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The Worst of Christian Weston Chandler

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Uncle Frank, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Dumb thread because of the lack of content. Also probably counts as a-logging.

    What's the objectively worse thing Chris has ever made or done? For me it would be his political "commentary", mainly because he just doesn't shut the fuck up and keeps making raspberrys and IT DRIVES ME UP THE WALL AAAAAA
  2. Erika

    Erika RL incel hunter

    Jan 29, 2017
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    That time Chris shot up a day care screaming I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS 14/88. Anyone disagreeing with me is a faggot who loves Chris and is gay for him and a white knight loser.

    Joking aside, hitting Synder with the car with out a doubt. Chris played it off as self defense, when A he was safe B he was angry. Honestly, being not allowed to play pokemon at a store he was a problem customer with is not justified to nearly kill someone. We know Chris has autism and isn't over all a smart person but he felt OK in the moment to murder a man because he couldn't get his trading card fix. That's not mental illness, that's cruel, calculated hateful behavior. Also he maintains he was a victim when he even leaked the recording and lashed out verbally at Synder as well, using racist terms.
  3. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Creating Sonichu
  4. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Chris's worst?
    His inability to write or speak a coherent sentence in any language.
    Chris burying his face in Catherine's tits.
    Him being able to sell crap for lots based on his public infamy and wasting the money on crap.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
  5. king koi

    king koi Nobody cares, yo!

    Feb 9, 2017
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    If you meet up with Chris to screw him over he should get something out if it. Tugboating her tittys is the least you could do
  6. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    One of the scummier about him is the way he reacted to his aunt's death. Not as bad as something like the Snyder thing, but it allows us to see more than anything how apathetic he can be to the very few people who do genuinely care for him. Also, he pawned off Bob's things pretty quickly after his death, which always struck me as being a bit scummy as well. People say that Chris only cares about himself and certain people are quick to bring up the legendary recording of Chris crying about his father's death, and the fact that he seemed to care very deeply about Patti's death, but his actions and words seem to suggest otherwise. If by some miracle he ever found a boyfriend-free girl that he made into a sweetheart from the ground up, he might legitimately abandon her on the side of the road in a desert if someone offered him a collection of video games.
  7. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Ok, I can kinda forgive shecameforcwc.jpeg (Chris is naive) or even hitting Synder (I believe that was an accident resulting from a retard panic attack from being told “shoo.”)
    Nothing tops this:
    “I still want to make Mimms' life the emotional hell he has turned my life into. Somebody, please, kill his girlfriend.”
    -Chris via Twitter, May 2012

    This is fucked up because:

    1. It had been four years since Chris and Mimms last saw each other.
    2. Just 8 months prior to Chris saying this, Bob passed. So Chris knew what a death of a loved one was like.
    3. Chris didn’t know Mimms girlfriend, she was completely innocent in this situation.
    4. Chris didn’t even have the balls to do it himself, instead asking his Twitter followers to do it.
    5. Chris didn’t even stop to think about how his friends would react. Imagine if one of his friends asked him to kill a complete stranger. They’d probably get some “love and caring, not violence.” lecture.
    6. Remember, this is for taking a picture and posting it online without someone’s consent, something Chris has done to others many times.
    7. This isn’t Twin Falling Towers, this isn’t a joke gone wrong. Chris knew the emotional consequences because that’s what he wanted. He wanted Mimms to truly hurt.
    8. This is fucking murder.
  8. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I completely forgot about Mimms and the death threat.
    MerriedxReldnahc and Stardust like this.
  9. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    So did I.
  10. Stardust

    Stardust Self-proclaimed Ween

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Everything in general because sadam hussein is potatoes compared to him thats why we must steal his independency and give him stupid ideas to do /s
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  11. Aggressive Bubble Cat

    Aggressive Bubble Cat "Angry salt water bathed Pussy"

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I agree with the Synder incident and the Mimms death threats. Especially the latter because holy fuck that was the most disgusting fucking thing Chris has ever done.

