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Sonichu Plotholes that confuss you

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Ore Rosechu, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Originally I wanted to make a post doing a deep dive into Chris' sense of morality, but honestly it became an essay and just wasn't much fun... and honestly came off as A-Loggy.

    Now for the record. I don't hate Chris, I still think of him as harmless and his rage largely impotent. As long as he has no real power I don't think he's a threat to anyone and no sane person would give him power.

    Admittedly the few occasions where he had real power over another person were... not great to put it lightly.

    I will admit this take is ignoring the elephant in the room, but that elephant is a dead horse at this point.

    So instead I wanna talk about Sonichu Lore (note: This includes lore about the Dimensional Merge)

    Now Sonichu is not known for being entirely sound and every time Chris tries to make it make sense he, like JK Rowling with Harry Potter, just makes a more twisted tale.

    If I were to point out every plot hole we'd be here all day.

    So while I could keep necroing threads to keep this dead forum talking, let's just tall about the specific plot holes that get under your skin.

    I'm going to start with something recent, CPU Goddess Blue Heart.

    I, like many others, was suckered into buying Hyperdimension Neptunia when it first released on the PS3 due to its premise (being a personification of the console wars in a quirky JRPG that celebrates the history of gaming) and regretted my purchase when the game itself was an endless grind of doing the same shit again and again only for Neptune to mistake namedropping a video game for a joke.

    (Oh if only Idea Factory was as infamous in America as it was in Japan)

    But this means I more or less know the lore, I even got suckered into playing the remake on Steam (and was pissed they removed the one character I actually liked - NISA, the personification of Nippon Ichi... oh well at least she's in Disgaea 5, which unlike HD Neptunia doesn't suck...)

    And nothing about CPU Blue Heart makes any sense...

    First off the Goddess would have come into existence when the console did. The Commodore 64 came out in 1982, and Chris was born in 1980. And if Chris is literally God himself then the Commodore 64 would need to predate the Big Bang.

    Additionally Blue Heart? Why blue? Green Heart, Black Heart, and White Heart match the colors of the consoles they're based on. Black matches the PS3 color scheme, White matches the color of the Wii, and Green matches the logo and lighting of the Xbox

    Admittedly Neptune herself is an exception since nothing Sega related is purple (unless you're counting NiGHTS) but still, the clear outlier here.

    The color Blue has nothing to do with the Commodore 64, now Tan Heart would have made sense, but Blue? The only thing I can think of is Chris likes Sonic and Sonic is blue, but Sonic is a Sega property, not a Commodore 64 title... Makes as much sense as dubbing Mario the mascot of the ouya.

    And in the original game at least, characters had summons matching the games they were from... and how many classic Commodore 64 characters show up in the comic? None! (Hey who wants a Lazy Jones arc of Sonichu?) Instead Blue Heart's allies are derived from Sonic characters.

    Console Goddesses also have super forms with different personalities entirely, which we never see from Chris. His super forms have the same personality and are tied to Sonic and Pokémon, neither is a C64 game.

    No matter how you slice it, there is no reason or way for Chris to, from a lore standpoint, be a Console Goddess.

    He doesn't even have a personality matching the vibe of the Console (Ya know like how Green Heart, the Xbox Chick, is a stereotypical blonde haired American with huge tits parodying how Microsoft is the only American Console manufacturer.. or how White Heart is a little girl who rules over a colorful childlike kingdom, parodying how Nintendo is more family orientated than other consoles)

    At the very least shouldn't Chris be really smart (referencing how the Commodore 64 is a computer that encouraged people to learn programming) or stereotypically British (It was more well received in the UK than anywhere else)

    It's almost like the Console Goddess thing is only there to remind me that Neptunia exists and give Chris yet another accolade and power and I don't know which is worse.

    It adds nothing to Chris since he already has divinity from another origin and it just breaks the lore of both Neptunia AND Sonichu.

    Though it is weirdly in character for Chris to blindly accept new powers without any concern for the responsibilities that come with it.... that's the only part of this Blue Heart that makes sense.

    So what plot holes particularly bother you?
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  2. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    None because I don't care about the egotistical garbage that is "Sonichu" comics?

    That being said, that meddling of the "Idea Guys" really messed up those stories.
    Ore Rosechu likes this.
  3. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Yes, but there must be something in there that genuinely made you go.. "Why?"
  4. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    That lolcow was born in 1982, making him one of the oldest "Millennials".

    The C64's default BASIC screen is lighter blue text on a darker blue background.

    Likely also because he likes blue because favorite color and Sonic.

    "Honor Roll" thinks he's smart. Once he even derped "I AM HONOR ROLL" in response to trolling.

    During "The Classic" days, that comic had a relatively coherent plot, which was then somewhat messed with when the "hero" of the comics "went tomgirl", and again with that "Night Star" crap. But the meddling of the "Idea Guys" really messed it up. The "plot" was "retconned" to a clusterbomb of wat, with the "goddess" crap and convoluted stuff about Nazis and other such delirium.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024