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Unpopular Opinions about Vidya

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by c-no, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I want to agree with Ms. Mowz except I only played the first Paper Mario so I never did play the sequel. Still, it's combat system was something I don't see any game trying to do save for Black Isle's best game South Park: Stick of Truth. Speaking of Black Isle, screw New Vegas. I find Stick of Truth to be the superior game and that's because the game's combat managed to remind me of my childhood with Paper Mario. Best Fallout was the first two games. New Vegas can't compare beyond choices since honestly, it's combat and all is radically different from the first two games.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  2. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    The 3rd gen Hex Maniac is better than the 6th gen Hex Maniac who is grossly overrated

    Also, in the Japanese version her eyes are all possessed and stuff, but yeah, I like cute witch girl better.

    Congratulations and Ms. Mowz like this.
  3. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Bringing this thread back because Todd's space game is meh to many and some people want to suck off New Vegas as "peak Bethesda engine game" since it was more of an RPG than Skyrim or Fallout 3 & 4, I will say that for all people go in about Bethesda writing and praising New Vegas, to say it's the best Bethesda engine game is something I'd laugh at since I'm leaning more towards Daggerfall or Morrowind. I would also like to say that New Vegas was good for an FPS RPG but it can't really be on the same level to me as Fallout 1 & 2. I'd turn to Wasteland 3 for that post-apoc RPG fix instead. In the off-chance someone saw my post as a means of sucking off Todd, I will say that I can't give much of a crap about the writing in the games so much as the gameplay. And Starfield itself fails as an RPG though comparing it Baldur's Gate 3 is dumb since the latter is an actual RPG. Comparing it to Cyberpunk 2077 would be a better comparison in terms of shooting.

    Also for unpopular opinions related to Bethesda sperging: mods can't actually fix Todd's games. Not when it's all subjective after going with the mandatory fan patches. I mentioned before trying out third person combat mods for Skyrim that try to be "Dark Souls" and as @Congratulations said in a reply, I may as well play Dark Souls and to add insult to injury I'd just stick with vanilla combat for Skyrim since the soulsclone stuff just makes it feel more like a Great Value Lords of the Fallen 2014, and that particular game was a crappy souls clone. Also to note with Bethesda mods, I legit wish someone would instead of improved first person combat. They don't even need to make it crazy or anything, just copy something from a similar game like Mordhau where it's still "click to attack" but you have the ability to dodge and have some ability to stab.
    Congratulations and Ms. Mowz like this.
  4. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    For this reason i honestly just don't play Bethesda games. I can see the appeal but they've always felt like buggy, soulless conglomerate messes that plagiarize from everything under the sun to me. The represent everything that's wrong with fantasy and post-apoc stories these days and i can't forgive them for that.
    c-no and Ms. Mowz like this.
  5. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I think I lost interest in vidya with that typical character development and defeat the villain after a big adventure.

    Seems nowadays I prefer just exploring, possibly from playing a lot of Celestia (wiki) and SpaceEngine over the years.
    c-no and Ms. Mowz like this.
  6. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Funny thing you say buggy because that's how it has always been. I can see it as a consequence when it comes to making an open world with all the things one can do. As for soulless conglomerate, I can't even say much on that since I was always more into the gameplay than the story and with Bethesda, it's been going from "fun combat" as with Daggerfall and Morrowind having some fun quest to "serviceable" with Skyrim in both those fields. And that applies even to New Vegas which wasn't a title they made and fun as the game was for me, it didn't hit the same as Fallout 1 & 2. And before New Vegas fans get the pitchforks, I simply like the story for Fallout 1 & 2 a lot more just for how they show one how the world tries to chug along. And as I said, mods that aren't the unofficial patch won't fix these games, not the combat at least since as I mentioned, people wanting to go on how they have some Souls inspired stuff make the combat better just felt like complete "MEH" to me. At least Fallout 3 and its successors focused more on guns but even those felt meh compared to STALKER in terms of a gun being deadly and your target not being a bullet sponge when you hit a certain level, New Vegas being an exception in that at the very least enemies didn't feel like bullet sponges even at high levels. This could just be cope or whatever from someone that enjoyed Starfield for what it had or just me bitching over people having fun with combat mods for Skyrim but some of it just makes me feel like I'd have no strong reaction like others had.

