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Legal Chris removed from his house due to incest

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Holdek, Jul 30, 2021.

  1. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    same with autistic, lunacy, and TMI
  2. Sparklemilhouse

    Sparklemilhouse America Online for Dummies

    Jan 21, 2017
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    that is really cold blooded.

    Chris apparently ran away to regency square mall in Richmond this morning. I’m guessing he didn’t know that place is 99.999% dead now. let’s hope he didn’t set foot at the hoity toity short pump outdoor mall.
  3. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    a mod temporarily locked the thread on KF because the weens were getting out of hand

    yeah, CWC went to the mall this morning before it opened at 11 and that was when Null found out about CWC stealing Barb's money
    IDK if we've heard anything else about him since then, he could be anywhere
    Kong, One Too Many, c-no and 3 others like this.
  4. PigaDgrifm

    PigaDgrifm For every problem there's a Final Solution.

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Coming here to hopefully get some real updates away from the weenery and edgelord trans freak-outs going down on the other board at the moment.

    Anyway, something I was wondering about was how big a role people think the trolling (Specifically the recent "trolling" that built up Chris' delusions so hard, not the people drawing Rosechu with a dick) had on his actions.

    Does anyone here think this wouldn't have happened without the Idea Guys? They caused Chris' slip into outright insanity, and would he have done this if he still at least had one foot in reality like in the old days? Or do you figure such a dark outcome was inevitable? I know the Idea Guys just exploited delusions that had been there for a while and made them stronger, so maybe he would have gotten into this bad a state eventually on his own?

    I don't really know myself. I guess there were signs from the early days that he could do something horrible like this, like how he said he had to draw SheCameFromCWC to keep himself from doing something stupid, how many of the girls he interacted with IRL would have to tell him over and over to stop touching them, and getting thrown out of the convention for making people uncomfortable.

    I also don't think he views what he did to Barb as an act of violence, even though Barb said no and for him to stop and he kept going anyway. He does seem convinced that he did nothing wrong with how he describes his actions, and with how he acts in certain videos with Barb where he's upset because he wants her to say things more flirtatiously or whatever. I don't think he even understands that Barb didn't/couldn't consent.

    He at least used to kind of understand that rape would be bad since he alluded to it as being "something stupid" he'd do, but he has no regret/understanding now that he's actually done it which could be the result of the downward spiral he's been in the last few years.
  5. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    It's hard to say what finally drove him over the edge.
    It could be the Idea Guys, it could be the coronacrud pandemic that forced him to spend more time locked down with Barb. I'm not really sure.

    We've known since 2007 he's not all there, but there's a difference from being a weirdo who gets banned from places for being too autistic to know how to behave in public and someone who rapes a close relative.

    Even before the trolling started in 2007 he kept touching Megan inappropriately. He got kicked out of the Too Many Games con for inappropriately touching people. Ironically Null warned him he could get banned from cons preemptively for this (which seems to have happened with Everfree) or even arrested for sexual assault if he messed with the wrong person.

    And he's been screwed with for nearly 14 years now, which has to take a toll.

    to paraphrase what Null said today -

    Telling Chris to not do a bad thing is like this:

    you know not to do that because it's bad, right?
    so you're not going to do it?
    why aren't you going to do it?
    because it's bad and I could get in trouble
    [does what he's not supposed to do]
    why did you do that? you knew it was bad?
    then why did you do it?
    because [the ponies/CPU goddesses/gem spirits/whatever garbage he believes in] said it was OK

    He's like a mentally screwed up little kid who wants pony time and blames other people (or his imaginary friends) for when he does bad stuff.
  6. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Kiwi Farms May have just ‘sploded as I am having trouble getting in. I’ll try to get back in tomorrow and search through the dumpster fire of a thread.
    So I’ll super condense what’s going on now:
    Edits are in green

    There is a TRO (temporary restraining order) on Chris. Chris can’t go to 14bc or be within 300 ft of Barb. Chris cannot contact Barb or commit any crimes against her. Null found out early this morning that Barb gave Chris $750 through electronic transaction. Null asked Chris if Chris asked Barb for money, violating the order. Chris said no and Barb has not given Chris any money. Null, not being an idiot, shows Chris the transaction history.
    Chris admits to having online control of her account, and “borrowed” the $750 which would’ve been returned. Null gets mad that Chris violated the order and wasn’t honest about the $750. Null blocks Chris and claims he called the cops. Chris has been silent on all social media and, for all we know, is in jail or sleeping in SON-CHU right now. We now know Chris spent some of the $750 on the Regency Inn in Richmond Virginia, where Chris was later arrested from.

