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12/27/16: Chris Shares Bugger That Bit His Ass, Complains About the CWCki

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hellblazer, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator


    I'm sure that internet trolls will immediately cease all activities upon learning that they aren't helping anyone. Chris' insistence on seeing 2011 as some sort of positive turning point in his life remains baffling.
  2. Anya

    Anya Heh Administrator

    >”attempts to con me into performing questionable things while I was still in a more naive mental state prior to 2011”

    So what about all the shit he got talked into doing after 2011?
    Garbodor, Trilby, Foulmouth and 2 others like this.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Someone should hit up Marvin about that, because we need more insight into Chris' thought processes here than I have.
  4. Adderall Zombie

    Adderall Zombie Well-Known Member

    Chris-chan should calm down!
    Trilby likes this.
  5. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    like 2011 was chris's lowest point
    Harrison Gentleman and Trilby like this.
  6. Ghost Nappa

    Ghost Nappa hilariously derailing one-liner

    I love how his 1 year ago thing is a bunch of whining too

    Both posts even deal with trolls ruining sonichu :story:
  7. Chandler Cats

    Chandler Cats Mama Cats. You kids settle down!

    "Thanks a lump" just gets me every time, it's so great.
  8. Caffeinated_pirate

    Caffeinated_pirate Wait, what?

    What happened in 2011 that made him feel he 'matured'? Is that when the Tomgirl nonsense started?
  9. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

    Yeah. It's also the year that Bob died - after that happened, the trolls cancelled their plans and backed off to let him grieve, and Chris was forced to take on more responsibility around the house.
  10. Caffeinated_pirate

    Caffeinated_pirate Wait, what?

    Wow, it's almost mature of Chris to realize that a death of a loved one forced him to stop seeing the world in a childish way...

    Oh who am I kidding. He probably thinks he 'grew up' cuz he was the one paying the bills instead.
  11. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow Don't call anybody


    Chris circa 2011.
  12. Ginger Piglet

    Ginger Piglet CAMAB Male-Presenting Lesbian

    Chris already defaced himself when he grew seaweed hair and cut himself a china. He also hasn't produced any new Sonichu content for years.

    New comics when, Chris?
  13. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    I think it's funny how CWC refers to people as a "lot" in an attempt to be like a classy British Michiru.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    Trilby and Hurtful Truth Level like this.
  14. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Well-Known Member

    Sperglander 2: The CWCkining
    ToroidalBoat and Trilby like this.
  15. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Facebook is now Chris' main troll in life? It kind of seems that way.

    The information on sonichu.com is pretty even handed in its presentation of what are facts. Just because it doesn't suck Chris' un-clit 2.0 properly doesn't mean it's bad or unfair to him.
    Garbodor and Hurtful Truth Level like this.
  16. Lunechu

    Lunechu Member

    Chris sure does like making up words to sound clever.
    Trilby and ToroidalBoat like this.
  17. Uncle-Blacky

    Uncle-Blacky Active Member

    Chris imagines that if anyone contradicts or even politely suggests changes to his views or life, they're "trolls".

    Lately though, he's advertised that he's all done adulting. However, if anything, after 2011 is when we saw a reborn Chris and his antics that originated from him, rather than trolls blackmailing or somehow forcing him to do it. The lesbians may have been trolls, but Chris went full retard with the sex tape and Unclit slicing, without much of any provocation.
    Hurtful Truth Level likes this.
  18. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    cursed image..
    Trilby likes this.
  19. Caffeinated_pirate

    Caffeinated_pirate Wait, what?

    Aaah, the unclit. That thing deserves its own thread.
    Trilby and Very Honest Content like this.
  20. Count Olaf

    Count Olaf The Swedish term for beef that is roasted

    There was one on the Kiwifarms, but there all that needed to be said about it was said. Unless some major update about it comes, or if, God forbid, he goes for then Unclit 3.0, then we can make one here.