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Meta Random Thoughts and Questions

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Yawning Sneasel, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Probably the same reason why in South Park, Kenny McCormick will sometimes die multiple times in a single episode and still keep coming back. Since you know Chris thinks South Park is real too, like everything else he watches.

    Chris will probably liken it to voodoo reincarnation curses if he ever has to explain it. He may have seen the South Park episodes with Kenny as his "Mysterion" alter ego where he explains that he wakes up in his bed every time he dies because of an ancient curse.
    The Scrunkly and Ms. Mowz like this.
  2. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    It's not like the actual continuity of Sonichu makes any more logical sense than that.
  3. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The plot of "Sonichu" before the "Idea Guys" may have resembled Swiss cheese: somewhat solid, but with multiple plot holes. Now it's like a messy pile of spaghetti. Moldy old floor spaghetti.
  4. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I would say the continuity of Sonichu post Idea Guys is closer to Hiroshima shortly after the bomb dropped, TBH.
    RetardBus and Judgesaturn507 like this.
  5. Judgesaturn507

    Judgesaturn507 rambling without substance

    Feb 17, 2022
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    I know a lot of people who follow Chris are comic fans who specifically care about Sonichu. To me that was always the least interesting part about him, especially given how much of the comic is a poorly-disguised version of his own life.

    It sort of feels like over time, Chris became more famous than Sonichu.
    Skeletor, RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  6. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I personally feel that Sonichu was interesting more as an insight into Chris Chan's mindset than it was as a comic. At least, until it was revived after 10. Then it was just boring garbage.
    RetardBus likes this.
  7. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    So some ween saw Chris at the airport in Dallas, and of course it wound up on YouTube. It's fucking nuts to me how there's weens that will stalk Chris across multiple states and try to waste their time talking to him, places as far from Virginia as East Texas no less. Absolutely insane behavior, if this wasn't just a random unexpected encounter.

    More details here if you're curious. Interesting new look Chris has with the flat cap and coat too, kinda looks like a slightly more dapper classic era Chris going undercover. I guess it's kinda hard to be incognito and not have people know you are in public, if you're someone as infamous and recognizable as Chris with a very distinct voice. Probably what makes it so easy for those extra weird weens who follow him around in public across the US.

    At the same time, I can't help but be a little curious why Chris is this far from home right now, even if that's none of my business. It's pretty strange to see Chris get on a plane and go this far away from his home state, considering how little he's done that in the past. Maybe Chris will talk about it online, or he'll make some new YouTube videos in Texas related to it, we'll just have to see.

    I've got to admit, I think Chris handled this interaction with a ween in public pretty well too. Imagine filming yourself approaching Chris and bugging him like a complete dumbass and willingly posting it online, and then getting owned by Chris of all people when he completely shuts you down in seconds. That has to be embarrassing.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
  8. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    There's no more Borb keeping him at the so-called "temple" anymore.
    c-no and RetardBus like this.
  9. RetardBus

    RetardBus I like hurting other people

    Feb 7, 2024
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    Sometimes it hits me again nowadays more than ever, that we're so far beyond the point of knowing that Chris is never going to get a job again, that it's not even funny. It's impossible to deny that it's largely because of his internet footprint and his public reputation too, especially that one worst thing he ever did. If tomorrow Chris suddenly did a complete 180 and decided he wanted to get a 9 to 5 job, I don't think he could even if he wanted to.

    It's easy for me to imagine the background check person at some unassuming menial workplace being someone who doesn't know who Chris is getting his application, googling the name "Christine Weston Chandler", and then out loud in their office cubicle being like:
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
    c-no, Ms. Mowz and ToroidalBoat like this.
  10. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Last time he worked* was before most "Zoomers" were even born. That rather long gap, combined with his fat ego and obese stupidity, as well as internet history pretty much seal a fate of never working in this world again.

