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Larry Koopa's Fanfiction Emporium

Discussion in 'Internet Fiction/Fanfiction' started by Larry Koopa, Mar 6, 2023.

  1. Larry Koopa

    Larry Koopa Koopaling

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Hello, Larry Koopa here and I want to make a thread where I share some of my favorite bad fanfics that I've found. I've been reading bizarre fanfics for probably about two decades now and my personal Fanfiction.net account has over a thousand stories marked as "favorite" for all the wrong reasons. I'll update this as activity requires and I hope this thread helps breathe some life into this section of the boards.

    "A Spooky Halloween" by MGHSHour (Erik "Taz" Mokracek), 2019
    Max and Emmy from Dragon Tales go trick or treating, though Emmy spends more time farting and crapping her pants in all the ways that this author is known for writing. Had to dig this one up on Archive because MGHSHour eventually smartened up to what he was posting online and took this one down. Probably one of my personal all-time favorites for how insane it is.

    "TINY TOON AFTERMATH" by Bloodlustful, 2013
    The cast of Tiny Toons Adventures is transported to New York City on the evening of September 11th, 2001 and they all react to the visceral carnage that took place that morning. Everyone cries, someone even saves a kid or something, and the whole ordeal comes off a lot more offensive and tasteless than it needs to.
  2. Fialovy

    Fialovy Skeleman Warrior

    Jun 17, 2022
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    Geez, those are... something.

    I do look forward to more of what you found, as forward as I can be to bad fanfiction
    John_doe26 and Larry Koopa like this.
  3. Congratulations

    Congratulations You like? Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 10, 2021
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    At first you had my attention
    But now you have my interest
    ToroidalBoat and Larry Koopa like this.
  4. Larry Koopa

    Larry Koopa Koopaling

    Mar 2, 2023
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    It's been a little while so here's some more curated content for you from the archives. Both of these fanfics are from 2005 and exist on just about opposite sides of the spectrum but they're both amusing reads.

    "The Difficulties of Belief" by Angelitus Litus, 2005
    This is the second time I've posted something Dragon Tales-related to this board and for good reason, it's a magnet for the uncanny and absurd. For those unfamiliar with the cartoon these two kids have a magic dragon scale that transports them to Dragon Land. Here's what happens when the older of the two kids gets "too old" for imaginary friends.

    "The Bad Joke" by 56434, 2005
    TV sitcoms are a prime candidate for fanfiction and no show has more than its fair share of weird shit than Full House. There are all sorts of wacky stories people have written for this show, most of them about Stephanie struggling with teen life or bad things happening to Michelle. In this story Stephanie plays a trick on someone and it backfires in quite possibly the most off the rail manner imaginable.
    Congratulations likes this.