    Telling someone to kill an innocent woman is fucking wrong and hitting a man with a car over stupid shit and acting like he did nothing wrong is just as fucking wrong in my opinion.
  12. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Chris probably did too tbh.
    YamchasOnlyFan likes this.
  13. MerriedxReldnahc

    MerriedxReldnahc The Gayest Gay Man Who Ever Gayed in CWCville

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Since the Game Place incident has already be mentioned, I'd list the now infamous DONT CALL ANYBODY incident in the top four shittier things he's done. With the Game Place incident you *could* argue that hitting Snyder with his car was an accident, but pepper spraying the GameStop employee was a very deliberate attack on someone whose only crime was to stand there and look confused as to what sort of goblin-like creature had just wandered into his store and defaced property. It's a good example of Chris not being able to process that he's not always right.
  14. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I think that poor minimum wage GS employee who was assaulted by Chris is up there with the Snyder incident. Another cage of retard panic rage. Chris just doesn’t know how to act in general but then when his antics are too much he doesn’t know how to act when he gets kicked out of places. Weird his instincts go to violence.
  15. king koi

    king koi Nobody cares, yo!

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Fight AND flight. Even his baser instincts are bizarro
    TiggleYaPoosay likes this.
  16. Nobody

    Nobody Whom of None Staff Member Moderator

    Jan 22, 2017
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    At first, I think of those poor retail workers (and unwitting customers) that have put up with Chris's autistic antics over all of these years. There they are, trying to make another dollar in their shitty, low-paying job, and here comes Chris parading through their establishments with Love Quest signs, screeching tantrums to security guards, scaring children with bad Donald Duck impressions, pepper-spraying innocent managers, running over innocent managers, and vandalizing store property as part of his imaginary wars on trivial things. These people are the true unsung heroes of Christory, and each deserve a Purple Pickle pinned to their shirts for their horrifying sacrifices.

    But, do you really want to know the absolute, objectively worst thing Chris has ever done? He has never tried to improve himself.

    Chris has never actually sought real, professional psychiatric help. The kind of help autistics can use to learn basic life skills to cope with their condition and lead an independent, relatively normal life. You know, skills like, "Holy shit Chris, don't do THAT". Rocky the pastor lady doesn't count because she's not a qualified professional, and Chris brushed her advice off anyway, as well as every other white knight, sweetheart, and troll that tried to give him good advice. All of the negative shit that has been happening his whole adult life has been the mixed result of his autism, naïveté, and terrible personality. This is why the man remains a walking fucking circus to this day.

    I can bet that Chris's tugboat has him subscribed to at least some kind of basic medical insurance, and he's none the wiser. He could schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist as soon as today, and get all the help he needs. But he won't, at least for now. At 35 years old, coddled by his mother in a fantasy world surrounded by toys, tranny shit, no consequences (for now), easy tugboat paychecks, and a lifetime of enabling, he is too stubborn to adjust and ultimately content with the current state of things.

    I'm certain that Barb's eventual death is the one push Chris needs to get his life together, because she's sure as shit not helping her son while alive. Her passing will be the reality check that tells Chris, "everything I'm doing right now amounts to JACK SQUAT". From there, he will have to make the big decision to develop the skills he needs to keep the living situation afloat at Branchland Court, or he can live off a steady diet of government cheese in a Ford Focus down by the river.
    TiggleYaPoosay and Samachu like this.
  17. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    Feb 23, 2017
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  18. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    The drought of content is the worst.
    The worst thing chris could possibly do is not bless us with more autism.
  19. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Mar 10, 2017
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    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Chris' reaction in court. Calling Snyder a thieving liar in court, in front of a lot of people, AFTER Snyder asked that Chris not to be sent to jail is easily on top 3 for me. How vile, vindictive and stupid can you get?
    TiggleYaPoosay likes this.
  20. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Didn't he call him a Jew in court and used some anti-semitic language? Also, I think that after he 'lost' he made a bunch of posts saying that the reason he lost was because he had a terrible lawyer who did a terrible job. He just seemed really ungrateful and stupid during that whole saga.