    That's the thing with some games. At this point the ones that allow you to explore may as well have more life to squeeze simply because of what you could find and see what is in the environment, story telling or not. Hell I've mentioned playing Ready or Not and some missions I redid solely to take out all bad guys and then explore a level to my leisure to see what's there, such as finding out further how much of a weeb manchild one suspect is when I see his passwords on a anime girl sticky note or being even more disgusted during a raid on a criminal and his "talent agency" where I find some action figures in very vile poses and a recording where he curses at a kid not doing well in acting. Fallout 2 with being open-ended after beating the game loses the fun if you didn't do any more quest compared to Fallout 1 where upon beating the final boss, you get your ending and have to start over after that.
    Congratulations likes this.
  7. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I still love Elder Scrolls, IDK I just really like the world of it, and Skyrim came at a time where I really needed something new and good in my life. But with the way Bethesda is now, I'm feeling pessimistic for Elder Scrolls 6, even though I've been looking forward to it for over a decade.

    I do love a lot of Elder Scrolls fan content and derivative works though. I read a lot of fanfiction for it.
    Congratulations and c-no like this.
  8. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    With the world of the Elder Scrolls, I can say for it that I enjoyed what Morrowind had to offer in a fantasy world that didn't look like a DnD knock off with the dark elves. Oblivion feels like a step back for anyone that read lore books which according to one of the ex-writers for the series, Michael Kirkbride who made much of the lore for games like Redguard and Morrowind, the aesthetic for Oblivion was LOTR inspired. With Skyrim, they managed something fun with the game and its world even though I find its combat to be alright. Granted with its world, I never really bothered with the out of game sources that were written by Kirkbride. With TES 6, one can only hope how the game goes but knowing how many people feel about Bethesda and its staff such as Emil Paugliaro, I can imagine it's going to have some backlash regardless of whether criticism is legit or biased.

    That said, if it does take place in Hammerfell, I hope it does the Redguards well. As a person whose into fantasy thanks to video games, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing more non-European settings and more so when that non-European setting isn't some setting widely used like a fantasy version of Egypt or Japan.
  9. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    For me, The Elder scrolls doesn't have much that isn't almost directly lifted from Tolkains work, Warhammer D&D or Conan. Even lesser influential works like Elric and Dark crystal are nearly plagerised from.
    Don't get me wrong, i can appreciate inspiration from older works and TES are far from the only series that does this (I love dark souls to bits but it is also heavily inspired from things like Elric, Wizardry and Berserk) but imo it genuinely just feels like a loose jigsaw puzzle of stolen shit rather then a unique and soulful series.
  10. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Probably the only unique thing for TES was the stuff added in from Kirkbride. At least stuff like some elf using his god powers to go back in time and make his mother go through hell to somehow prove his divinity before meeting the Satan of the games setting, having kids with said Satan, and then biting off Satan's duck. Then again, as much as I enjoy some of Kirkbride's stuff, I do get how one would think it's all just drug addled writing that makes others go "wtf was he smoking?" Also to note, TES was pretty much lifting from other works. First game was based off some homebrew setting the devs were having in their DnD games and the second game pretty much lifted from other works or was inspired by it. At least that's how I can picture it after finding out one quest was based off a novel. If anything from my perspective at least, it's seeing the Redguards having their own culture in terms of having something other than the standard "white European kingdom setting" (for lack of a better word). Out of all the things I played in fantasy games like TES and Dark Souls and all, I can't really recall seeing a non-European kingdom or npc that also wasn't Japanese inspired.

    All that said, I could say this as an unpopular opinion for TES. No matter what Bethesda could do if they changed engines or not, I can see a Daggerfall remake NOT working in today's standards. If one wanted a remake, the Unity port is the closest thing. And seeing what the game had in its dungeons and having over 1000 of them with the size to make one feel lost in each one that wasn't a tiny crypt of five rooms, I can see that not working any better than what Starfield had in 1000 planets and both games having their overworld being barren between points of interest for Starfield and settlements for Daggerfall. Add to that the dungeons in their size, I can already see people not enjoying it. I can also admit that much as I had fun with Daggerfall, doing a quest in large dungeons that weren't like two or three specific dungeons in the main story aren't going to be as fun. Hell, I'd also say that for mods that could improve the game, I tried a couple town overhaul mods and I will say that as nice as eye candy may be in expanding a place, just having a static image of a peasant that just sits there doesn't really add much. Hell, I'd say the only mods that can fix any game is just going to the stuff that adds in QoL improvements like unofficial patches.

