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Fucked up animated films

Discussion in 'Films' started by Birdoj, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Ubermensch

    Ubermensch Elitist

    The Brave Little Toaster was very disturbing for a kid's movie.
  2. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    We've gone this far without mentioning Watership Down? How is that possible?
  4. Windows7Guy100

    Windows7Guy100 Well-Known Member

    Why hasn't anybody mentioned Where the Dead Go to Die or it's sequel, When Black Birds Fly?
  5. Luna

    Luna Well-Known Member

    Does stop motion count?
    bustopher_jones likes this.
  6. Harrison Gentleman

    Harrison Gentleman Old-School Gentleman

    I take your End of Evangelion and raise you Urotsukidoji.

    I'm honestly surprised nobody's mentioned it yet.
    Congratulations likes this.
  7. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    I remember seeing this disturbing kids' movie where talking rabbits bite the ears of others as a form of torture.
  8. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    I almost forgot about this. I remember some guy used 'I Am The Black Wizards', by Emperor in one of the Fantasia scenes. It was pretty epic, but it might have been better to use the higher quality new version by Kalisia, rather than the lo-fi original version.

    As much as I love Emperor, the synths on their debut did not age well. Some parts sound like they were played on a child's first synthesizer with electronic hiss and an overall cheap sound, which isn't helped by the muddy mix.
  9. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    I think that one of the rules of effective torture is not to dismember the person. Once you cut off a thumb, or an arm, you have a limb that you can no longer inflict pain on. Also, there's only a finite number of times you can cut off a piece of a person's body.

    Water torture and that weird bamboo torture seem like better alternatives. Biting ears might not be as effective as the rabbits believe it is.
  10. Kari Kamiya

    Kari Kamiya Onii-chan Complex

    Well in my case, I didn't bring it up because it's kind of a dumb movie anyway, at least when you watch it dubbed. It's messed up, but it didn't really stick with me. I think it's fucked up it was released to American theaters, though, and not End of Evangelion.

    Perfect Blue is more disturbing tbh.
    Harrison Gentleman likes this.
  11. Harrison Gentleman

    Harrison Gentleman Old-School Gentleman

    Perfect Blue is pretty fucked up. I mentioned Urotsukidoji because the subbed version works well as a horror piece, and the campy 90's dub makes for good laugh bait.

    As for why Urotsukidoji was released theatrically, that's because Central Park Media and Manga Entertainment pooled their resources together and paid off theaters and film festivals to air it as a midnight movie and it was marketed in a manner similar to exploitation films (think Cannibal Holocaust and other grindhouse fare) as nobody knew what hentai was back in 1993.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
  12. MerriedxReldnahc

    MerriedxReldnahc The Gayest Gay Man Who Ever Gayed in CWCville

    That sounds like Chirpy the Chicken. It was on YouTube for a while but I haven't been able to find it since it got taken down.
  13. Red Light Abnormality

    Red Light Abnormality Active Member

  14. southernfriedweirdo

    southernfriedweirdo Finger-lickin' good

    In the vein of Fritz the Cat, here's a really messed up adult cartoon from '74 - Down and Dirty Duck. I believe it's animated by one guy. Looks it.
    B@t likes this.
  15. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Only a dumbass would think something like that is for kids
  16. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    Sounds like something out of Watership Down, which is a movie about bunnies living through a rather gritty adventure including a tribe of bunnies with an evil crazy dictator running the show.
  17. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    im surprised no one has mentioned Akira yet
    though another one i remember is legend of the overfiend as well
  18. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Octopuff in Kumquat
  19. 忠勇真

    忠勇真 Loyal Brave True

    It was based on a shonen manga. Then again, stuff like Fist of the North Star, Devilman, JoJo, Evangelion, Attack on Titan, and Demon Slayer, are all considered shonen.

    An even bigger one would be Grave of the Fireflies, which was released as a double feature with My Neighbor Totoro and was marketed and rated as an all ages film, despite being so bleak and depressing that the executives thought it might bomb at the box office for being too bleak and depressing and they made My Neighbor Totoro as a palette cleanser for audiences after the depression of Grave of the Fireflies. In the end, people saw both movies mainly for Totoro.
    To this day, this film still has All Ages ratings in most of Asia.
  20. Waitin' To Ruin His Fun

    Waitin' To Ruin His Fun OH GOOD, YER BACK

    Most things that Bill Plympton got his hands on tend to qualify, but his film I Married A Strange Person! - a tale of an average joe who finds himself suddenly granted immense Reality-warping powers - is fucked-up and then some. Also, although 'fucked-up' is perhaps the wrong phrase to use, Bruno Bozzetto's Allegro Non Troppo, a parody of/tribute to Fantasia, is certainly off-beat and well worth watching, especially the 'Bolero' sequence.
    Congratulations and Ms. Mowz like this.