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Play armchair psychologist with CWC's mental health

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by ICanFeelTheCosmos0704, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    he was officially diagnosed with high functioning autism
    he was taking antidepressants before

    IDK what else is wrong with him

    he seems to be pretty antisocial - I don't mean unsociable, I mean he doesn't really care about the law and behaves how he feels like
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  2. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Personally I don't think he has anything more than Autism (maybe he also has ADHD or a related disorder) and IMO his current state is just the result of a bad upbringing, and decades of poor habits.
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  3. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I think he has depression too, because he used to or is currently taking antidepressants
    but you're right, autism and maybe depression are the only things he's legit diagnosed with that we know about
    Congratulations likes this.
  4. ebweb0513

    ebweb0513 New Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    i think he has some type of autistic version of narcissism that he developed due to barb + online enablers. He also might be a schizo
    Congratulations likes this.
  5. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Could the delusional stuff be mere belief: what he desperately wants to be true but really knows isn't?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    ebweb0513 likes this.
  6. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    could be Cluster A personality disorders (odd and eccentric)
    ebweb0513 likes this.
  7. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Insofar as this is strictly psych:

    Solipsistic misandrist male chauvinist.

    (Don't quite make sense, does it? Well...)
    ToroidalBoat and Congratulations like this.
  8. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I think he also has below average intelligence (both emotionally and intellectually).
  9. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    I'm not so sure about Depression, with america's pill-based healthcare system he could have been completely misdiagnosed when given those antidepressants. He may have had it in the past but i doubt that he has it now.
  10. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
  11. SonichuShoes

    SonichuShoes Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2022
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    "This child with this blank, pale, emotionless face..."
    Skeletor and Congratulations like this.
  12. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    I know this is a crazy idea, maybe even too crazy and i'm not sure anyone has even mentioned it before. But i think Chris may have autism
    ToroidalBoat and SonichuShoes like this.
  13. ebweb0513

    ebweb0513 New Member

    Dec 15, 2023
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    hugee reach, but i see where youre coming from.
    ToroidalBoat and Congratulations like this.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Mar 30, 2017
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    Isn't playing armchair psychiatrist with Chris's mental health what every thread here eventually becomes lol?

    Now, diagnosing his trolls? That might serve more of a challenge.
  15. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Although I don't agree with respecting his desire to go by female pronouns, I actually think Chris has gender dysphoria and has shown many signs of it over the years.

    However, I don't think Chris has enough intellectual capacity to understand gender or even the emotional capacity to feel misery beyond "I didn't get what I want!", I mean the amount of times people close to him have died (Okay trolls pretending to be people close to him), with him fully believing the death, and him having no emotional reaction beyond "Eh, better luck next time" is.... very concerning

    I mean shit, a guy in a social club I'm in who I barely interacted with was fucking murdered by some asshole in a minivan... and I never got over it, I still bring myself to tears thinking about it sometime. That shit fucked me up and I don't think it's ever going to be truly okay, all I can do is accept he's gone, and move on... this wasn't even one of my close friends, it's just someone who always there and yet I could only see him when he wasn't...

    But Chris fully believing a woman who was not only his only real friend in the world and one he was divinely ordained to marry died in a fucking fire and his reaction is... "Oh well, time to sing a song about how I'm a mother fucking Prince man."

    Chris being dysphoric but having no real depression from it? Well it's like a bruised foot on someone with no pain nerves in their foot.... Not great, but really worth carring about for any party involved. He simply has no concept of identity outside of "I am good, because I am me, anyone who opposes me is bad regardless of intent or reason, because they are in my way.", this is also his concept of morality.
    RetardBus and Fialovy like this.
  16. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I think that lolcow sees "Lovely Weather" as a position to fill, rather than any one person.

    Supporting theory: that "Attraction Sign" was more like a help wanted ad than a personal ad.
  17. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Sometimes I'm surprised it was mistaken for a sexual solicitation ad by the people who called the cops on him, considering I'm not even sure Chris feels sexual attraction of any kind. I think he just knows he's supposed to like women because of TV, but in reality is likely asexual. Despite being obsessed with sex, it never felt genuine to me. I never got the sense that Chris got off on anything.

    He strikes me as a small child smoking a cigarette. He doesn't get why this is enjoyable, he doesn't really feel the effects of nicotine, nor does he take the smoke as time to reflect on life as many smokers do. He just knows adults do this, and they seem to like it, so he naturally assumes there's something enjoyable about the choking and if he questions why this is fun, he's "just being a kid" and "not doing it right"

    I imagine his meditations are similar, I think he just sits there and imagines fantasies about Sonichu, and thinks that must be meditation because he's staying still and screaming "OHM" like a jackass.. There's no attempt to focus his thoughts or clear his mind.

    I will admit, in previous years, I wouldn't confess to being trans because that would be too personal a detail. But these days there's less stigma so a lot of us are out of the closet, there's also the sad fact that it's trendy to be trans now... So you have a bunch of teenage girls going "I'm totally like a boi and stuff! This is just like who I am and stuff" though strangely they always shy away and quietly drop it when the question of actual transition comes up, and even a bunch of lost boys saying "Oh yes I'm totally gender fluid/non-binary, a real they/them!" as they present fully as masculine with no gender ambiguity at all in their appearance, mannerisms, or behavior... and even misguided genuine transfolks obsessed with "Cracking the eggs" of anyone who shows the slightest gender inaccurate behavior, ironically strictly enforcing a gender binary in the process...

    But I see these all as growing pains for society itself as it adapts to transpeople being allowed to exist beyond being some cringe worthy punchline in a sex comedy, not a reason to restrict the rights of transpeople.