    Edit: Also to say on Bethesda, I honestly can't even see myself hating or loving Starfield, at least not on the level of people that came in with high expectations or expecting it to break new ground. I already had my share of cynicism after feeling how Fallout 4 was alright beyond gunplay and seeing how Fallout 76 was a technical trash-fire from its start while putting more focus on the drama its merchandise had gotten. I just see the game as a 7/10 out of the box that's alright in fun but obviously there's better games to play that are similar in shooting stuff until it dies, like Ready or Not and that's a game where a mod for suspect AI really does fix the game or some I was told.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
  11. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Jan 21, 2017
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    IDK Elder Scrolls' absolute batshit Astronomy feels pretty unique to me. And a dragon reducing the entire population of a country to a bunch of six year olds because he got mad at them and can also eat time.

    But honestly, a game could just let me make my own character and give me a big fantasy setting to go explore and you'll have me obsessively reading wikis and playing in the rabbit hole for literal decades. The story doesn't even have to be that unique so long as its fun.
    c-no likes this.
  12. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Also that "open world" concept may not work that well with every game.

    (and that thing on "weeb manchild" seemed out of left field to me lol)
    c-no likes this.
  13. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    That's one of the biggest things with "open world." How many games can nail it down and how many can fuck up with it. It may as well be varied among gamers and I can imagine for open world sandboxes, there's only so much one can do before it just feels meh because you already did so much in a playthrough that lasted either 5 hours or 1000 hours. Also "weeb manchild" was a way to describe a suspect I love to arrest in Ready or Not. Literally a streamer with an apartment filled with plastic anime crap on top of having a fursuit in another room. Also calling him a manchild because the game noted in briefings about outburst the guy had and the fact he lives with his mother whom he'd likely not treat with a lot of resspect.
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  14. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    I hate Bustafellows, the common route is waaaaaay too long and while most games are good at having you fast forward during subsequent playthroughs and stopping when there is new dialogue, with Bustafellows, they completely dropped the ball on the fast forward feature where it is slooooooooow as hell. After two routes in I had to drop the game because it just wasn't fun waiting for the game to fast forward so I can start on the next route.
  15. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    8-bit or "retro" doesn't always make a game good.

    (maybe not an unpopular opinion here)
  16. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I can imagine retro and 8-bit losing its charm. Personally, I can't wait for there to be indie games that graphically look like the PC games from the early 2000's or an N64 game from the 90's. Admittedly it was from a time where my childhood was set in but I legit can't wait to see someone try to make a game that would remind one of that time period in some sense and there at least exist a couple that has that look, Lunacid and Pseudoregalia.
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  17. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    I think that Max Payne 3 is actually the best game in the series.
    c-no likes this.
  18. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Out of playing all three of the Max Payne games, 3 was a pretty fun game and a good way to wrap up Max's story where it didn't end on a sad note for him. Also didn't mind them having Mona's death being what happened.
    RetardBus likes this.
  19. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    On top of that, I also think that it also has the best gameplay of the series. Best combat mechanics and best controls, and less buggy than the first two. Loved how you could dual wield two different weapons too. Best variety in weapons in the series as well. All around, peak entry with a better, more believable story than the first two, and better gameplay.
    c-no likes this.
  20. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Dealing with police and political corruption no doubt feels more grounded than super secret society and weaponizing a drug named after vikings. Wouldn't mind if there was a successor to Max Payne since the only other "clones" I can think of was John Woo's Stranglehold and Maximum Action which is pretty much a reference to John Woo.

    For my own unpopular opinion, at least based off reading a Reddit board: Dunno if this is some super secret inside coping or whatever but after playing Dragon's Dogma 2 I'm throroughly enjoying the game despite flaws like shit writing. Despite Redditors going on in comparing it to the previous game (in reality an improved version of the previous game that included QOL changes from the first), I actually have not as much problems in backtracking in the game. Despite dealing with enemies that can be annoying and spongy, I have more fun going through the overworld in that game than I did in both the first Dragon's Dogma and its contemporary that is Skyrim. Then again, I'm a guy that's more in to gameplay than story and I'm also unironically believing the creator saying it's finished and in line with his vision. Doesn't mean that finished can mean coherent and good and vision doesn't have to mean everything was well baked and not badly implemented.

    I'm also willing to see his claim of "if you have fast travel, your game isn't fun to explore" that I keep hearing about as something that can hold weight despite Redditors going "the audacity." Despite the game's world not feeling as alive as people thought it would which I also feel a bit in not seeing regular peasants walking the trails, the exploration still feels somewhat solid and I can see fast travel being overdone that it can remove some fun from a game. Elden Ring and Daggerfall ends up being an exception since its combat is one of the better games in an open world compared to Skyrim, and Daggerfall was more of exploring and romping through dungeons on a kill or fetch quest than getting quest that had "choices" and "moral consequences."