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A-Log's fanfiction

Discussion in 'Internet Fiction/Fanfiction' started by Ms. Mowz, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    (switch there as Callie is receiving the ultimate fucking treatment from the other girls while Anthony was gone. Mewtha is fucking her backside with a strap-on dildo while Dee Dee is pentrating Callie below Mewtha with another strap-on, also having a chance to wax her ass. Delilah and Haystack are busy tasting Callie's suculent breasts as the Kattz Sisters do the same to them. Sofia then crawls over to Callie's face, and pushes it upward as Callie is tiring from the panting and screwing. Callie then notes that Sofia is wearing a dark black strap-on, and it's waiting to get sucked on. Callie then pictures the dildo as Anthony's and engulfs her mouth on it and sucks ceaselessly.)

    (as the girls give each other sexual pleasure, Enchantra and Josie re-enters the living room carrying a tired Anthony. When they see Anthony, they stop what they're doing.)

    Rita: (sees Anthony with Enchantra and Josie) Anthony! You're back!

    Buzz: Yeah, we were busy treating your girlfriend good.

    Enchantra: (erotically) I know. But I want to show you all a little surprise I got for you girls and Anthony.

    (with that, she chains a tired-looking Anthony by his wrists on the wall and Enchantra then proceeds to touch his crotch area again. Magical powers starts to fill up on Enchantra's hand as she is putting another spell on his hard member. Enchantra continues to hold on to his member as it begins to grow bigger. The other girls watch in awe as Anthony's penis is getting bigger inch by inch. As Enchantra is about to be finished, Anthony awakens and looks on in shock and confusion that, after Enchantra releases her grip, his cock is a lot bigger than the eight inches she gave to him before.)

    Anthony: (shocked to wits end) Woah!! How did that happen?!

    Enchantra: (erotically) It's simple, really. I made your cock a little bigger for all of us. Besides, you can't expect only one of us to pleasure you now, do you?

    Anthony: (unsure) Well... I guess you do have a point.

    Enchantra: (erotically) Exactly. With a cock this big, all of us girls would do anything to pleasure you with.

    Callie: (nervous) Um, Enchantra. (Enchantra turns her head towards Callie) I never done anything this extreme with Anthony before. I mean, will it fit in any of us?

    Enchantra: (erotically) Oh, Callie. (she walks to Anthony's now large head) First we're going to taste him on either side, then set ourselves on his shaft and ride him as usual.

    Rita: Hmph. I got to admit, I've never done this in any of my movies before.

    Josie: Me neither.

    Mewtha: As a stripper, I find this a good challenge for myself.

    Tinna & Tammy: (in unison) Us too.

    Quacketta: (correcting them) But you two are models.

    Tammy: Same thing. (Quacketta face goes into an anime styled annoyed look)

    Amanda: (erotically) Well, Anthony. Everybody's liking the idea.

    Enchantra: (erotically) Wanna give it a try?

    (Anthony thinks long and hard about as he looks at his many girlfriends. He then sighs and gives them his answer.)

    Anthony: (sighs) Oh well. What harm would it do?

    Enchantra: (erotically) (smiles) I knew you'll see this my way.

    (she then guides the other girls into their respective places. The first ten girls [Callie, Rouge, Rita, Delilah, Hello Nurse, Donna, Yankee Poodle, Josie, Cammy, and Sofia] kneel down on the right side of his huge dick, while the other ten [Tinna, Tammy, Allie, Tabbie, Quacketta, Buzz, Dee Dee, Mewtha, Haystack, and Amanda] kneel down on the other side; Enchantra herself kneels down to face his huge head. She smiles as she marvels at what her magic has done. She then licks his huge cock head with her rough tougne, giving the cue to the other girls to start the ultimate oral pleasure.)

    (all the girls lick and suck on Anthony's shaft like it was one long, huge, hard lollypop. Other than Enchantra, who is a professional on oral sex, many of the girls suck on his shaft vigorously, like they were giving him a huge noticable hickey. Enchantra looks up as she inserts her whole mouth on his huge cock head and sees that Anthony is enjoying this.)
  2. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Anthony: (enjoying this pleasure) Oh GOD!!! This is so GOOD!!! Ungh... you girls are the best...

    (Enchantra and the other girls continue pleasuring Anthony into oblivion. Minutes later, which was like hours in Anthony's case, he feels his huge cock twitch really hard. All of the girls, including Callie, soon feel this sensation coming through his veins. Seconds later, Anthony grunts as he shoots a whole jetload of cum into Enchantra's mouth. Enchantra does her best to take his cum in. She then forcably takes her mouth off, getting a facial in the process. Some of the girls take their mouths of his huge cock to check if Enchantra is okay.)