    My point is, as someone who is trans, I do admit that while I do not honor Chris' identity as a woman (I've said my reasons for that), I can understand the concept of doing something because you feel you're supposed to.

    When I was younger, I mistook a lot of my feelings of gender dysphoria for something else. I figured the reason I had all these gender dysphoric feelings, this strange envy of women, this sadness anytime I saw the female form, wasn't because of anything wrong with me specifically. I figured these were all symptoms of being a normal heterosexual male. That men were in some way "defective", and were naturally "drawn to women" because women in some way lacked this "defect", and that the biggest reason men want to lose their virginity isn't because horny, it's because somehow it makes these horrible feelings go away. When this is your (incorrect) understanding it's because the voices inside and the voices speaking to you are saying very different things, yet you're t rying to interpret them as being one and the same; because you think your normal.

    Imagine watching Roger Rabbit with this going on, and when Jessica Rabbit is seducing Eddie Valiant into helping her you hear this exchange.

    "Imagine how hard it is being a woman, looking the way I do..."

    "Imagine how hard it is being a man, looking at a woman, looking the way you do!"

    And instead of hearing the obvious erection joke, you hear a deeper commentary on the nature of what it is to be a creature as flawed as man, envying the perfection of woman. A commentary that was never intended because that's not how the world actually works for anyone but you, yet you are incapable of understanding that.

    So I became obsessed with losing my own virginity, thinking it would "fix me", and I could live my life in peace, as a man.

    It took awhile for a lot of reasons, but eventually I found a mate, just my type, nice and thicc in all the right ways. I had constant sex with her, and sure it was enjoyable, but it doesn't fix me... In fact the act made me feel sad, it just didn't feel right. Sure I enjoyed the sex itself on a physical primal level, but it just felt wrong, my subconscious screamed at me "I should be her, having this done to me."

    I miss her, I miss a lot of the women I slept with as I had real emotional connections to them, but I couldn't love them as a man.
    I hope they're okay, where ever they are.

    And ya know what's fucked up? None of this is really all that self-doxxing, because this experience is familiar to a lot of trans ladies who grew up when the T-Word was only used by sexual deviants and edgelord comedian wannabes. At every support group, be it in person or over some kind of chatroom, that I've ever been to when I told this story pretty much every woman had a similar one.. How they thought if they just manned up and "got the girl", it would "fix them", that it was just a part of growing as a male as opposed to a sign that masculinity was literally toxic to them. Because you ALWAYS think you're normal, until you're presented with overwhelming evidence that you aren't, usually by a therapist: A therapist you likely aren't seeing because therapists are "for people who aren't normal!" (Which is why it's good to fight against stigmas against improving your mental health, seeking therapy, and a large reason why Bob never got Chris any help, often fighting those who wanted to give him help... Because if he had Chris see a therapist, it would, in his mind, kill any chance Chris had of being normal.)

    When your inability to understand that you are not normal causes you to think that everyone else is just like you it leads to strange ideas.

    Losing my virginity was not the cure-all I wanted it to be, it wasn't a magical ritual that made the pain of being a man go away. The only thing that would cure me is if I grew a pair... of breasts.

    Chris-Chan is and always has been unable to develop beyond this, he thinks that everything he does, says, or feels is completely normal and thus pop culture has instructions for how he's supposed to live. So he cannot be a normal, well-adjusted person, he can only be this parody because his internal weirdness will distort any message he's given beyond recognition. No one but him will ever know the reasons why he does what he does, just that he thinks it's normal.

    At least, this applies to Pre-Prison Chris, now that he thinks he's Jesus all bets are off. As he's gone from merely broken to being fully into crazy town. Sadly this was always inevitable as it is when people don't get help. Randy Stair had gender issues, tried to rationalize it on his own, and came up with the conclusion that he was a cartoon ghost girl on a mission from Ember...

    Now to be fair, unlike Randy Stair who just needed to be set on the right path by someone who knew better, I'm not sure it was possible for Chris to be helped at any point, he's such an advanced case that's only been made worse by factors too numerous to mention....

    I understand this is quite the wall of text and it may be a little TMI, but I hope my story and how it applies to Chris helps you understand why I don't think Classic Chris was horny at any time ever, he just thought he was supposed to be.... As well as other things in general.
  18. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of Tiger (little cat) and Abby (tiny cat)

    Jan 23, 2017
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    plus with high school boys making fun of other guys for being virgins, yeah, I get it, I could see Chris being teased for not having a girlfriend in high school and thinking he'd prove his high school bullies wrong by getting a girlfriend and having sex with her
    RetardBus likes this.
  19. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "Chris. Chris. All alone he'll sit. Chris. Chris. Can't get no tit."

    -Rhyme made up by girls to taunt Chris in High School

    - claim made by ED article (& ED so grain of salt needed)
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  20. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Honestly the CWCKi is barely anymore accurate than ED, like RationalWiki, it fails to be useful as it long ago abandoned its purpose in the hopes of trying to be funny and being hit and miss with that.

    Some articles on the CWCki are filled with exaggerations or wildly claiming there are oddities in the more normal things Chris does, the latter of which makes me cringe... Haven't checked in a while, are they still shaming the crazy man who can't stop shitting himself for not having a job?
    I know they talked about how weird it was that he believed that body was just a shell for some "Inner ethereal essence within, wearing it like a suit", and using it as proof his worldview was batshit crazy.

    Which just left me going... "You've described dualism, and although it has lost favor with major philosophers of the modern era, it's still the dominant theory as far as the general public goes. Might as well be shaming him for his weird addiction to oxygen at that point."