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Chris's Tumblr

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

  2. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    The introduction he gave, as I was reading it was sorta half glancing down and noticed numbers. I thought he had posted his phone number but its just his patreon URL. I was more surprised it wasn't his phone number. xD
    Ms. Mowz likes this.
  3. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Very Honest Content likes this.
  4. Janker

    Janker Salt Collector

    More ammo for Hirtes
    Stardust likes this.
  5. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    If Hirtes didn't have a Tumblr account, he's creating one now.
    Stardust and Very Honest Content like this.
  6. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    I'm surprised it took this long. Chris is basically Tumblr's golden boy.
    Someone In A Tree and Stardust like this.
  7. Aggressive Bubble Cat

    Aggressive Bubble Cat "Angry salt water bathed Pussy"

    Dear god the sjw shit and all that is gonna slowly intensify.

    This truly is the month of horrors.
  8. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    TBF it probably is the best social network for someone like Chris.
    Pibot and Stardust like this.
  9. Aggressive Bubble Cat

    Aggressive Bubble Cat "Angry salt water bathed Pussy"

    I hate to say it but you're probably right.

    As long as Chris keeps his askbox closed and things like the messenger, Chris would likely be better off than on fanbook and twitter.
    Princess Celestia likes this.
  10. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    First using the word "problematic," now a Tumblr?

    Chris really is turning into what people of China call "white left."
    Ms. Mowz and YamchasOnlyFan like this.
  11. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    Oh chris has been drifting further and further into that abyss of special snowflakes since becoming a 'tom girl.' He's started to reach some sort of critical mass during the election and may soon reach Trigglypuff levels of entitled SJW rhetoric.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Fixed it for ya.
  13. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    It's one thing to go REEEEEEEEEE like an over the top lunatic at everything that Trump does, but Chris goes REEEEEEEE at him without even knowing most of the time what the fuck he's REEEEEing at, he's simply just parroting shit he sees on Tumblr and Twitter.
  14. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Not sure how we went from Rosechu's Story to SJW sperging to Trump...

    Of course Chris likes Rosechu's Story. Never trust anyone who doesn't. @Trickie is awesome.
  15. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Are you saying that Chris can be trusted?
  16. Marihuana

    Marihuana Iso Tensei

    I can't see anything coming of Tumblr. Chris isn't clever enough to network on it, nor does he have the social tact.
  17. YamchasOnlyFan

    YamchasOnlyFan Wolf Fang Whatever

    He'll just gather a new collection of weens and white knights. That's about all. He doesn't do a lot on social media besides stalk voice actresses and podcasters.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
    QuiltGuilt likes this.
  18. Trollbuster Cal

    Trollbuster Cal “Waterboarding the Trolls since 2002”

    not gaudy enough