    Amanda: Enchantra, are you okay?

    Enchantra: (catches her breath as she wipes the excess cum of her mouth) I'm fine. It's just that Anthony can't hold his strength in.

    Hello Nurse: Now what should we do?

    Enchantra: (smiles erotically) Follow my lead, girls.

    (Enchantra then stands up, and walks towards Anthony's humongous cock. Some of the girls move out of the way so that Enchantra can pass. She then moves one leg over Anthony's huge cock, and sets her pussy on it. She moans in pleasure as she feels Anthony's cock under her. The other girls watch in awe, especially Callie. Enchantra then looks towards the other girls.)

    Enchantra: (erotically) Come on, girls. I think this orgy is coming to its finale.

    (the other girls smile, and they all go towards Anthony's humongous pecker, and set themselves on its shaft. When they get the feeling right, they start to gyrate themselves on his huge shaft, giving themselves, and Anthony, the ultimate pleasure. Callie is in front of Anthony, while Mewtha is having the hige dick head in her well done cunt. Everyone moans in pleasure from this unusual sexual intercourse. Callie then puts Anthony in a liplock as she gyrates her pelvis on his long, huge, hard shaft. And then, suddenly, everyone feels their body tense, preparing them for orgasm. With a final pleasured scream from each member of the orgy, all the girls cum hard on Anthony's long shaft, and Anthony shoots a humongous load of semen into Mewtha's womb. As the dust settles, all the girls move off his cock, and they lie down in exhaustion; same goes with Anthony. Enchantra then crawls over to Anthony.)

    Enchantra: (catching her breath) Thanks for the orgy, Anthony. (kisses him on the cheek) You were incredible.

    Anthony: (catches his breath) Incredible? That was unbelivable! How can you ever think this up, Enchantra?

    Enchantra: Well, it all comes from being a Penthouse model and succubus, Anthony.
    Almost done
  3. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "(erotically)" :confused:

    (also thanks for adding the tags @Fauna Fox)
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  4. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    (Anthony smiles as Enchantra kisses him on the cheek again. Cut to Callie, who is panting at the price of doing a huge dick, which is beginning to go back to its regular form. Callie feels a little jealous, but actually lucky to have Anthony as her master.)

    (switch to hours later, Anthony's front yard. Anthony and Callie begin to drive up to his driveway, and stop. They then get out of the car, and walk towards the front door.)

    Anthony: Did you like the orgy tonight?

    Callie: (down) Yeah, I guess so.

    Anthony: What's wrong, Callie?

    Callie: Well, it's just that... that you were so lucky to have sex with all those girls, but what about me?

    Anthony: Callie, I know you're jealous, but I just don't want marriage to become an issue. I mean, I can only do polegamy in Utah.

    Callie: I know. (as Anthony opens the door, and they enter his mansion) It's just that you will ignore me and go with those other girls.

    Anthony: (stops walking and turns to face her) Callie, you know that there is room enough for all the girls I love. It doesn't mean that I don't love you.

    Callie: (unsure) Really?

    Anthony: (smiles) Hey, would I be lying if I do this? (he then gives Callie a deep, romantic kiss on her lips. Callie is surprised at first, but gives in to his kiss. Callie carresses his sides as he slides his hands across her back. He then guides them to her backside, and gives them a tight squeeze, thus letting Callie break the kiss and let out a deep, loving sigh.)

    Callie: (sighs lowly) Ooooh, Anthony. I have a surprise for you.

    Anthony: Really?

    Callie: (seductively) Yeah, I was waiting to show to you after the orgy. Wanna go upstairs and see?

    Anthony: (smiles) Sure. In your case, I love surprises.

    (Callie smiles seductively as she walks upstairs, with Anthony following. Cut to Anthony just as he reaches the door to his room. He already knows that Callie is in there, and can't wait for him any longer. He then opens the door, and looks in awe at what he sees. Cut to his view as he sees Callie dressed up in Valentine red lingerie, sitting on his bed coyly. All Anthony can do is watch.)
    Oh, for fuck's sakes!
  5. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Callie: (erotically) You like? (Anthony nods) Then come over here and let's get it on.

    (Anthony does as he is told, and walks over to Callie. Callie lies down on the bed as Anthony goes on top of her. They start to continue their kiss, but they're going into overdrive, in a more pleasurable state. Anthony then breaks the kiss, and takes down the top Callie's lingerie, exposing her 38C breasts.)