    Jacob Sockness is glad he never moved to Charlottesville. A-Log was congratulated for being right the whole time, but just wants to move on. William Elliot Waterman has posted that he has cut all ties with Chris. Marvin (aka the Man in the Pickle Suit and a former Guard Dog) finds the whole situation fucked up.

    There’s another screenshot floating around KF that Chris May have tied Barb up in an attempt at BDSM, this is believed to be fake. There is mentions of a video of Chris having sex with his mother out there. This is almost certain to be fake.

    There’s a debate going on if it is ok or not to refer to Chris, who is now legally a woman, as a man. People are saying don’t misgender Chris, despite Chris being a complete and irredeemable shitbag IMHO, if whatever pronoun you hear describe Chris upsets you, you need to shelve that because CHRIS RAPED BARB.

    There are people questioning the validity of everything because 1) Chris lies all the time, and 2) Most of what we have is through text messages, which can be fake.
    Here’s the thing though.
    1)Chris lies a lot, but Chris has NEVER lied about having sex. Yes, Chris has lied about having a girlfriend, kissing a woman and going on dates, but never once did Chris claim to have sex until the prostitute, which her backpage was found.
    2) Yes, text messages can be fake, but we have one audio call, and that’s really hard to fake.

    In conclusion, Chris raped Barb, stole money for her, and is either sleeping in a car or in police custody, is losing friends, there is no sex tape, do whatever you want with pronouns, and this is probably real.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
  7. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Null joined the line of former white knights who thought they could save CWC from his autism and degeneracy.
    Alas, Chris being Chris bested even the most dedicated white knights.
  8. PigaDgrifm

    PigaDgrifm For every problem there's a Final Solution.

    Jan 20, 2017
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    The pronoun stuff is reminding me of what happened with Randy Stair (person who shot up a supermarket because they thought it would make Danny Phantom real, may have been trans, I don't even know), people are getting real hung up on the wrong things.
  9. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    super teleporting queen pawn takes knight

    It's past 2020. Crazy seems to be the "new normal"...
  10. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Feb 28, 2016
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    Watching people sperg out about "REEEEEEE respect pronouns" need to go outside and touch grass. People on the Farms used to debate this shit on and off and it was whatever, but call Chris whatever you want at this point, I don't think it should matter.

    Aside from that, and I hate to say it, this is really the worst thing to return to after years of being really uninterested in Chris. I may reread Sonichu every so often, but man, that magic is just gone now. It went poof.

    Chris is no longer that weirdo manchild who made an autistic webcomic about "want woman." About having wishes he wanted to fulfill by seeking revenge against trolls, Mary Lee Walsh, Jerkops, Manajerks, 4chan, and whatever else.

    That idiotic innocence died. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think this day would ever come, but I didn't expect it to come with Chris essentially destroying whatever credibility we gave him.

    "Is Chris getting better" will always be a funny joke to me. I'll laugh about that question until I'm six feet under because Chris was never going to get better with us watching. Not blaming us, and frankly, that's what we were going to inevitably do. Chris would broadcast himself and we would watch because, why wouldn't you? The man was a bizarre sideshow and documenting him was fascinating. I enjoyed my time with it.

    But now... And maybe, what we should have all seen coming, this is maybe how this story ends. Chris will most likely get sent to a mental institution or something, I don't see a judge sentencing him to prison, though I've been wrong about plenty before. But when Chris eventually gets out, I don't see us documenting him, I don't see us seeking a return to normalcy. Christian Weston Chandler will no longer be CWC to us. Like I had stated before: the magic is gone. Completely and utterly eviscerated.

    The air will clear, life will go on, sure. But I don't see myself talking about him after all is said and done.

    I enjoyed my time here and, for what little it was worth, the Farms as well. I don't regret the time I spent talking about this weirdo, but I don't think I'll ever really feel all that into opening the CWCki anytime soon.
  11. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Seeing as how Chris was into "cursing" people and touching Megan when she didn't like it, and seeing as how Chris doesn't really learn anything, I think it's possible that Chris has been a sick freak all along, but circumstances held him back in the past.

    I still like KF and the CWCki for being online hangouts.
  12. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Feb 28, 2016
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    Didn't he say something in an email that the reason he made shecameforCWC was because it helped suppress his urge to rape her or something? It's been a while, but that stuck out to me years ago when I chatted with a friend about it.
  13. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Kong, One Too Many, c-no and 3 others like this.
  14. Little Owl

    Little Owl Fredrik Knudsen sent me here

    May 7, 2019
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    Transgender rights is no doubt a genuine issue that is worth fighting for in my opinion, but that has absolutely nothing to do with this decisive blow to my perception of Chris as a silly-but-not-nasty person. Like Null, I am still coming to terms with this brutal revelation, which has ruined everything that we once knew about Chris.
  15. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Chris' car has been spotted at the Regency Inn in Richmond, a "2 star motel" according to Google Maps.

