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Jacob Sockness

Discussion in 'CWC Orbiters' started by Pibot, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    A hilariously autistic one.
  2. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    BIG update:

    Sockness and Chris were planning a meetup in Virginia, the trip was supposedly going to be a few months long because Sock is a lunatic who clearly has no life and was going to spend months in Virginia with an Internet personality. Have we got that crown ready for the King of Weens yet?
    Sock goes on Reddit to tell everyone he has his tickets ready to go. It’s mushy lovey dovey garbage about how Sock is in love with his goddess Chris,
    Another Reddit thread appeared and Sock’s comments were a bit.....disturbing. I’m not saying Sock was gonna rape Chris, but the comments are a bit rapey.

    Chris, thank [insert whatever higher power you believe in here], decides that Sock is actually a lunatic and tells him to fuck off.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
  3. The Red Baron

    The Red Baron Knower of random subjects and Owner of Megatron

    that latest development is interesting, Chris made a good decision for once, granted through weird nonsensical ways but I digress, it will be interesting to see where Sockness goes from here, hopefully back to his basement in SF where he will stuff himself with potato chips and cry more on the internet and hopefully not doing anything dumb or bad which isnt entirely impossible as he clearly has screws loose
  4. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Well shit, Chris has finally come full circle.

    After years of being rejected by sweethearts....now *he's* the one doing the rejecting...
  5. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    It's strange - Sock claims he's in love with Chris and that Chris is a beautiful woman (Sock's words). Sock has a $300/month apartment in San Francisco, he realizes that's a good thing and he doesn't want to lose it, so the fact he was considering going to the east coast for a few months is strange.

    Like Pibot said in the OP, we're not sure what Sock is playing at and what he wants with Chris. Sock considers himself evil and at least in his mind or in the astral plane wants to hurt people.

    Yeah, good thing Chris rejected him and won't meet him.
  6. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Imagine how Chris would've explained Sockness to Barb.

    (Some on KF speculate Barb made Chris turn down Sockness, but I also think Chris was genuinely creeped out by him too. But Chris had to say it via a word salad of Pokemon this and psychic powers that.)
  7. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    I have to admit that I was worried about Chris. I'm glad to see Chris actually making a good decision for a change.
  8. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Is this the first smart life decision Chris has ever made?
  9. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    There was also the time he stopped using the Attraction Sign.

    But just like then, now could've been just because Barb told him to.

    When Barb goes, smart choices could go with her.
  10. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Chris tweeted that he wants a few thousand dollars to go to a Brony con in San Francisco.

    Will Sock and Chris meet anyway?
  11. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    and will weens and asspatters give Chris the money?

    (we already know the answer to this)
  12. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    The big brained play is to let the ween ween himself into a corner, don't commit to shit, and when this crippling autistic dumb ass shows up, not let him in while you get on the phone to dispatch to unleash the jerkops on him while having him "prove his loyalty" prior to entry that will never be offered by ordering him to stand silently outside waiting with his thumb up his ass like a space monkey seeking entry to Paper Street Soap Company. Checkmate, atheists and attention whores.
  13. Charlotte Sheen-chan

    Charlotte Sheen-chan Christory Major with a Minor in Not Giving a F$%&

    Considering most recently that Jacob is already acting like a jealous abusive boyfriend and eliminating every other person in Chris's life except for himself, I'd say he's hellbent enough to still get with him or die trying. At least until the full extent of his utter batshit Jacobible gets leaked beyond PR move.
  14. Owl_Boy

    Owl_Boy New Member

    I just looked some of this up, and holy the dude is mental. I knew the idea guys were terrible but if chris takes the bait on this I'd imagine it being 10x worse.
  15. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    INB4 Sockness skins Chris and turns him into a "CWC-Suit".
  16. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    when had Chris ever NOT taken the bait? It’s almost like he’s retarded and doesn’t learn from mistakes and keeps getting worse.
    I remember seeing Sockness on Chris’s twitter originally and he didn’t seem to get much attention. I actually thought it was just a joke that was flopping hard but he kept trying. Just goes to show if you’re persistent and persuasive enough you can get into Chris’s head fairly easily.
  17. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    So this shit is happening.


    Sockness is threatening a copyright lawsuit over his “intellectual” property being used in Sonichu, demanding that he and Chris marry, ignoring the fact that:
    1.) He probably doesn’t have an official copyright on Kidasuba.
    2.) Sonichu pages featuring Kidasuba haven’t been published.
    3.) Sonichu doesn’t make enough money for any lawyer to care about copyright infringement. Even if Sock managed to get 100% of profits from Sonichu that features his work (which is 0 USD) , it wouldn’t be worth a lawyers time.
    4.) Law enforcement would care more about blackmailing a mentally disabled person into marriage than a bunch of badly drawn characters on colored marker drawings.

    Chris, being Classic Chris, decided that since she’s been to this world, she can use her experiences as a storytelling tool without needing Sock’s permission, similar to why Simola couldn’t be killed because she was real.
    On one side we have a very unstable individual who thinks their terrible artwork is worth a damn, on the other side we have Chris.
  18. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, this is some tectonic autism we have here.
  19. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    tard slapfight

    I pity any officials the amount of autism they'll have to decipher if Sock or Chris pushes the issue
  20. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Can you imagine these 2 on Judge Judy? Make that shit pay per view