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Twitter 7/26 - Chris mad at Trump over ban on trangenders in military

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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    You lucky swine.
    Trilby and QuiltGuilt like this.
  2. Liquid Squirtle

    Liquid Squirtle Still Shitposting on the Moon Staff Member Administrator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Ok, now that there's been a day to cool off can we stop with the personal attacks and namecalling, please? There's a major difference between dissecting and criticizing points of an argument versus ad hominems. Politics threads are always going to get wildly different and you guys have the rare miracle of having rational yet wildly differing thoughts. Take advantage of a well-thought-out spar with just the facts since it's surprisingly hard to find.

    Personally, it's a tough issue to balance. On one hand, you could argue that trimming the fat in the military (and I don't just mean the kind of fat that would cause Chris to 4F on a draft) would allow for a zero-sum on treatments for trans surgery and rehabilitation. However, from my personal experience it's never just the reassignment surgery that's an issue. Whether it be due to some sort of lifelong experience of homophobia, emotional trauma, complete outcasting, not fitting into even the LGBTQ community for not quite fitting a label until coming out as trans, difficulty of reconciling gender norms, or just unrelated mental health issues it's almost never just a matter of reassignment surgery and rehabilitation from it before being completely sound. If that's the case then I can see the argument for the time and resources needed to help being at odds with mission-critical timing and resources.

    Or maybe I'm a cynical cis scum ass who's seen too many special snowflake Tumblrinas try to talk rhetoric and I'm missing the forest for the trees, I dunno. Please call me out on it if I'm at odds with a particular study, and call me a hypocrite for making a tl;dr post when this was a point of contention. Either way, consider this the one thread warning, if personal potshots happen again I'm locking it.
  3. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I admit that these kinds of tweets by chris mentioning whatever decision trump makes will devolve into a politics rant when posted on these kinds of forums. while it is something that Chris said and thus is considered worthy of being posted on here, I think that when it comes to politics there is a very good chance a fight will break out. I added my two cents on the issue and of course I agree with some arguments made like transition therapy wouldn't be provided and I feel that is something a transgender person should be able to live without if they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the US.
    Scalar likes this.
  4. Scalar

    Scalar Social Outcast that Nobody Likes

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Ooh, is it safe to come out, now? Cool!

    Unfortunately, I have nothing really new to add to what's already been said, Liquid Squirtle pretty much hit it on the head for me. Once costs come into the equation, and the more costs come to my attention, it's no wonder these things get cut. Also, I find it interesting that some people say "UGH, you hate trans people, Transphobe!! PDHDNDNJEBJBDabjbaJDKJbjka!" when if that really were the case that we hated (or even feared these people like the word structure would suggest), we'd just have the government forcibly conscript them all and ship them off somewhere to die.
  5. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Well I'm still not going to weigh in the morality here given what went down on this thread, but here are some quick facts:
    • Any disability (or different ability if you prefer) that requires some sort of medication is an almost sure fire way to bar you from line service in the except in the Navy or Airforce. Hormones are one of these medicines.
    • Despite the above a number of Transgender people do currently serve in the military but normally as skilled non-combatants (radar operators, truck drivers, various desk jobs).
    • For Transgender people who are already taking hormones the various military branches take into consideration the cost that there medical needs will put on the branch (which is true of everyone). For this reason most transgender people in the military have pre existing skills the their branch deems worth cost.
    • The main concern with transgender people and military commanders are pre-op trans people who have not began hormone treatment. These people technically have no preexisting conditions baring them from front line service, but logically the government will have to pay more for them than the average grunt in the long run.
    • Most importantly, Chris has never had any desire to serve in his country's military. If he ever did have a desire to join, even at his peak he would not be physically or mentally qualified to join any branch and likely doesn't have the self discipline to work out enough to qualify for entry into basic training. Chris also lacks the empathy to be mad about this for the sake of other people. He is simply mad because he perceives it to be a slight on a group he belongs to.
    Hope that helps.
  6. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    In other words, if Chris woke up tomorrow and was fluent in Arabic, Russian and Korean in some sort of weird example of xenoglossy, and contrary to what we've seen over the years, chose to nobly serve in the US military as an interpreter/translator (which is a hard skill for the military to find qualified people for), he might have some trouble joining up due to his LGBT status, among other things.

    That said, if Chris did have those skills, he'd prefer to play with Lego and beg for more money than working in even a civilian job. His skills would give him new audiences for begging and complaining about the trolls.
  7. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Mar 10, 2017
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    Since it's safe to come out now: even if Scrooge was real, why would Trump care that Scrooge was richer? Did Trump's aspiration of being the richest American somehow escape me?
    I'd also think a married man who had children would be richer in love than a duck whose closest relatives are his sister and nephews
  8. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Mar 22, 2017
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    You're over-thinking Chris logic. Chris logic isn't really something to take seriously.
  9. Scalar

    Scalar Social Outcast that Nobody Likes

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Wait, so you're saying there *is* a pattern to it! I must escape to my cave and study the evidence!!