    Anthony: (smiles) Callie, Callie, quite contrary. How does your tits grow?

    Callie: All for the better to pleasure me with, my love.

    (Anthony smiles back, and he then starts to lick her breasts very slowly; his tougne swirls around her nipples. Callie leans her head back and moans in ecstasy as her lover gives her breasts a good lipshine. This lasts for about two minutes until Anthony releases her breasts from his lips.)

    Anthony: You like that?

    (Callie moans and nods to him)

    Anthony: Why won't I take this lingerie off?

    Callie: Wait. Why are you doing me first?

    Anthony: (as he takes off her red lingerie) I just wanted to show my own surprise to you later.

    (he takes the whole thing off, and throws it to the corner of his room. He then looks over to Callie's pussy (no pun intended) and licks his lips. He then moves his tounge inside, and starts to eat her out.)

    (Callie moves her head back and moans lowly as she lets Anthony go deeper)

    Callie: (moans sexually) Ooooh, Anthony... you are so good. Ah! Ah! Oh, go deeper. Deeper... oh! (kneads her breasts)

    (Anthony continues to do what Callie wants him to do. He guides his tougne deeper and deeper in her sweet moistened valley. Callie reaches over and grasps his head, not letting him get away as he goes even deeper. Minutes later, Callie can no longer take this pleasure in. She bites her lower lip in order not to scream, but doesn't. She screams in pleasure as she cums on Anthony's awaiting muzzle. As she finishes discharging herself, Anthony takes his mouth off her vagina, excess cum all over his muzzle. Callie couldn't help but giggle as she sits up and licks her cum off his muzzle.)

    Callie: (erotically) Does my cum taste good on you?

    Anthony: Of course. Now for my surprise.

    (Callie helps him take his shirt off and then goes to undo his jeans. As she pulls them down, she recognizes his usual erection from his boxers. But when she pulls them down, she then finally sees Anthony's added inches for herself.)

    Callie: (shocked) Anthony! You've grown! Did Enchantra do this?

    Anthony: Yeah, she said that so I can satisfy more women with this length.

    Callie: (as she marvels at his new size) Well, I didn't expect this to be out of proportion.

    Anthony: Well, if you didn't expect this, why won't you give it a taste test?

    (Callie looks up at him, and nods. She then starts to softly lick the head of his 8 inch cock, causing Anthony to jerk his head back and moan is ecstasy. Callie then puts her whole mouth on his shaft and proceeds to suck vigorously on his cock as she uses her tougne to softly massage his shaft. Anthony then holds Callie's head in place, so she could not get away. Seconds later, he then feels his penis twicthing inside Callie's mouth. He then pulls Callie's head off his cock and proceeds to jerk himself from this point. As he jerks off, Callie can see what's coming so she opens her mouth and waits. With one pleasured moan, he shoots his semen into Callie's awaiting mouth. About 23 loads of cum has splattered Callie on her face, thus giving her a facial. Most of his semen stains her glasses. She takes them off since she won't be needing them later on. She then stands up to face Anthony face to face.)

    Anthony: It seems that I made a mess of your glasses, Callie.

    Callie: (erotically) That's okay. I'll clean them tomorrow. But there's one thing I want you to do.

    Anthony: What's that?

    (Callie smiles as she lays down on the bed and spreads her legs in front of him)

    Callie: (erotically) I want you fuck me. Fuck me like you never did before.

    Anthony: (smiles) Good. There's a position I like to try out.

    (Callie smiles back as she lets Anthony lift her leg up and lets her go on her side. He then holds her leg up as he positions his penis near her vagina. He then shoves his entire length in her as she moans softly. As he starts to fuck Callie at a steady pace, he feels that his glasses is fogging up from the sweat that his body is producing. He goes faster as if he is following an unheard plea from Callie.)

    Callie: (eroitically screams) Oh GOD, Anthony! Oh, this is so good... Ah! Ah! Ungh! AH! Oh, yes this is oh so fucking GOOD! Ah!

    (Anthony goes even faster with his thrusts. Callie grabs one of her breasts and proceeds to lick it, as Anthony gropes the other. As he humps faster, he feels Callie's vagina clenching his member very tightly. He then feels his cock twitch, meaning he is going to blow any minute.)

