All I know of bitcoins is that back then, having 100 or 1000 bit coins was 10 bucks for pizza and that to get rich you had to be an early adopter. Now all I get with it is being a meme.
Crypto is voodoo money that derives its value purely from its speculative worth, which is compliantly arbitrary and subject to insane peaks and valleys making its intending purpose of being a currency basically impossible Imagine having a $5 bill in your pocket and not knowing if by the time you get to the store it's enough to buy bread or the whole shelf of bread...
...NFTs are literally just clipart and recolors of copyrighted characters that are labeled by their creators as "rare" and exist only to scam people who make a lot of money from crypto, that being gambling addicts and stupid people.
That about sums it up. Crypto could be something except everyone just goes on speculative worth rather than any kind of backing for it beyond "I got a blockchain from all these video cards I hoard."
Meanwhile NFT's are all just lazy cliparts and scams. At least it left us with salty cryptospergs that think there's some value and that right-clicking is bad just because they think a recolor of an ugly ass ape will somehow make them a millionaire one day.
The funny thing with NFT's is that it's not even the environmental impact of them that makes me dislike, it's mainly on the fact that we have enough spergs thinking apes and lion recolors will make them a quick buck.
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