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Future Sagas

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Rick_Astley, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Cuck Norris

    Cuck Norris If my fate is to be destroyed I must simply laugh

    The only reason Cole would ever go back to Ruckersville would be to piss on Barb's grave.
  2. The most cursory Google search will reveal several in-depth analysis of the Chandler household's financial state. If Cole re-enters Chris' life after Barb's death I doubt it will be for monetary reasons.
  3. Cuck Norris

    Cuck Norris If my fate is to be destroyed I must simply laugh

    Luna posted something in chat last night that showed it lost over $2000 in value in 30 days. That's CRAZY.
  4. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    Really? I think the only reasons that Cole will become involved after the death of Barb is to take what he can from whatever is left.
  5. All that's left is the hoard and mountains of debt. Dealing with either of those is a gargantuan task that offers little to no reward barring the miraculous discovery of some expensive artifact buried within the piles of rotting trash. The only reason for Cole to return to 14 BLC is, as previously mentioned, to spit on Barb's grave/get closure that the witch is dead, or out of some lingering sympathy for his half-brother.
    Rick_Astley likes this.
  6. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Wouldn't that mean the value could shoot up again if the lot is improved?
  7. Cuck Norris

    Cuck Norris If my fate is to be destroyed I must simply laugh

    Yeah but that's not going to happen until its owned by someone with a last name that isn't "Chandler".
  8. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Not even with an unrelated Chandler?:barbage:
  9. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    I used to work as a finishing contractor, and I have a pretty vague knowledge of how the value of a house is determined before it is put on the market for sale. $2000 loss of value isn't really that bad, considering that hundreds and thousands of dollars could be taken off of the value of a house for the smallest reasons. Paint, trim and cupboards were always something that would cause a house to lose value when I was working. I also remember one house where the floor was completely fucked because the house wasn't framed properly, so we flooded the floor and the house apparently didn't lose value even though it really should have (and I imagine it will upon re-inspection).
    Luna likes this.
  10. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    The high points of Chris's life are over, it's all downhill from here, it's been downhill for years after all
    Rick_Astley likes this.
  11. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    In a highly optimistic future, I think Chris could weather the storm of Barbs death. Even if 14BC is lost to debt, Chris gets $1200 a month tax free and could live a very comfortable life.
  12. Cuck Norris

    Cuck Norris If my fate is to be destroyed I must simply laugh

    Assuming he actually uses it to pay his bills and not just blow it on Lego and vidya within 3 days of getting it, which he will, because Barb is the only thing that stops him from doing that.
    Rick_Astley likes this.
  13. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    Compared to Barb, the amount of debt that Chris has is pretty manageable and has stayed relatively consistent according to Marvin. If Chris had all of his debt put into one manageable payment, I think things would go pretty well for him.
  14. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    The validation saga
    Rick_Astley likes this.
  15. Cuck Norris

    Cuck Norris If my fate is to be destroyed I must simply laugh

    There's more than just previous debt tho. If the house is still mortgaged or been remortgaged by Barb, he most likely will have to deal with that. He will have to pay for electricity every month. He will have to pay for water every month. If he has natural gas for heating and hot water, he will have to pay that every month. Knowing Chris, not having the internet is not an option, so he'll have to pay that as well. Even without a mortgage payment he's most likely looking at ~$250 a month just to keep the lights on, the water running, and be on the internet.
  16. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of variables. All things being what they are, a lot will depend on the advice Chris receives from the people around him and whether or not he listens to them.
    Cuck Norris and Erika like this.
  17. Erika

    Erika RL incel hunter

    Sadly 14BL ct is probably a brutal final blow for Chris as yes, it's remortgaged, Chris and others have confirmed it. That house was free and clear before Bob's passing. The hoard needed to grow, so the house was hocked again. Chris will be screwed when Blob passes with that. Cole won't want to take a pile of debt and already trashed new house back in VA. Chris' best option is walking away. His credit can't be great he'll need help getting an apartment.

    I dunno VA's structure of mental care and how open it is but many states have semi half way homes, apartments for people like Chris, you sign tugboat over, they cover all bills and hand you left overs. Often they have long waits if they have any in his area/state. I really don't think Chris would qualify for a group home and if he did again long wait. Room mate saga while unlikely could be pretty amazing.

    Some have some decent faith on Chris able to make his bills even if bare bones while keeping racking debt up. Well he's gonna have to start saving yesterday to make his deposits for things. Say he gets an apartment, with fixed income (can't garnish) bad credit, he's gonna have to cough up a good amount of cash to rent. Bad credit, may need a few months down for his internet power etc. I honestly know someone whom had to pay 800 for his electric (big house divorce ruined fico) That's a ton of money to Chris. I don't think his will be that high but let's use some rough rough math not to assume but to ram home a possible in regards to solo Chris status, 500month for a place, first last and dep, elec, cable. That could be honestly around 2000 USD. That's nearly 2 months of tug boat. We know he's got nothing in savings aside pennies lost to the hoard.

    There's some real cruel irony that his biggest problem is also what's keeping him afloat and that's Blob. I really doubt since Chris is down to using Fingerhut etc, he's getting anyone else to lend to him. I think even pre blob's passing he may hit a final limit to no one will lend to him till he starts paying shit off and we know he will keep doing mins spending what's in pocket trying to make up for the "lost" money he had in credit.

    For debt consolidating etc, that shit isn't cheap. No way Chris could afford it unless there is a program for people like him. He's gonna die underwater, that much I'd bet the farm on. Plus as we saw with after Bob paid shit off once, second he had access to credit he just jumped in again hook line and sinker, so even a chap 11/13 or reduction it just would kick the can. Some people with good income play that game for life, but with a fixed income it can't be leveraged like those aware how credit works or with a lot of liquidity.

    Long winded I'm sorry, but to some saga's. I wouldn't rule out losing his LGBT group. Return of Nintendo begging. More begging over all. Clearly Blob's passing. One I'm hoping for, Chris making a video dancing and singing along to the Sailor Moon theme since he thinks he looks like one of them.
  18. JOHANnessburg

    JOHANnessburg Shut up Johan you're driving me crazy

    Those prices are cheap 200 G for a house with a huge yard?!?! In Canada however you times by 2 (roughly) so still 400 ish dollars for a field as a yard, and huge gaps between houses..... I take it then Ruckersville is a suburb of Charlotte or something? We have those here in Calgary. Smaller bedroom communities, unfenced but they're a million or so 500 G in USD. Or you have those weird one floor houses that go sideways from the 50's, ie The Mcfly home on Back to the Future. Those are nice houses.....
    Princess Celestia and Luna like this.
  19. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    That's the difference between rural Virginia and Canada. I'm no expert on Canada, but from what I understand real estate is less available there despite the whole second largest country in the world thing. Like Russia, a very small area is suitable for actual residential development . Charlottesville on the other hand has nothing but space to grow. It is has a reputation of being one of the most isolated cities in the continental United States. As a result the suburbs there have plenty of room to grow, and throwing in large swaths of undeveloped land with houses is far from uncommon.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    Luna likes this.
  20. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    I want "Return of Sonichu comics" saga, it would do Chris good to have a hobby like that again
    Rick_Astley likes this.