    Anthony: (as he grunts) Callie... I think I'm... gonna cum...
    Please, just let this end already!
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    This is the hell that never ends

    It just goes on and on, my friends

    It should've ended a long time ago

    But it just goes on and on just to show...
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  7. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    (Callie can only moan as she is also going into orgasm. After a few more quick thrusts, Anthony grunts as he shoots an unbelievable 28 shots of semen into Callie's insides. As he is cumming, Callie screams one last scream of pleasure as she cums all over Anthony's shaft. As their orgasms subside, Anthony pulls himself out of Callie, and collapses on top of her. Callie's blonde hair is now a mess with sweat and she catches her breath.)

    Callie: (catches her breath) Wow. Anthony... that was incredible!

    Anthony: (catches his breath) I know. (he then lays down as Callie goes over next to him. She gives him a kiss on the cheek as he starts to go to sleep.)

    Callie: (lowly) I love you, Anthony LoGatto.

    Anthony: (smiles) I love you too, Calico Briggs.

    (Callie smiles softly and then she rests her head against his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat as she falls asleep. Anthony looks at her softly and then starts to shut his eyes and fall asleep. Fade out.)

    (Fade in the next morning where Anthony is at the kicthen table, as Callie cooks him his breakfast. Anthony smiles warmly to his maid and she smiles back. They then hear the doorbell ring.)

    Callie: Who can that be?

    (Anthony rises up to answer, as Callie follows. Switch to the door as Anthony opens the door, revealing Groucho Quax and Dick Dastardly at the doorway.)

    Anthony: What do you two want?

    Dick Dastardly: Diabolically simple. We're here to see how you and Callie were last night.

    Groucho: Yeah, how was the action at Enchantra's?

    Anthony: Well, it was great. It's really amazing that I had sex with 21 women in one night.

    Dick Dastardly: (shocked) Twenty-one?

    Callie: I was there. (hugs Anthony as he drapes one arm over her shoulder)

    Groucho: Like I said, you have just gotten one sore penis.

    Anthony: You don't even know how the little guy can take along with some of Enchantra's magic.

    Callie: Is there anything else you want while you're here?

    Groucho: No thanks. We're just here to check up on you two lovebirds. Right, Dastardly?

    Dick Dastardly: (tries to keep his anger in) Right.

    Anthony: Good. Me and Callie have some (rolls his eyes) business to attend to.

    (Callie giggles as they walk back in and close the door. Groucho turns to Dick with his hand shown out.)

    Groucho: Well, Dick. You lose. Pay up.

    (with a free hand, Dick forks over his money to Groucho as Groucho begins to count the bills. Fade out.)


    (first clip shows Anthony shaving [Chapter 1])

    Anthony LoGatto

    (fade out. Fade in to the second clip. It shows Callie Briggs seeing Anthony come home [Chapter 9])

    Callie Briggs

    (fade out. Next clip features Rouge showing off her huge breasts to Anthony [Chapter 1])


    (fade out. Next clip features Rita dancing in front of Anthony [Chapter 1])


    (fade out. Next clip shows Delilah as she slams the bathroom door shut and smiles michevously to Anthony [Chapter 2])


    (fade out. Next clip shows Hello Nurse taking off her uniform and reveals her white corset to Anthony [Chapter 2])

    Hello Nurse

    (fade out. Next clip shows Donna Dahl as she is eating her dinner as Anthony enters her house [Chapter 3])

    Donna Dahl

    (fade out. Next clip shows Yankee Poodle excercising in front of Anthony [Chapter 3])

    Yankee Poodle

    (fade out. Next clip features Josie as she lays down on her bed waitng for Anthony [Chapter 4])

    Josie Omitsu

    (fade out. Next clip shows Cammy as she has her braids pulled by Anthony during sexual intercourse [Chapter 4])


    (fade out. Next clip features the Bambi Twins showing Anthony their new leather bodysuits [Chapter 5])

    Tinna Bambi Tammy Bambi

    (fade out. Next clip features Sofia is receiving her massage from Anthony [Chapter 5])


    (fade out. Next clip features The Kattz Sisters each pleasuring Anthony [Chapter 6])

    Allie Kattz Tabbie Kattz

    (fade out. Next clip features Quacketta as she is being picked up by Anthony out of her pool [Chapter 6])

    Nina Quacketta

    (fade out. Next clip features Buzz Bramble as she receives a tit-fuck from Anthony [Chapter 7])

    Buzz Bramble

    (fade out. Next clip features Dee Dee laying on her motorcycle as she is getting gangbanged by Anthony [Chapter 7])

    Dee Dee Kittiano

    (fade out. Next clip features Mewtha as she dances sexually in front of Anthony [Chapter 8])


    (fade out. Next clip features Haystack as she licks both the cocks of Anthony and Hoss [Chapter 8])


