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01/25/17 Chris Mourns a Gay Icon, Praises God, Then Claims to Believe in Reincarnation

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by catparty, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. JOHANnessburg

    JOHANnessburg Shut up Johan you're driving me crazy

    I take it Christ doesn't believe in Godbear-Jesus anymore?
    Trilby and Mariposa Electrique like this.
  2. Suicidal Emo Panda

    Suicidal Emo Panda I love china, trust me.

    Nope, it has been replaced by goddes Emanualle.
  3. Holdek

    Holdek Well-Known Member

    What a nice remembrance, mentioning that he hears she'd been in different things, and was a supporter for Lots of things as well.
  4. Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Well-Known Member

    Chris will always remember her as one of the many women whose hair he could never imitate because of male pattern baldness.
    Holdek, Trilby and whatisgoingon like this.
  5. Norman Krasner

    Norman Krasner Well-Known Member

    Chris probably watched old TV shows with Borb when he wasn't watching cartoons
  6. Norman Krasner

    Norman Krasner Well-Known Member

    skip to 3:10
    Mariposa Electrique and Trilby like this.
  7. Norman Krasner

    Norman Krasner Well-Known Member

    he was raised on cartoons and whatever old TV Borb watched on nick@nite when it aired actual classic TV
  8. Deadpool

    Deadpool God's perfect idiot

    I hope she's reincarnated as a member of the Westboro Baptist church just to spite Chris. Also old TV shows kick ass. Especially the Andy Griffith Show.
    Mouseberger likes this.
  9. NotAriel

    NotAriel Well-Known Member

    It's actually fairly normal for people in their 30s to have seen those shows & enjoy them to various extents. In the 90s they were repeated constantly because reality TV wasn't around to use as cheap filler.
  10. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    That was how kids like me ended up watching Nick at Nite without question, we sorta wanted to be in on whatever our parents used to be into. I loved SCTV.

    Speaking of MTM, I'll just leave these two clips here, let them sink in!

    At least now she'll be with Mimsie!
  11. Jaundiced Regal

    Jaundiced Regal Active Member

    We need a name for Chris's beliefs, Chrissianity? Chrisinsanity?
  12. NotAriel

    NotAriel Well-Known Member

  13. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Never really thought about it, but children of the 80's and early 90's are familiar with a lot of the pop culture tropes and memes of their parents' generation thanks to Nick at Nite. idk if youngsters today know about shit like Mary Tyler Moore or Gilligan' Island.
    Trilby and Very Honest Content like this.
  14. JULAY

    JULAY Active Member

    I live in a college town and do pub trivia a couple nights a week and I can say with certainty, no, they don't.
  15. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Oh well. I suppose that's bound to happen.
    Mariposa Electrique likes this.
  16. Chandler Cats

    Chandler Cats Mama Cats. You kids settle down!

    Official Board Mom here to say yes, this show was pivotal to 70s TV viewing, CBS had Saturday night locked up for years with "All In The Family" "The Jeffersons" "MTM", "The Bob Newhart Show" and then "The Carol Burnette Show". Ground breaking episodes and hilarious writing, I still watch these shows. She was also an amazing producer and I was really bummed to hear this one. Mimsie, by the way (and wow, "winner" for knowing her name) was given to the production secretary and actually only died a few years ago, I think she lived to be 18. Yeah, Chris grew up with these shows the same way I did, parents loved this line up, your house only had one TV in those days and so this is what's on. Fortunately it was some of the most epic comedy on television and it still holds up. His TV "anchor shows" belong to someone in their 50s because he was raised by grandparents.
  17. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Too bad I was just born when this was going on, though these shows would get reran in the 80's anyway.

    They do hold up.

    Thank you!

    You just explained my childhood. Though I did have a B&W TV in my room, but that was all![/quote]
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    Chandler Cats likes this.