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Lady Ballers (Warning: Might be political)

Discussion in 'Films' started by Ore Rosechu, Apr 7, 2024.

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  1. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    So has anyone heard of Ben Shapiro? Don't you fucking lie to me, yes the hell you have.

    I understand this might be political, actually I tell a lie, it is, but fail is fail no matter which side of the spectrum it comes from. If we had a Left Leaning film just as mean-spirited or incompetent, I'd have brought it up. (And if you know of one, show me... and I don't mean Ghostbusters 2016 or The Problem With Apu, everyone knows about those abominations) (I mean I guess Christpiracy might count: the Vegan scare film that claims that we only think it's okay to eat meat because the Church is censoring Christ's teachings on veganism, of which the had none)

    Well, you may not know that in addition to being the writer/owner of the Daily Wire and the most absolutely based debater of all time (By which I mean he infamously debated high schoolers who didn't know anything, and beat them by never actually letting them say anything), he is also a novelist and a film maker.

    Well Lady Ballers is one of his films, but I wanna talk about it because I never thought a movie could exist like this. I mean I know there's a lot of movies that act as propaganda pieces for the far right (The Trump Prophecy and God's Not Dead for two examples, and of course there's no shortage of films like "Last Ounce of Courage" and "Voiceless" pushing the "Abortion is Murder" and "War on Christmas" buttons), but typically they're tame and restrained because they want to have an air of legitimacy. They seek to kinda, sorta, pretend to be real unbiased movies that only say the loud parts quietly and never the quiet parts loud.

    Sure God's Not Dead can have a scene where a Muslim college student is beaten by her father for listening to Christian Sermons on her MP3 player, but they're just showing how Christians are victimized and how more people would come to Christ if not for how those closest to them would judge them for it. They aren't really coming out and saying "ARABS BAD!" And they'll just vaguely imply that being gay's unmanly, they're not going to actually do any overt gay bashing nor are we going to see any "ex-gay" characters.

    Lady Ballers flips off any pretenses of being anything but a far right hit piece, and just comes right out with it. The trailer of the movie even warning that the "World of women's sports is about to be forever TRANSformed!"

    So what is Lady Ballers? Lady Ballers is a wacky comedy film where a Coach who's career was ruined by "wokeness" (and they never elaborate beyond that) becomes destitute and has no choice but to sign an all-male basketball team to dominate women's sports, all he has to do is say they're trans and he can roflstomp.

    Every joke is pretty much characters saying that they are liberals and that they are dumb, the Lady Ballers being entirely unconvincing as women, and sometimes a Far Right Political Figure will come out to say some slogan. (Yes, one of them even name drops the documentary "What Is A Woman?")

    The movie ends with the Coach disbanding his team, realizing that he's just "adding to the debauchery of the world as opposed to highlighting it", but not till his best friend comes out as trans unironically (Who then gets punched at the balls as our main character walks away in shame....) We later get an ending credits joke about the now trans friend seeing a therapist in order to transition, the punchline is that his therapist is played by Jordan Peterson (who is notorious for claiming transpeople are some modern fad, among other things) who is just going along with the insane things his patients say.

    Now the reason this fascinates me, is like I said, it's a departure from most of these political films. Most of them just use strawmen arguments and misrepresentations of documented fact to paint things the director doesn't like as bad... Here, there is no beating around the bush, no hiding behind some moral outrage, they just come right out and fucking say "We hate transpeople because we're bigots, and you should hate them too because any man can just claim to be trans to get into women's sports"

    But that's not the funny part, what does is an interview about the film with Ben Shapiro himself.

    In the interview, Ben Shapiro mentions that Lady Ballers was originally a Documentary in which he would get a film crew to follow around a team of his creation. This team would be composed of men pretending to be transwomen, who would get into women's basketball, dominate, and pose around while Ben pointed and said "See! We told you they were ruining women's sports!"

    However, as Ben points out, they could not actually find a woman's basketball league that would sign his team without some kind of evidence that they've been on female hormones for a minimum of a year or so.

    But since he already put money down on this team, fuck it, let's do a comedy movie instead.

    I find this whole movie funny, because the movie tries to make a point that is discredited by the fact that the movie exists in the first place, and no matter which side of the "Trans Debate" you're on, that's certainly a new level of fail.
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  2. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I haven't, because I don't really keep up with current American pop culture.