    * (at Wendy's before 9/11)
    The Scrunkly, c-no and RetardBus like this.
  11. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Eh, that'll depend on where. Using A-Log himself as an example, A-Log feared his reputation on the internet would bite his work prospects though when it came to working at a place like Walmart it was something to not be afraid of since the manager told him his online reputation doesn't mean much which he notes also applied to his current job which was at a car wash. No doubt these are just low-tier jobs that would pay crap and all but at the very least if Chris wanted to actually get a job, some places like a Target would hire Chris. Granted, with Chris' reputation and all even before making headlines for what happened to Barb there is still the weens who would be a problem but at that point I wouldn't be surprised if a manager or security guard told them to fuck off and quit harassing an employee while the business is open. That or Chris just works an over night-shift where all one would do is restock shelves without interacting with customers or weens. And if weens did prowl around at night, it'd at least would make for a lulzy but still fucked up situation in seeing a dumbass get arrested by cops for trespassing. Any job beyond that like working at an office as something like a mail clerk would likely be out of grasp but that's more likely from any criminal records if sexual assault and elder abuse charges are anything to go by. Granted, this is all a guess on my part with anything past basic retail jobs.

    At the very least, it'd seal Chris from working anything other than a business like Home Depot or Walmart or Target as a lowly retail employee. And any physical labor would no doubt leave Chris tired while dealing with legit shitty customers would have a lot of legit stress sighs just as much as decent customers would have Chris elicit a stress sigh.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    The Scrunkly, RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  12. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    Does anyone else feel kind of bad for "Flutter," the woman Chris has been hanging out with post-jail saga? Even when you associate with Chris for non-weeny reasons, you still end up being stalked like some kind of fucking cryptid.

    Actually, I'm not sure why sightings of Chris "in the wild" are particularly noteworthy anymore. The first couple of times after he got out of jail, sure, but now? Maybe it's just because Chris hasn't done anything interesting since the jail saga ended.
  13. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "Chris Chan" thinking he's somehow an incarnation of Christ and "an avatar of existence" is the most extreme example of the "Dunning–Kruger effect" I've ever heard of*, when one considers how "special" he is when it comes to education. This is someone who thought that dumping all the "tobacky" on this planet into the sun would cause the whole solar system to fill with thick smoke.

    * Not to mention it shows how bloated his big fat ego is.
  14. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat and littler cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    if Chris would have had to go to prison then he would have worked, because they can make you work in prison to pay your expenses
    they pay you pennies an hour, and the judge can make you pay your expenses before you get commissary (a convenience store where you can buy goodies), which is the one thing prisoners have to look forward to
    Ms. Mowz, The Scrunkly and RetardBus like this.
  15. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    the virgin lolcow wannabe royal title "special snowflake" tl;dr name

    the Chad monosyllable or short name (like "Chad")
    RetardBus likes this.
  16. The Scrunkly

    The Scrunkly would YOU scrunkly the when?

    Jan 25, 2022
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    You know, Chirs has blamed the lack of dimensional merge on some kind of cosmic red-tape, like God's angelic lawyers are bogged down with some kind of extensive bureaucratic process involved when trying to make cartoons real. Something like that could make a decent premise for a comedy, honestly.
    Ms. Mowz and RetardBus like this.
  17. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Although a truly omnipotent and omniscient being could solve the "red tape" instantly, if toons real was goal.

    (that lolcow is too "exceptional" to see that)
    RetardBus likes this.
  18. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz A real floozy at heart.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    A random thought that came to mind: do the weens still find shouting "JULAY" like retards to Chris Chan to be some epic win prank?
    I personally think they haven't done it yet entirely because they haven't gotten close enough to Chris to try it since he was released from jail, and they seem dumb enough to attempt such a brain dead "le epic troll" move.
    RetardBus likes this.
  19. c-no

    c-no Dead Meme Internet Man

    Jan 23, 2017
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    There's probably at least one out there that does think it's some "le epic troll" move.
    RetardBus and Ms. Mowz like this.
  20. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    For me the comics and the wiki articles on Sonichu lore got me interested in Chris. Killed a ton of time at work reading the Cwckipedia.

    it’s legit hysterical how he based his comics on real life events.