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Unpopular Opinions about Vidya

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by c-no, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Among the small handful of us that remain, I may as well ask what unpopular opinons you guys got for games that everyone else wouldn't have.

    My unpopular opinions:
    -Fucked up as Modern Warfare 2019 was in having a irl American war crime be used as a story reference for in-game Russian bad guys, I couldn't really get much or any outrage. I can't even see it as propaganda or rewriting history or whitewashing American war crimes so much as just "ripped from the headlines" writing for a game about following a script and shooting people.

    -The Last of Us 2 looks pretty meh but I could care less about Abby being some evil Satan figure. If anything, I just liked the memes people made with buttsex edits and strangling. Fanboys sound like full on spergs though in trying to defend what essentially just looks like a meh 3rd person shooter while people railing about some character born of mediocre face and body capture being a transgender lady just sound exceptional in going with that.

    -Out of the old FPS games from the 90's made on the Build engine, I find Duke Nukem 3D to be the weakest. Shadow Warrior was much better and Blood was top tier compared to them. Duke doesn't have as much charm as an old Asian man made of Asian kung fu stereotypes or some edgy gunslinger on a revenge quest against his former master.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  2. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    What's your opinion on Perfect Dark?
  3. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I can't say much since I never played it. My days with an N64 were divided between a red squirrel, a redneck bear, and a gorilla with a gun.
    NAITCHA BAH and Ms. Mowz like this.
  4. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I honestly actually prefer playing against bots in multiplayer than to ever touch online.
    At the very least, they don't blatantly cheating using mods, or act like salty elitists over how much more "experienced" at the game they are while displaying horrible sportsmanship every time they lose.
    And on a related note, esports players and the fighting game community are some of the most pathetic people you could ever witness, though I doubt that one's really an unpopular opinion.
    Galhox Ladyankles and c-no like this.
  5. One Too Many

    One Too Many Sexual Orientation: Heavy Metal

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Some of my best memories of playing area shooter/multiplayer games have been with bots, particularity Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the original) and Perfect Dark. I never played Unreal Tournament but I've heard they had the best bots because how well they acted like top level players. That said the computer does cheat in some games particularly real time and turn based strategies games like civilization.
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I don't really like mobile gaming.

    Tiny screen with awkward touch controls your fingers can cover to do stuff. Then there's microtransactions and other smartphone BS.

    (OK maybe not that unpopular of a view...)
    c-no, One Too Many and Ms. Mowz like this.
  7. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I actually like the New Super Mario Bros games. The only real problem I have with them is the lack of world variety.
    Plus, I find New Super Mario Bros. 2 (the 3DS one filled with coins) to be kind of therapeutic.
    (Then again, I have a feeling that most of the hate towards NSMB comes from Paper Mario cultists and other autismos that gush about "deep" lore and characters in Mayrio games.)
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  8. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I feel like Japanese game devs do better face capture than western studios and before one goes "horny" or "weeb" what I really mean is Kojima and Capcom. Norman Reedus had a good face capture and Capcom did a better job capturing the faces of models they used for their games than western game devs did. Before one thinks this is in reference to shit like The Last of Us 2 or those robo-dinosaur games called Horizon Zero Dawn and its sequel Forbidden West, I'm thinking more along the lines of a game like Cyberpunk 2077. Keeanu's face isn't as greatly modelled as Reedus' or whoever gave their face for Leon in the RE2 remake.

    Starting this thread with Cowadoody and how people go on it being propaganda, I may as well go further in on that in I can't even see it's non-WW2 games as much of propaganda in the MW games. America always getting fucked over while a Scotsman saves the day in killing the big bad guy. If anything the game is convincing me to not fuck with the Scots even if you were some Russian high on and vodka and drunk of krokodil.

    This opinion may as well make me a "chud" on some Reddit board or Twitter thread but seeing that Fall of Fallujah game, I can't see why it should not be made. Seriously, I just want to see how the final product is and judge that rather than hear yet another post stroke on the dick of Spec Ops: The Line. Speaking of Spec Ops, they really could of done better with the White Phosphorus scene in giving us some other choices that do lead to some war crime shit besides blanketing an area with white phosphorus. Who knows, maybe with these modern shooters that play out with deconstruction, I'm really just some mindless NPC drone chud cuck or some shit that actually hates Muslims and Russians. Or no, more likely I just have my own views and I'm not flipping my shit hard until I see the final product.

    Hatred was an okay game for a twinstick shooter. I honestly felt the backlash it got when it was revealed was laughable when considering how many people being uncomfortable by it would be the kind doing rampages in Postal 2 and GTA, I don't even care about any commentary shit one says those games have since I'm speaking of how deranged one could be outside of missions or errands where you just piss on a bunch of people you dismembered as they're crawling in a vain attempt to safety or how many just run over people and do random mass shootings.

    Sperging about games being political or art is stupid, the people doing this shit all end up being noting more than Twitter spergs and Redditors trying all trying to one up each other like kids. To paraphrase CatParty from Kiwi Farms, those sorts of people are getting high up on kids toys. Also with those sperging on a game must be fun or that fun isn't a good indicator, they gotta STFU. Fun is subjective. Whatever game gets a guy invested without being fun to him may actually be fun to me.