    That name sounds familiar though. I think he is some kind of movie director?
    Ore Rosechu likes this.
  3. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Ben Shapiro is a lawyer and right wing political pundit (and decent violinist)
    he most recently put his foot in his mouth by saying retirement is stupid (he's a few years younger than Chris) - yeah, let's ask him about retirement again in 20-30 years

    the girl who played Mathilda in the 90s movie is his cousin and dislikes him
    and of course Ben Shapiro has a thread on KF
    c-no and Ore Rosechu like this.
  4. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Ben Shapiro is the guy who starts the "FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS!" meme and its sister "DESTROYED BY FACTS AND LOGIC!", as both were slogans he used to promote himself as a debater. He would show up to highschools and colleges to debate politics in fights blatantly in his favor. He doesn't do this anymore, kind of like how Chris doesn't stand outside with an attraction sign anymore (Not that that stops people stuck in the past from thinking both are the case)

    However Ben Shapiro, like Chris, is still a moron who contionusly makes bad faith arguments and sells himself as an intellectual when he blatantly isn't. (Ben has admitted in his books and in talk show that he genuinely doesn't believe radiation is toxic, and that it's just a lie liberals use to justify not firing off nukes, for example)

    Today Ben Shapiro owns a newsgroup called the Daily Wire, which basically just parades around saying "Gay people bad!" and stretching that out into whole articles.

    Ben Shapiro is most famous for his classical "Winning move" in debates, which he still uses to this day, where he'll pitch a random scenario and then pretend that scenario, despite being of his own creation, proves his point. Always starting with the phrase "Let's say hypothetically" and always boiling down to essentially "Let's say hypothetically I'm right, that means I'm right."

    One of his most infamous "Let's say hypothetically" moments, was when he proposed that even if climate change was real (he doesn't believe in it), that it's not a problem if sea levels rise because people living near beaches would just sell their now-underwater homes and move... Though this is him from the Classic Ben days.

    Anyway, there's more, but that should give you a glimpse of the rabbit hole (Keep in mind, as I said, he's not a debater anymore, he moved onto to making terrible movies and books inbetween Daily Wire articles)
  5. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Not surprised considering he's a lolcow, he's just one who managed to fail upwards by knowing the right people (ie: Rich family is rich)

    I think my favorite Ben Shapiro funfact is that the big reason for his descent into Right Wing political stuff was to get revenge for Hollywood rejecting his idea for a sitcom... Which was about his wacky adventures and called "The Ben Shapir-Show!"

    That's definitely some "Yep I'm on TV!" energy
  6. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    he's a really conservative Orthodox Jew, so I'm pretty sure he wanted to own the libs before getting rejected by liberal Hollywood

    he's a genuinely talented violinist, he's a real lawyer, and he married an Israeli doctor, which is legit good
    that said, I don't like politics, but I like seeing some commentators I like berate him when he says dumb stuff, LOL
    like I said, the most recent example was when he said retirement is dumb, and blue collar members in his audience were telling him how great it was to retire and have a pension at 55 because they were in a union

    then again, if you were well paid and had a cushy job, that's like shaking a money tree and I get why you wouldn't want to retire
  7. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Ahh unions *cries in Right-To-Work state*

    Anyway, yeah, but still I wonder why the hell he thought producers would be lining up to do a sitcom about some random kid who just got out of college, I mean, he wasn't famous yet. That's the part that I find funny, that he just assumed that because he's "the main character" people would naturally wanna do a show about him.

    I wondered if I should even bring up Lady Ballers at all because of the politics, but the movie is so mean-spirited and Ben Shapiro's stupidity is so unintentionally hilarious that his political views barely matter
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  8. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Jan 23, 2017
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    yeah, that does sound like Chris wanting to sign with Marvel while drawing like an elementary school kid
    Ore Rosechu likes this.
  9. Ore Rosechu

    Ore Rosechu Rockin' da house

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Eh to be fair, the Ken Penders run of "Knuckles The Echidna" is pretty damn close to "Sonichu, but it's licensed by SEGA.... Mostly because they're asleep at the wheel of actually overlooking production of the comic and aren't gonna wake the fuck back up until two literal decades later, but still..."

    So I could see it happening if he wasn't so infamous
  10. Anya

    Anya Heh Administrator

    Apr 30, 2016
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    This is a thinly-veiled thread about Ben Shapiro. No.

    General Rules
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
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