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Meta Hot take: I geniunely think Chris-Chan is more competent than DarkSydePhil

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Ore Rosechu, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Seriously just watch DSP play games and see him discard information miliseconds after reading it aloud, then scream about how the game never told him what to do.... I just.. can't

    Now we don't really have Chris gaming footage to compare it to, but I can't see even him being that incompetent.

    I mostly bring this up because Chris is such the epitome of failure that when I find someone who genuinely comes off as more pathetic than Chris in ANY context, I find it hard to believe.

    I know this sounds a little A-Loggy, but.. bear with me here.

    How often do you see someone doing a task and think, without irony or insult, that Honor Roll could do it better?
  2. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    DSP managed to go to a fairly decent Jesuit university (a Catholic order known for its academic rigor) and earn a bachelor's degree in finance, which is not easy to do
    on paper, that alone makes him more capable than Chris
    and DSP managed to have real girlfriends and get married
    I don't follow DSP that much, but from what I understand, he's terrible at managing his personal finances . . . and he has a degree in finance (although to be fair, you're studying corporate finance at a university and not personal finance)

    Chris is probably better at drawing and playing video games than I am, but to be fair, those are hobbies I don't do that much
    The Fool and Ore Rosechu like this.
  3. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    I will admit, Chris can definitely draw better than I do.

    Little fun bit of my history, in the old days, when I rolled with old guard.. I've talked about it before, knew Evan, but got chased off by weens that noticed I was in the sweetspot of "Not high enough up to be worshipped as an epic troll, yet high enough up to be a threat to their own weenings", and I just left with Clyde Cash having to step in to get those guys off my ass.. The weens that chased me off actually found my old Deviantart account from middle school and just started roasting me in this chatroom because "YOU ACTUALLY DRAW WORSE THAN CHRIS!"

    Someone actually had to fucking point out that "It doesn't matter how horrible [NAME REDACTED] is at drawing, because they're not going around claiming to be a master of the medium and trying to make an entire franchise out of it.. and THAT'S the part that we make fun of Chris for!" to get them to shut up

    I have long since abandoned my Deviant Art, I honestly don't even feel safe browsing the site anymore.... and for the record, it had been long abandoned even when the weens found it.
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.