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Does Chris's continuing to whine about Trump show he's changing, however slightly?

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by JSMK, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. JSMK


    OK, hear me out. I know this could just be him being his normal, whiny self. But, he's never really been that vocal about politics until around the time of this past election season. We know he voted for Obama in 2008 because he related to Obama. We also know he voted for Obama again in 2012. We know he was able to vote in 2000 and 2004, but know nothing about his participation in either of those elections, or if he even participated at all. From what I could find, he had no statuses on Facebook talking about the 2008 election(although the CWCki has nothing after February 12 of that year), and most of his statuses from 2012 are either about trolls or his trial over the Michael Snyder incident. One could argue the reason is because Hillary was running. But why then is he continuing this? Why this election? He seemed to do well in his Government class, so he should know how the deaths of Trump and Pence while still in office wouldn't put in Clinton. It would put in Paul Ryan.

    So, is he changing? Do you think he'll continue to be more involved?
    Cybernetic Saladin likes this.
  2. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

    Chris is only paying attention to Trump because the LGBT blogs he follows on Facebook vilify him so often, to the point that Chris has said he's afraid of what a Trump presidency will mean for him and his lesbian soul.

    I don't think he did well at any of his classes. His teachers just gave him passing grades to move him along. Either way, it's been over 15 years since he took that class. He would've forgotten everything by now.
  3. keksz

    keksz Verified nobody

    Because back in 2000 Chris was just his old self playing video games and engaging trolls and now he's become a TRUE and HONEST tranny lesbian freakshow. To be a part of the LGTBQCDEFG community means keeping up with news on Facebook and social media and echoing whatever the rest of them are sharing and resharing. It's simple as that - old Chris was too busy with games, new Chris is (at least partly) busy with social media, and social media cares a lot about Trump and any other major news stories.

    This makes me think of why Chris has found such a perfect fit for himself on the LGBTQ community. He has no independent though - his previous "beliefs" being only an echo of what Bob used to think, and we saw how fickle this was once he was gone and Chris became gay. The LGBTQ is now his moral and ethical compass through life, it fits the same space Bob once had (I'm guessing Barb isn't much for opinions on politics, etc). This makes his fascination with that SJW queer comic book even more reasonable, considering he compared it to the bible recently when addressing Barron Trump.
  4. Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about this the other day, but yes, Chris seems to be dependent on group think almost to the point of being in a distance learning cult.
    It seems like Chris has to be dependent on someone else's thoughts and beliefs to avoid feeling like he has any real responsibility, or possibly because he can't understand society and goes with the next best thing.
    Sadly, it also shows how his hatred for the Patriarchy is not genuine. Chris was dependent on Bob's core beliefs, but the only beliefs he has lifted from Barb are about materialism and manipulation, which he fails at entirely.

    No, it shows that after Barb dies and the LGBTQI finally loses popularity, Chris is going to be extremely reactive and will seek out belief systems anywhere he can.
  5. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Definitely a vicious cycle for someone who can't even think for himself.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  6. PS1gamenwatch

    PS1gamenwatch Member

    He's just following what is popular now, like Family Guy trying to cash in on what's popular. To get noticed. And China.
  7. thismanlies

    thismanlies Member

    The only thing he's changed on is his view on homosexuals. And even then, that's because he's signed statements that have said that he'd rather be a tranny than gay. As for his hatred for Trump, he still hates all men besides himself and his deceased father. Keep in mind that he backed Sarah Palin simply because she was a woman.

    Attached Files:

  8. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    And mispronounced her name too (in that one Alec Benson Leary call)!
  9. [WTX]Coolguy_Tran

    [WTX]Coolguy_Tran Extreme Ween!

    It does, but not in a good or a bad way.

    Classic Chris would have been a mild Trump supporter because Bob was one, and also because of Pence. Remember, Classic Chris HATED homos and any implication that he was gay.

    Now, because being a transtrending faggot is trendy, he embraces the homo wholeheartedly.

    I miss classic chris.
  10. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow Don't call anybody

    This is pretty much the entire reasoning behind the Tomgirl saga. Due to the newfound acceptance/popularity of rejecting gender roles/being trans on the internet, Chris thought it would be a good idea to cash in on it for the sweet tumblr china.
  11. Hollywood Hulk Hogan

    Hollywood Hulk Hogan nWo 4 LyFe Real American

    I don't think so. I mean, yeah, his views have changed, but he's still the fat, lazy manchild we all know. He's turning into a Tumblrina, in that he'd rather bitch on Facebook than actually do something. He still gets to act oppressed (as a "lesbian soul" or whatever the fuck it is) AND the cyber bullies, instead of just the cyber bullies and da homos.
  12. bungholio

    bungholio Deader than the parents on "Party Of Five".

    With Chris it's mainly just "woman lose, me mad".
  13. Orkeosaurus

    Orkeosaurus Active Member

    *rates optimistic*
    But really I think the only way you could know for sure if Chris is any different is if you went back to an alternate dimension where McCain won and Chris had access to facebook. My feeling is hes always had an urge to shitpost his ill informed politics and the only thing thats changed is his pet causes, being on the losing side, and the medium through which he expresses himself (sonichu/youtube, now mostly facebook).

    Also this forum seems nice.
    Mariposa Electrique likes this.
  14. JSMK


    You have a point. However, note I only asked if he was changing. I didn't say for the better.
  15. He did change. Into a woman.
    Crass_and_Champ likes this.
  16. Robotic Richard Simmons

    Robotic Richard Simmons Well-Known Member

    Basically this. Chris is no different from any other selfish American in this regard. He only cares about politics when it specifically could impact him.
    Harrison Gentleman and Trilby like this.
  17. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Which we hope it will.
  18. Robotic Richard Simmons

    Robotic Richard Simmons Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with equal rights for the LGBT community, I really don't. But when you're trying to come up with special treatment for someone that willingly opted into (SRS, HRT, etc.) then you have to accept your actions and consequences. If you've gone through it all and at the end are passable for either male or female, great, you've earned that right, it's not an easy process. But if you're asked to not use a particular bathroom on a campus or public space, don't sperg out, that's not a reason to take your fight to Washington. Marriage rights are not the same as some pissed off tranny being asked to show ID to prove they are who they say they are or being requested to use a different bathroom.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  19. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Thank you.

    Of course I was hoping for a cut in his Tugboat personally if it came to that.
  20. Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Well-Known Member

    I agree, realistically, there's nothing stopping Chris from being on HRT and lobbying for SRS, since in Virginia, medicare pays for it and HRT pills are cheap at the Wal-Mart. Chris has a therapist that can refer him to a clinician or informed consent clinic that help Chris to reach his dreams of becoming a stroke victim at an even earlier age than predicted. No, Chris would rather dress like a teenage slut and tell the world that he still dispenses semen.
    Remember, Chris' autism has helped him to be motivated to get or do a lot of stupid things in life.

    So, has Chris changed?
    No, Chris has not changed; the only thing that has changed is the target of his aggression (conservatives, whites). Chris has always had the thought in his mind that he is one of the "good guys" and whatever targets he is unleashing his autistic fury on deserves his autistic aggression.
    The only thing that changed now is that Chris is hating people while a dress and sporting a long, ugly, greasy skullet.

    I can't believe Chris believes he is such a caring person just because he put on a skirt and changed his name.