    (fade out. Next clip features Enchantra and her friend Amanda as they each get pleasured by Anthony [Chapter 9])

    Enchantra and Amanda

    (fade out)

    With a special appearance by

    (final clip features Billy Lee meeting Anthony at the checkout line [Chapter 8])

    Billy Lee

    With the voice talents of:

    1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself

    2.Tress MacNeille: Callie Briggs, Hello Nurse, Yankee Poodle, Buzz Bramble

    3.Lani Minella: Rouge the Bat

    4.Dorothy Melendrez: Rita

    5.B.J. Ward: Delilah

    6.Cynthia Cranz: Donna Dahl

    7.Jackie Farrell: Josie Omitsu, Enchantra

    8.Catherine Disher: Cammy

    9.Andrea Taylor: Tinna Bambi

    10.Katie Leigh: Tammy Bambi

    11.Debbie Rabbai: Sofia

    12.Rachael Lillis: Allie Kattz

    13.Lisa Ortiz: Tabbie Kattz

    14.Grey DeLisle: Nina Quacketta

    15.Sonja Ball: Dee Dee

    16.Meredith McCoy: Mewtha

    17.Ruby Marlowe: Haystack

    18.Emerald Cotton: Amanda, Herself

    19.Billy Lee: Himself

    20.Roger L. Jackson: Groucho Quax

    21.Paul Winchell: Dick Dastardly, Mewtha's Boss

    22.Scott Innes: Muttley

    23.Susan Roman: Sara Sparkette

    24.Michael J. Cox: Hoss

    25.Mike McFarland: Supermarket Clerk

    26.Michael Sorich: Hank Bramble

    27.Susan Glover: Lucille Omitsu

    28.Mark Camacho: Wally Omitsu

    29.David Humphery: Shadow the Hedgehog
    Thank God. It's finally over. Fuck you, A-Log!
  8. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    A-Log was really, really, really desperate.

    Did A-Log ever a-log Sonichu as being utter crap?

    Because if he did, my irony meter may have broke.
  9. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    This shit is far worse than Sonichu has ever been, even taking into account the manipulation by the Idea Guys and other enablers.
    At least with Sonichu, you could get several unintentional laughs out of it.
  10. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    LOL, the fail fic has been posted

    Sonichu was terrible too, mostly because the person who drew and wrote it is completely insane. But at least there are some memeable parts of Sonichu.
    c-no, Ms. Mowz and ToroidalBoat like this.
  11. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    So a (much needed) TL;DR: A-Log has degenerate sex with a bunch of Saturday morning cartoon characters (a number are furries), followed by a degenerate orgy, and so he's the "world's luckiest guy"?

    "(erotically)" :confused:
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  12. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    And the whole thing is written like a script for movie or television series. And unlike most other script fics, it even includes some fake credits with real voice actors. All without a hint of irony.
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  13. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    So it seems that just like CWC, A-Log is obsessed with TV.

    Iconoclast is obsessed with TV too.

    lolcows sure like television :confused:
    c-no and Ms. Mowz like this.
  14. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Most likely because they don't have any real friends, and have to turn to television to get anything that could be a substitute for friendship.
    Almost makes you feel sorry for them (key word being "almost")
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  15. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I didn't read much of the watfic, but how does A-Log describe his appearance in it?

    Which can show up in awkward dialog in fiction they make.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  16. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I don't he put in any description of himself (save, of course, for his six inch fox dick), so throughout the time I was reading and editing this POS, I just imagined this face whenever a character tells him (while at gunpoint) how handsome he is
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  17. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Does A-Log still write fanfiction? Or because of all the attention he got from a-logging Chris, has he gone "radio silent" since?
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  18. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Watching too much TV seems like a boomer thing.
    Iconoclast is gen X, IIRC CWC and A-log are millennials, David Tanny is a boomer and was obsessed with TV (esp. 90s TV)
    Bob McKim watches a lot of cable in his trailer

    IDK, growing up it was the default activity to veg out in front of the TV if you had nothing else to do
    ToroidalBoat and Ms. Mowz like this.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Reminds me of that Star Trek episode where those 20th century people are revived from cryostasis. One of them wanted to watch TV, and Data said that television "did not last much beyond the year 2040".
  20. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    LOL I like that episode

    The cryostasis one and the one with the fraudster with the time machine. If A-Log went forward in time to the 24th century (by cryostasis or time machine) what would the TNG cast say about late 20th, early 21st century people?

    They were very autistic and bullied people who had worse fail fics than they made.
    Ms. Mowz and ToroidalBoat like this.