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Unpopular Opinions about Vidya

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by c-no, Oct 26, 2020.

  1. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    I've always had a consistent opinion with "open world" games, and this is that you can either have a balanced game or an open world game, you can't have both.
    c-no and ToroidalBoat like this.
  2. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Jan 21, 2017
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    IDK what a balanced game is but I'll be under a pile of open world game fanfiction for the next several decades, thanks.
    Congratulations and ToroidalBoat like this.
  3. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    That's pretty much how it all goes. The only open world game to feel balanced or at least not as buggy or imbalanced as others was Kenshi and it's only because the dev went "screw storylines, do whatever you want as you start off as a weakling. Have fun." and letting one have the chance to grow their character by any means, even if it meant that to be tough to withstand a punch, you literally had to let people beat the shit out of you with rusted pipes.
    Congratulations likes this.
  4. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I like exploring fantasy worlds, and I don't go on internet forums discussing balanced mechanics. If I had to pick one, I'd chose open world all the way.
    c-no and Congratulations like this.
  5. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    Kenshi also lets you be a limb-less nub man that can shuffle at the speed of an old horse, so i feel as though it's balanced in it's own way.
    Imo but i've always preferred more linear fantasy worlds. Although that could just be because Dark Souls 3 is really good
    c-no likes this.
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "Dark Souls is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls"
  7. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    This is late as hell but I will say Dark Souls 3 was the best out of From Software's Souls games. I enjoy Elden Ring but Dark Souls 3 holds a more special place in my heart along with liking how the default knight armor in that looked compared to the rest. Like an actual torso covering breastplate that much better and aesthetically pleasing than even the elite knight armor, and slave knight being a favorite to boot. That and playing through Elden Ring and grinding in that like with other games made me realize with open world games, they all really do vary in keeping one's focus. I could see myself doing Elden Ring's open world better than Skyrim or Tom Clancy Wildlands just because it doesn't feel as bullshit even though it's pure combat with little to no settlements that tell you people lived there with normal live that go on.

    Thinking back to Starfield after playing Daggerfall recently and Starfield, I honestly feel like at this point with Bethesda, doing open world may as well just get them more spergs and legit criticism at this point if they do anything beyond "hand-crafted world" at least in considering how taking something from Daggerfall like "large world space" or dungeons would come to criticism. That said, I unironically found Starfield to be more enjoyable than Fallout 4. Fallout 4 to me is still a weak game despite all the fun I gotten and I said it before on Kiwi Farms: I had more fun playing the mobile game for Fallout that involved building a vault than Fallout 4 and that's just simply because of the shooting. I don't even care how guns work or look compared to gun spergs that could prattle about Bethesda being like California or how everything is centered around perks but the guns in them regardless of their looks don't even have the same feeling as what either New Vegas or Starfield had. Also for one thinking I'm sucking off Todd or Bethesda, I'd just say this to give the idea this isn't some defender of Bethesda: no engine change to their games will actually save them or make them better, not if people still complain about other aspects like with how lore and writing is handled or how they do combat and how they handle questlines with all the choices and consequences. Hopefully using Unreal 5 just means less lags for them but then again, it's all more on the developers using the engines than the engine itself. And I could imagine Bethesda still having crashes if they used Unreal Engine 5.

    Silent Hill 2 Remake was fun but any scariness it had honestly just lies in its atmosphere since most of its monsters become not so scary thanks to combat since it literally reminded me of Dark Souls in "hit this thing and then dodge it at the right moment." Also doesn't help any scariness nurses have goes away when I find out their attacks do rubberband just because I was a few inches away from the tip of their pipes only for the model to quickly rubberband to my character while they had normal attack speed. Meanwhile dodging their pipes while in a corner made me invincible despite their pipes actually connecting to James body. Again, most of 2's horror at this point really was with the atmosphere. Not even monsters in the streets day or night got me compared to exploring the hotel as things started to get unsettling until I had to do combat. I will give the game props though in getting me invested in some of the cutscenes and even watching the ones that involved a character that faced abuse from a shitty parent since I normally skip cutscenes. Legit, I gotten more fears from playing the Forest when I was starting off since night time in that made me truly fear the dark.
    Congratulations likes this.
  8. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    My man. Dark souls 3 is a really awesome game and no amout of Jacob Anderson huffing snobs complaining about "interconnectivity" will ever change my mind.
    c-no likes this.
  9. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Same. Much as one can go on about the world of the first game, I honestly am just in the more basic camp of "game is fun. I like it." Honestly, that's how it is for a lot of games whether it's shit Todd makes that keeps having less depth or something that is bound to kick my ass such as Dark Souls and Kenshi. I dunno but I do feel like with the taste I have, I just find it to be dick in calling people "troglodytes" or whatever for liking some game people don't like. Yeah I get Starfield is fucking boring for many or Last of Us 2 is either the greatest or worst but as someone that played a lot of shit and is in further in as an adult, it all just ends up feeling like there's another reason people could see gamers as manchildren. It takes Youtube comments and Twitter post for me to see them more as manchildren than some X-Box Live lobby since at least the last one felt like a containment for them. The former two however just allows for circlejerks.

    Also back on Dark Souls 3, its default knight armor is the best just for its design and I really fucking love it along with slave knight just for the fact it's nicer looking armor without looking too much like fantasy shit and also letting me have armored underwear.
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