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FB 4/5 - Fearful of working

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Chris is used to routine of not having to wake up for anything, not having to get ready for anything, not having to go anywhere, not having to do anything all day, and not having to prepare for anything the next day. It has been an ingrained routine since high school ended all those years ago. Changes in routine and people with autism don't really mix well, especially when the autism is as low functioning as Chris'.

    So of course CWC has "trabajophobia." CWC just wants to "be pony" all day.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  2. TheVoid

    TheVoid Well-Known Member

    Just to interject here, Chris didn't actually write the script, Waterman did. Or at least, that's what I remember. You might think that this is funny or weenish or omega-level-troll, but the reason why Waterman wrote all, or part, of the script and paid Chris money to draw Sonichu 11 was so that he could place an ad in Sonichu 11 that the trolls and weens would read, and then target a guy on Deviantart.

    I think that this is the guy Waterman wanted to target. Apparently, Waterman thought that this guy was a bit of a lolcow who he could troll, but the guy blocked him early on. So he tried to get the people at Kiwi Farms to target him through some really subtle means (I think one of the Chris commissions had one of this guys OCs, which was supposed to lead the trolls to him).


    He also tried the same thing with a guy on the Commander Keen forums. If I remember right, he used to post on Kiwi Farms about the guy until he was banned. I think that he mentioned trolling someone in the Alec conversation as well.

    Full disclosure here. The reason I know some of this information is because in the two month period before the Sonichu 11 pages were released, Waterman would pm me a lot asking for ideas for Sonichu 11, and asked what I thought would piss the trolls off the most. He never used any of the ideas I suggested as far as I know. The weirdest part is that he would always say "Hypothetically, what would you like to see in Sonichu 11", and he was surprised that I posted something on Kiwi Farms about Chris drawing pages of Sonichu 11 before it was released, because he thought he kept the secret incredibly well.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Yeah, he made a painfully pathetic thread about it, was roundly mocked, and then banned. Waterhead has never been particularly good at achieving his goals.
  4. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    oh I see now, that wasn't mentioned and I thought chris himself wrote the script hence why I said that
  5. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Shock of shocks: Waterman can't properly troll, Chris or otherwise.
  6. Someone In A Tree

    Someone In A Tree Well-Known Member

    If you're trying to ride Chris's coattails to Internet infamy (this also applies to people like Thetan and Skyraider), you might want to reconsider a few things with your life.
  7. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    I know this has been hammered to death, but chris' lack of any skill set for the job market mixed with his die hard routine make for a welfare dependant chris.

    But one thing that may be overlooked is his fear.

    Getting outside ones comfort zone is scary, and with chris insulated in his comfort zone for all his life he has no point of reference to refer to.

    Something like basic lawn care, janitorial services, putting paper towels in a box, ect. are beyond him due to his life of practically staring at the same four walls (figuratively speaking) for years.

    Tldr; chris can not survive in the workforce because he will fold and crash into stress related slumber on the floor due to lack of everything.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    If "Hi, A-Log" is the go-to repsonse for people getting salty about Chris, can we make "Hi, Waterman" the go-to response for people trying to make weenariffic troll attempts?
  9. Descent

    Descent Well-Known Member

    Chris could make money testing cosmetics so that they don't have to put eye shadow on bunnies or lipstick on new born kittens or whatever the fuck it is these companies apparently do.
    Very Honest Content likes this.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Look, Brobeans, you shouldn't say that you wouldn't give money to Chris. Having the sense to not give Chris money is hardly brag-worthy.

    And if you think Chris is the only person on the Internet ripping off stupid people, then I have a Power Rangers fan film that you could help me fund and a friend who is a Nigerian prince.

    Don't you be puttin' no hard times on the American Dream, now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2017
    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 likes this.
  11. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    I don't wanna have to give Da Big Elbow to a bitch round here....

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    "Keep reminding yourself: you choose not to get a job because it doesn't fit in with your lifestyle. There's nothing forcing you to live such a bohemian lifestyle, it's your choice.

    Say it every day: I love being an impoverished artist because I choose my art over financial stability, and that's OK!"

    Okay, now my suspicion that Kim was a troll has turned to absolute certainty. Bohemian lifestyle? Come on, now.
  13. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    I mean.......yeah, it's been obvious to everyone (except Chris) that Kim is a troll. It's like I said, she just does it on a very subtle scale.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    I guess I never really noticed since I don't read his FaceBook stuff that often. The CWCki never claimed that she was one, so I guess I just took their word for it.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  15. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    I think that was done purposely to keep Chris in the dark as, IIRC, it's been documented that Chris reads the CWCki on, at the very least, a semi-regular basis.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    But anytime somebody tells him that somebody is a troll, he never believes them. I think he would start saying that we're bearing false witness and slandering Kim.
  17. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    I'm merely going by what was said on both the CWCki and the KiwiFarm.

    Whether the info was actually correct or not is anyone's guess.
    Very Honest Content likes this.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    I wouldn't doubt Chris reads the CWCki. I'm certain he Google's himself regularly.
    ToroidalBoat likes this.
  19. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    Well now he is making money by somehow selling off filthy junk to people with more money than brains/ween trolls.
    Baron_Aurr likes this.
  20. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    if some psychologist was to humor chris' retarded phobia, it would be called ergonophobia
    ToroidalBoat likes this.