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YT - CLog 09042017 - Mister C.

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog


    0xDEADBEEF Active Member

    Letting bob down a little more every day

    This letter is personal and not something you should be sharing, Chris.
  3. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    this made me sadder than I thought it would.
    "I know now that I haven't much time to share with you"
    Erika, Hellblazer, QuiltGuilt and 5 others like this.
  4. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Selfish prick, that's all his is.
    TiggleYaPoosay likes this.
  5. InklingTits

    InklingTits daddy's inkies

    It actually made me angry how he laughed at bobs last "wish". It honestly could have been an amazing idea and he might be successful right now. But what do i expect, its chris.
  6. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Chris seems surprisingly happy considering its the birthday of his late father. Bob wasn't the best parent, but no one should be happy about his death.
    It's probably Chris's autism speaking, but its sad how Bob still gets no respect. And now his private messages get leaked online.
    There really isn't any peace in death for bob.
  7. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    In Chris's defense, its Bob's birthday, not the anniversary of his death. It is an open letter, though I expect he was expecting Chris to share it at something like his memorial service and not on the internet. I may be mistaken, but Chris does seem to be hiding some emotional pain here.

    It's important to remember that Chris still manages to Chris things up even when his intentions are noble for change.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  8. Marihuana

    Marihuana Iso Tensei

    This video upsets me. It gives me a strong feeling that even with more supportive parents, Chris would have ended up just as selfish and short-sighted as he is today.
  9. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Damn, Bob laid the honest content on his son decades ago, just in case. Chris of course can't help but stab himself in the back even with all this foresight at hand.

    Also pretty sure this video clinches the concept that the Internet Lumberjack was the ultimate Christorian all along.
  10. Count Olaf

    Count Olaf The Swedish term for beef that is roasted

    "Do not be in such a hurry to use, work, or play with these things. First learn all about them, how to use and enjoy them, their value, and how you could thoughtlessly waste their value. Then enjoy them as I have."

    (*Chris blows a raspberry*)

    Way to shit on your late father's wishes you fat fuck. Poor Bob, he deserved so much better.
  11. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    I'm just glad I didn't click on this video, I don't need for feed Chris' selfish belly with that kind of attitude.
  12. Someone In A Tree

    Someone In A Tree Well-Known Member

    I know it's easy to get a bit frustrated at Chris here, but I try to give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to dealing with the loss of Bob, which this video is about moreso than the reading of a father's letter to his son. We're talking about a retarded man who until his father's death only had to deal with the loss of pets and extended family; who thought that he had a few more years with his father because the Grim Reaper told him so in a dream. For the love of Christ, he turned his father into an angelic Lego minifig. He did this in his thirties. I won't go so far as to defend Chris, but videos like this show that his selfishness is far less of a problem than his lack of understanding about how the world works.
  13. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    "Well, I still have that broken razor of his, and I still carry the burden of carelessly no concern of breaking it. I knew that I would never use it to shave with, but it was my one personal bond with him, and I still feel like I betrayed his trust by carelessly and thoughtlessly misusing it and breaking it. Maybe that razor did have a purpose greater than anything my grandfather and I ever dreamed of, for it is because of my careless (least?) of my grandfathers razor I am writing this open letter to you. I hope you will not carelessly misuse, waste, or destroy the value of the many things I have collected for you. Do not be in such a hurry to use, work, or play with these things. First learn all about them, how to use and enjoy them, their value, and how you could thoughtlessly waste their value. Then enjoy them as I have."

    "For example, my very good stamp collection, and all of the popular recorded music on cassette tape, VCR tapes, and records. The oil paintings, United Nations art graphics, first day off issue covers, first flight covers, the complete set of the very valuable wrong first day issues? of the United Nations covers. The musical movies i've collected for you on VCR tapes, my books on popular music, movies, entertainers, musical theater, ship models. My day lilies? gazebos? and dreams. As a boy my greatest dream was to have had inherited things from my mother, father, grandparents, etc, but alas, they were poor. And we were poor. And the things that we and they had didnt stay around long. I am a collector of things, even more than your mother, and when a boy I always wished I had a stamp collection or a coin collection or a book collection, in a large old house for my grandparents."

    Oh my sweet lord, this part breaks my heart.
  14. Another Fellow

    Another Fellow the unwanted one

    In light of recent events, this part is especially ironic. (Also it's really good advice tbh)
  15. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    And this is why I stopped caring about Chris. He's not going to understand any of this.

    And why Chris will never improve in his art.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  16. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    It's always sad when Chris talks about Bob post-death...and then you remember Chris only misses him because back then he had more time for his autistic things and the sympathy dries up.
  17. Alan Smithee

    Alan Smithee Well-Known Member

    Decades later and Ricardo still gets upset with Bob interfering with his hugbox.
  18. Erika

    Erika RL incel hunter

    God this hurt... I have some things going on that made it cut deeper than it should, I gotta power level this one out so I'll spoiler it for sanity but, the fact this upset me deeply, shows two things about Chris, one end of the day he's a human bean and for the fact he's our laughing stock, anything or anyone who can give you one emotion can take others. For most of us Chris is someone to laugh at and sometimes his antics make us angry but because you open your head to one thing... he can make you sad etc.

    Ending this video in a fucking MLP song... Chris is so god damn, Chris.

    I shave daily with my Grandfathers Razors. One is a straight, from my father's father, the other is an old safety from my mom's dad. I guess in some ways I'm a snobby old fashioned person, but it's a nice way to shave and they are good quality so I just thought eh, they are great and happen to be heirlooms. My dad's side grandfather passed when I was a bit too young to need it, but I see why I got it, I carry the family name, I was going to be a man him giving me that, his service pistol and his medals. It's an act of faith he gave it to me to say you will be a man, and I guess until hearing Chris laugh at this entire concept I didn't get it's not just a nice razor, it's an honor I am a man and prove it just by taking the scruff off my face. He may have passed but every morning I lived up to his hopes and dreams.

    I think I'm going to pour a huge scotch, shave and try not to cry.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Although with more strict or supportive parents, maybe Chris wouldn't have such an obese ego (or body) today, and Chris' education could've addressed the autism.

    Instead of Borb moving Chris around when the school district wanted Chris to get special ed.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    With the exception of @Erika, @TheVoid, @Someone In A Tree, and @Princess Celestia, I'm gonna go ahead and sum up this entire thread.


    *Chris makes a video where he is having as emotional of a response as his autism? will allow*


    Is CWCki Club getting worse?

    I'm not trying to justify his upbringing, but you also have to consider the age his parents were at when they had him. His dad was born in 1927 and graduated high school in the 1940's. Do you have any idea the kind of shit they did to the mentally ill in the 1940's? I don't think it's that his parents didn't want him to get the help he needed for his autism, they just didn't know that mental help in the late 80's/early 90's wasn't the same as mental help from the 40's-60's.