    (street view here)
  16. Sparklemilhouse

    Sparklemilhouse America Online for Dummies

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I feel like the hints have been around for years.
    Forgot about this guy!

    whoo boy, let’s hope he didn’t book the whirlpool room. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone goes over there and scrawls “rapist” on his back window tbh.

    people on Reddit called the hotel, of course.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
  17. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    Jan 21, 2017
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    We have a small update:
    Chris stayed at The Regency Hotel, it’s a shitty motel close by.
    Photos of Son-Chu in the parking lot appeared.
    Here’s a phone call some guy made to the hotel at 2am.

    People are saying this is suspicious. Chris isn’t mentioned by name and the “yeah we called the cops” is a pretty canned response to get someone off the phone.

    What we can confidently speculate is:
    1) Chris was staying there, we know Son-Chu is there and we know Chris has $750 from Barbs account, which is enough to stay there until 8/5 (when the TRO ends) Chris told Null the $750 was for an emergency, so it most likely went into a room and not plastic garbage. I don’t think even Chris is stupid enough to blow it all on toys.
    2) Chris did violate the TRO by taking the $750, which is a good enough reason to contact police.
    3) The Regency’s number is online, so we can safely assume they recurved hundreds, if not thousands, of calls ranging from concerned Christorians to outright trolls. That poor woman on the phone probably had to tell 100 people that yeah, they called the cops.
  18. Sad Ken

    Sad Ken Horrible Cunt

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Probably not the suitable robust intellectual forum for this conversation, but the pronouns thing isn't really about Chris. It's about the principle: Gender identity isn't something you take away because someone has committed a crime, no matter how henious.

    Whilst I personally wouldn't bother fixating on it right now, I can sort of understand why some people would. It's disrespectful to trans people who aren't brainfucked psychopaths like Chris, basically.

    Of course then there's how genuine you think Chris' transwoman identity is. Personally I think it's gone on a bit long for it to be made up or a pure delusion a la the Dimensional Merge. Whilst any doubt that Chris isn't a full-on psychotic nutcase should now be dispelled, he/she/them is extraordinarily lazy. Living as a transwoman, even to the comparatively limited extent Chris does vs. other transpeople (did Chris ever bother with proper hormone therapy or was stealing HRT medicine from Barb enough?), requires conscious mental effort that Chris doesn't normally expend. Pretending you're possessed by Sonichu or Magi-chan really only needs effort for the length of the Youtube video you've made, or chat you're having with someone, be they weens, documentary makers or watch dogs. Doesn't matter a fuck for the other 12 hours a day you spend your fat ass playing video games if you're Sonichu or Chris.

    But hey, I'm not a shrink, so I could be wrong and others I'm sure have their own views in any case. Which is fine, I'm not the thought police.

    Magic was gone on the Idea Guys, imo. BlueSpike at least had the excuse of being a child being egged to take things further to try and fit in with people he thought were cool. The Idea Guys just engaged in criminality for their own gain, irrespective of how bad a person their victim is, and the output from their saga was the unfunniest shit ever. That's why I stopped following regularly around then.

    But I suppose this is another step up.

    In the increasingly unlikely event that this whole thing ends up being a cover / lie for something else, God only fucking knows what that something else must be.
    Kong and One Too Many like this.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Other than Chris himself, the Idea Guys were the trolls who did the most damage to Chris.

    Since they just vanished and haven't really tried to refund Chris or fix things the way they messed them up, I doubt they feel remorse.
  20. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Feb 28, 2016
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    And you may be right. I hadn't been in the loop, knowing that the Idea Guys merely existed. Beyond that, I had dipped.

    The magic, to me, was that Chris was still the same weirdo with people keeping a close on eye on him. In the minds of Christorians and observers and lurkers, Chris was still just Chris, just, a lot less wacky and more sad. He was ultimately harmless up until this point, or so we thought.

    In light of recent events, it's hard to say that anymore. The innocence of looking at Chris in the past, a naive weirdo who drew electric hedgehog Pokemon, is now a little warped. It's both parts sad, upsetting, and horrific. None of us win in the end.

    But hey, maybe when this all blows over, and everything is made completely clear where Chris is going next, maybe I can finally stop talking about it myself.