Kirby back in the golden and silver ages. By comparison Chris is...definitely not that. The background detail levels gap alone between the works of Perez and OPL is the most amazingly wide Grand Canyon of talent divide in human history potentially.

    My question about the thread topic is, will Chris sexually violate this Sonichu on his own volition or will it be a troll induced sex crime being perpetrated on it instead? Either way, there's a countdown until bent duck injection winding down, I just don't know what it reads at this very moment.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  15. flowers for sonichu

    flowers for sonichu Better person than Chris

    I'm currently in his DMs posing at three different underaged girls trying to get him to simultaneously fuck it, burn it, or shove it up his ass. We shall see which one prevails.
  16. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    Well, if it was a plush of Magichan...

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    I would give Chris two weeks. That would guarantee that he meets his three date rule.

    And watching Perez work was fucking amazing. For one of my friends, he drew a teenage Wally West wearing his Kid Flash costume, looking in the mirror to see himself as an adult in his Flash costume.
  18. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Can’t believe we’re talking about a living legend like George Perez, oh and Jack friggin Kirby, in the same breath as Chris Chan. Oh well, art is art :confused: