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Michael Hirtes / Mhirtes / DILDO_ON_FOREHEAD / @TheRealCWC93 (FUCK OFF CHRIS!)

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Janker, Jul 19, 2017.


What is Hirtes?

  1. A-log the 2nd

    2 vote(s)
  2. Grumpy old man in residential home

    13 vote(s)
  3. Chris's worst enemy

    0 vote(s)
  4. Rektbylife

    0 vote(s)
  5. Bernie Madoff's digital cousin

    1 vote(s)
  6. ButtHurts

    3 vote(s)
  7. Forget Anthony Logatto, Hirtes is the real deal!

    3 vote(s)
  8. Doing the Godbear's work

    1 vote(s)
  9. Chris is going to do something dangerously violent to people, forget the polls!

    5 vote(s)
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  1. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Looks like Hirtes recovered from that rage-induced coma.
  2. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Well, I mean, *someone* has to call Chris a "Fatty" 47 times a week, right Alan?

    Oh wait, Naitcha Bah totes said Alan wasn't Hirtes, so it must be true, my bad....
    Very Honest Content and Trilby like this.
  3. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

    Alan is another dude who displays a different signature and went by a different user on the farms. His story checks out after checking the activity on there, I put it to rest more than a week ago. Hirtes won't likely show up here either since he usually defends himself in more populated areas.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
  4. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Fair enough
  5. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Alan has made some funny comments, Hirtes is always the same tired shit.
  6. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    In all seriousness, Hirtes would also have made way more shitty posts.
    Very Honest Content and Maurice like this.
  7. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

  8. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    This would be funnier if Hirtes would shut up and not spoil the surprise for chris.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  9. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

  10. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Because it would be just too unrealistic and silly.

    Seriously he's why is he still bothering these Dolan people? I don't know much about it other than that it has a legitimate online following, why would they want to associate with a laughingstock?
  11. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Because autism. He's roped PD into Sonichu and won't undo it because he thinks it's 100% canon and therefore 100% real.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
  12. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

  13. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Does Hirtes have anything else to do?
    Very Honest Content and Trilby like this.
  14. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Exist as a three-dimensional entity within our universe
  15. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    What if the majority of Hirtes' tweents are computer generated? He makes some tweets and a bot generates new tweets by mixing the words of the already-posted tweets together.
  16. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    What if they all are?
    Very Honest Content and Trilby like this.
  17. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    That would actually mean he didn't spend all his time making them. That is, if they were also posted automatically.
    And that's terrible
  18. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    I think a computer might be more original honestly.
  19. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

    Trilby likes this.
  20. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

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