    The only true deep lore to Mario:
    they're all like actors to paraphrase and simplify what Miyamoto said
    Mario and Luigi actually run a store and Peach was from a video game and was to shack up with some prince. I'm not kidding.
    One Too Many and Ms. Mowz like this.
  9. One Too Many

    One Too Many Sexual Orientation: Heavy Metal

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Western devs are more and more moving away from cutscenes in games in favor of a more seamless, "organic" experience, this inevitably comes at the cost of detailed animations as the player might not even be looking at the action, so they just fudge it and move on (mind you there are plenty of exceptions). When it comes down to it I think its really about the directing and schools of acting that each hemisphere employs. I'm far from an expert but from what I can tell western devs are more concerned about making something look as real as possible and Japanese ones are all about how the scene actually looks and what it conveys. You look at something like the last of us 2 and you think yeah it looks real and the framing is ok but it really isn't all that compelling, it kinda like watching a decent movie (albeit with a lot of questionable writing choices). I know its a bit of a generalization, but Capcom is great about making engaging cutscenes, take a look at Dead Rising back in 2006 for example, there's a lot of subtle nuances mixed in at times exaggerated movements that really go a long way in making it all a lot more fun:

    With more games where being Russian is cool, I see the trend of Russia = bad going away; not so much in mainstream media and movies though. I think in general games are moving away from pro/anti patriotism in favor of more social issues, a changing landscape I guess.

    The real problem with Hated is that it takes itself too seriously without having the skill to pull it off, Postal 2 knows what it is and embraces it.

    Mario being a GAMER is pretty funny, I must admit.
    Ms. Mowz and c-no like this.
  10. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    No doubt about it. The patriotism shit reached a point in the 2000's thanks to 9/11 being a thing and a few games here and there coming in where you'd have the US military or at least are some badass American soldier (never forgetting a bad fps game where you're the latter out to hunt terrorist like Bin Laden. If only I remembered that games name and told Jace Connors of that back when Parkourdude91 was thought to be real and not some elaborate ruse). And yeah, Hatred took itself too seriously that it ends up being like that edgy kid in school. Postal 2 embraced its violence and satire but a better comparison is Postal 1. That game was more serious and very dark, something Hatred can't compare to beyond having similar gameplay. Also betting with Russia = Bad going away, we can likely thanks Slavic game devs and the like making works such as the Metro games. At least until Putin does some bad shit and it manages to set Russians back.
    One Too Many and Ms. Mowz like this.
  11. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Bots are my go to in multiplayer games since I'd rather not deal with players that can end up being hackers who'll cheapshot you because they have some program or mod that allowed them to fuck everyone over. That and on top of how you get complete spergs who'll bitch if you weren't playing on their level. I can get them being assholes if you were fucking things up too much for everyone that there wasn't any fun to be had in a run but outside of that, playing with others is a mixed bag. Sorta reminds me of a run I had in vermintide 2 where I played with some guys and then waiting for the next match, some guy just bluntly said "we don't want to play with you" on voice chat. I wouldn't be surprised if that was because of the last bout of the previous run, I managed to fall into some trap from a special enemy and the character I went with was low-levelled but his tone made him sound like a douche and I'd rather not deal with more players who'll default to being a jackass that doesn't consider telling you to leave in a polite tone.

    With cheating bastard bots, it reminds me of a particular match in Unreal Tournament 2004 where the bots were somehow able to fuck my team over in a particular match. Fucking hell Epic, why did you have to make bot issued duels cost me money regardless of either losing or refusing to fight? That said, I wouldn't mind playing against dumb as fuck bots in a game like Civilization. I just want to build the biggest civilization that outmatches everyone else. Sorta had that in Civ 5 where I had the American continent to myself while everyone else was busy on the other side of the world lagging behind.
    One Too Many and Ms. Mowz like this.
  12. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I personally remember this one time I played an online match in Smash Bros. Brawl, and there was a Pikachu player that would endlessly spam his down special over and over again. Needless to say, this, combined with the constant barrage of "PIKA!" may it really fucking annoying.

    Well, that, and this one match where a player was blatantly using a cheat device, because he was playing as Bowser in a permanent Giga Bowser phase (which makes it impossible for him to receive knockback). That time I just quit the match as soon as it started, knowing that actually winning at that point was a lost cause.
    c-no and One Too Many like this.
  13. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    On top of online play, there's some games that can get an exception like Mordhau but speaking of Mordhau, I honestly don't like how deathmatch servers from players all seemed focused on duels. Yeah random deathmatching people is annoying and I know I broke that rule unknowingly but honestly, I just want some deathmatch servers where people are killing each other and not doing some one on one duels.

    Outside of any drama one can say a game like TLOU 2 brings, I feel like the games that appear at award shows can end up being meh or mediocre. A game like TLOU 2 or anything else on the PS4 that wasn't Ghost of Tsushima or Bloodborne comes off as a meh as does games for the Xbox. I may end up playing them one day and getting some enjoyment but even then I feel like I won't really return to them unless they had something good like say a gameplay mode where it's just pure survival against enemy waves like COD or Gears of War 2 did.

