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The Faith Kids: Detroit's CGI God Squad - UPDATE: Now Threatening YT Commentators with Legal Action

Discussion in 'Internet Clips, Videos, Etc.' started by Blank, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, may I present to you the Faith Kids.

    A few months ago while hunting down some other videos, I inadvertently came across these CGI imps. Their YouTube channel is relatively new, being around for only a year or so and has less than 250 subscribers to its name. That said, this is very much an untapped source.

    The videos have a very Captain Planet-esque feel to them. One of the Faith Kids greets the viewers, spouts out some scripture, then they begin a scene which stumbles along its way to wedge said scripture lesson into it, but usually only makes things even more awkward by the end.

    Instead of trying to verbally explain any more of it, I think it'll do best just to show you. Here are a few of my favorites...

    In this lesson, we learn people who bully you are actually possessed by demons who can be defeated by God beams.

    Or, if you do not have access to God beams, you can simply pray the bullies away. They will even leave you a nice note.

    Got a relative dying in the hospital? No problem- just call forth the power of God and heal them like Jesus would. It's that simple.

    Outside of their webisodes, the Faith Kids also already have a full length movie "The Image," which works as the Faith Kids origin story as they are enlisted by the most effeminate Sunday School teacher ever to go fight Black Satan, who is apparently brainwashing children with Illuminati powers.

    The also have a second movie arriving in which the Kids apparently will be fighting against Devil Music. Here's a preview...

    Granted, the people who are making these probably have their hearts in the right place, trying to create something positive for their community (they're based out of Detroit, so obviously they need as much encouragement as possible), so I can't in good conscience call them complete failures like Gen Zed or whatstheirname with the shitty Fighting Bratz game. Still, this stuff is entertaining for all the wrong reasons, hence why I'm sharing. Go with God.
  2. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    More than a month later... things are beginning to become fun....

    So, YT Commentator recently made a video about the Faith Kids:

    And although being pretty standard fare material, the animation group (read- one buy and his family he roped into doing this) and threatening to sue Mr. Repzion for defamation. From Repzion's Twitter...


    I knew I smelled a winner!!
    HotaruThodt, Corgi and Hellblazer like this.
  3. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    They've never heard of Fair Use, have they?
    HotaruThodt and Hellblazer like this.
  4. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Thin-skinned jackasses never have.
    Aesthetic and ToroidalBoat like this.
  5. Kappashiro Nietzschieri

    Kappashiro Nietzschieri Deep in the Ocean Engineering Thoughts

    Neither has the youtube administration
    Aesthetic and ToroidalBoat like this.
  6. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

  7. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    And here I thought the trailer for the upcoming Bibleman Animated Adventures was bad:

    Hellblazer likes this.
  8. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Detroit is total filth
    Aesthetic likes this.
  9. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.


    Apparently the creators believe they are "under attack" by what they perceive is an "atheist organization" and thus have decided to disable comments and like/dislikes on their videos.

    They follow this up with the "As God's followers, we still love you even though you are obviously wrong" rhetoric, and... then oddly deviating onto how free will is a bad thing because it has created Detroit... I mean... it has created Racism, Killing, and Hate.

    Keep in mind, this is all AFTER the creator of the cartoon have threatened legal action. So it's "We love you, but we will still sue your ass for not liking our Bible cartoons."

    Edit: And one more for the road...
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
    Hellblazer likes this.
  10. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Every half-assed cease and desist issued over internet content reminds me of Moleman reporting any post he doesn't like.
    Aesthetic likes this.
  11. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Oh my god yes this is what I've been waiting for :feels:
  12. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    this is starting to look like another digital homicide meltdown, hope its as hilariously fail