Next morning, the Louds are having breakfast, Lynn takes Lincoln's plate and... Damn, I think I just cut my finger from the edge. Leni gives...
Oops, my bad, been busy with other shit. A Disgraced Athlete It starts with Lincoln running away from home and, I shit you not, joining the cult...
You know the Jamesdean guy? The author of the longest piece of English Literature that happens to be a Loud House fanfic? Well, he made an...
Why is it always Sonic that manages to attract the worst people imaginable?
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a fandom so obsessed with incest like the Loud House fandom. Yes, even more-so than UnderTale's...
That's the funny part, he has. One of them at least.
Speaking of his DeviantArt, I went into James' favorites and he's made a folder dedicated to Naruto fanart named "Death to Sasuke". Gee, I wonder...
You have no idea how many batshit insane moments (as well as shit that makes you question the meaning of life) come up in the later chapters. Not...
Now, for our feature presentation. Chapter 356 It starts with an arm wrestling contest, and people betting money on who the winner is... even...
Anyway, before I move, or skip, to chapter 339, I have to give some more context from the earliest chapters of the fic, more specifically, chapter...
I'm gonna guess yes since I found 0 results when searching for the Loud House, at least in /co/. Not sure about the other boards.
Yea, I saw that as well. One of my friends read one of those "review-fics" and all it boiled down to were the Loud sisters farting. I'm not...
There's another arc called "Volcanic Trip", and it's just the gang traveling across world; also, half of the islands/cities/countries they go to...
Oh yea, skipped on a chapter where they bring in Sailor Moon, but to be honest, there's nothing noteworthy about it. Though another significant...
Separate names with a comma.