    Not really an unpopular opinion but fuck it, fucking hell does Rockstar need to just fix some shit in GTA Online. I can get letting players go on their own devices but shits annoying when someone on the server has a flying motorcycle that shoots missles and I'm still wondering who at Rockstar thought that was needed in the game. That's Saint's Row tiered shit and before someone brings up the jetpack from GTA San Andreas, the jetpack was just nothing more than that, a jetpack with the only weapon that can be used was pistols and smgs, not fucking lock-on missles and miniguns. And then there's the shit about hackers being able to do shit like getting into your account. Rockstar won't do shit because they'll already milk money out of shark cards because some people will just spend real life money to get some advantage in a game that needs a LOT of balancing. Still it was nice playing with some hackers that were actually helpful in missions and not vile dicks that tried to fuck you over.

    Also forgot to mention with the post from @One Too Many despite being off-topic is that Mario being a gamer is pretty tame compared to shit like this:

    Later on, Mario almost eats the star that gives invincibility when a random ass bowl of rice and Mario Ramen Sprinkles pops into existence and he eats that up.
    Ms. Mowz and One Too Many like this.
  14. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I'm going to be really honest here. Because the hatedom for Final Fantasy 7 can get unbelievably obnoxious with how "overrated" it is and how it's truly a horrible game that ruined Final Fantasy FOREVER, by the time I actually played FF7, they ended up doing the opposite of what they were trying to do, and FF7 ended up becoming one of my favorite RPGs ever.
    And even more ironically, because that exact same hatedom absolutely loves Final Fantasy 6 to an outright cultish level, circle jerking about 6 being the most amazing experience that could never possibly be topped, by the time I played that game, I honestly considered FF6 to be the overrated game in the series.
    (FYI, "overrated" does not mean that I hate it. I just ended up being underwhelmed due to the impossible expectations created by annoying fandoms, and how their praise for the game unintentionally highlighted several flaws with it.)
    In short, I'm like this

    Entirely due to people like this
    One Too Many likes this.
  15. One Too Many

    One Too Many Sexual Orientation: Heavy Metal

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Good things are best when you don't have to compare your experience to other people, even when you reach the same conclusion.
    NAITCHA BAH, c-no and Ms. Mowz like this.
  16. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Some Twitter sperg blew up shit on the guy that made Five Nights at Freddy's so I may as well make this unpopular opinion over it after being reminded of the dev's existence (and seeing how many people are getting on high horses over a 40k donation because at this point, fuck it. People can jerk off on whether he's nice like Jesus or meaner than Satan while sperging about robo furries): the guy should of given people a sequel to Desolate Hope. It was a better indie RPG than some indie RPG's I played since that at least tried something different in "game plays the battles for you, pick the best skills you got for a character to win the fight"
    *By this I mean that the game is like on an eternal running combat system kinda like FF7, your only input is just picking skills for the characters you have while they automatically chip away a bosses health.

    Most horror games lose their scary factor, more so if all it had to offer was just jumpscares. Silent Hill games could get a pass because at least they make it scary with sounds that isn't a shuffling zombie going "UGH" while it keeps walking into a knee high wall you're standing on. And then some games that one could tout as scary, just end up being less of scary and just more grotesque like say the latest Resident Evil games we gotten. Hillbilly with a shovel wasn't scary so much as funny, and then playing Evil Within years before, violent asylum patients trying to kill me isn't scary. It's just more you're feeling tension than any fear.
  17. One Too Many

    One Too Many Sexual Orientation: Heavy Metal

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Sometimes the scariest moments in games come from games that aren't necessarily horror games. I will always remember the second mission in Swat 4, the controller at the end of Agroprom Underground in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC, and despite its pacing issues and over-reliance on jumpscares, Doom 3 has a lot of great moments of atmospheric horror and dread, especially near the end. I think tension and atmosphere go a long way in heightening fear.
    c-no and Ms. Mowz like this.
  18. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    True that. STALKER gave me some fear the first few times I played through Call of Pripyat. Every time I reached the city of Pripyat, I always got that sense of being alert because I never knew when a bloodsucker or some other mutant could come in and fuck my shit up. And then there's going through the x-lab of Pripyat. Much as I know what threats lie in there, the fact it's all in an abandoned lab does have that atmosphere and tension, plus that controller that comes in when you're about to leave. Tension and atmosphere is what really helps with the sense fear, more so than just having some ooga-booga man jump out and try to fuck me to death with a knife.
    One Too Many likes this.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The combat in turn-based RPGs can be kind of nerdy.

    No way to really dodge, just stand there taking turns exchanging blows calculated by nerdy stats like ATK and DEF. Also it kind of doesn't make sense how there can be a giant golem who's taken out in one blow from a little birb because the golem is level 1 and the birb is level 100.

    also such RPGs may glorify fighting and doing damage itself which can be uncomfortable :confused:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
    One Too Many likes this.
  20. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I'm sorry, but that sounds way too much like the "this violent video game will turn your child into a KILLER" mentality that journalists use whenever a school shooting happens.
    Just saying.
    ToroidalBoat likes this.