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Tweet 3/21 - Asking for gas money for cross-country trip

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Katolate

    Katolate Boxyfly

    Hmm, yes I can see Chris leaving just the day before and after realizing he's not going to make it on time, he would start texting Babscon staff or the guests to ask them to keep the event going and going because he's still not there and nobody gets to leave until he has arrived and had his share of fun, etc.

    I can see Chris' texts gradually becoming more and more angry and demanding after being told they cannot keep an event running forever because they have a time limit and everyone wants to go home, etc.
    THEN I can see some trolls convincing Chris through pics and mere texts that Bronycon will keep running overnight and everyone will keep having so much fun until he arrives and joins them, making Chris keep driving for maybe one or two extra days, all for nothing.
  2. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Let's not give the weens any ideas, lol.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Chris has been to conventions before without behavioral issues, so I don't think that would be a problem. It's just that the travel is absurd.
  4. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    Plus its a Brony convention, Chris would probably be on the lower end of the weirdness scale.
  5. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Yeah, I forgot about Chris going to cons and not having problems. Maybe Chris could behave, or maybe the transcontinental driving would make him grumpy.
    Also, with Bronies, Chris probably would be pretty mainstream. See the video below. Too bad it isn't in Pennsylvania this time.
  6. TheEnderGecko

    TheEnderGecko True and Loyal Sonichu Fan

    What was the speech?
  7. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    I looked at the list of what is needed to be a volunteer at the con. Chis is underqualified for every job.

    The application is simple, but chris being who his is would mangle it horribly.

    Seeing what he would put on it would be hilarious, but nobody at that convention would even look twice at chris for any help.

    By this point he has probably lost interest.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  8. Katolate

    Katolate Boxyfly

    "But I sat silent for a minute, then I said to him, “I do not speek [sic] to any Man other than myself, because they all have taken all the pretty girls leaving me with none.” Verbal Combat had started, and during the fight, I ran off, still giving verbal punishment, as well as da finger, and many “Curse-Ye-Ha-Me-Has.” I nearly backed up onto him with my car, and I gave him another finger. Then I dashed off."
  9. Princess Celestia

    Princess Celestia Your local techni-color horse.

    keep in mind that the only reason he is interested in going to this one is because he would get free admission in exchange for working for the Babscon. Sure Chris can loiter around a normal convention without stirring up some trouble (which isn't exactly a high stand) but any job at a convention is hard. Something is always going wrong and you have to play sheppard for hundreds of spergs who are drunk off nerdiness. Chris didn't have the attention span to work at Wendy's. To top it off if the reward for the job is only free admission and no payment (doubtful but Chris doesn't know that), Chris would actually be getting screwed out of more money than it would to take to get him a ticket.

    TLDR Chris still an idiot.
    Hurtful Truth Level likes this.
  10. Craftaman Tractor

    Craftaman Tractor I do not identify myself as a helicopter

    Oh boy, please let the CWC Coast To Coast Saga be a thing!
  11. greaseman

    greaseman New Member

    kill all bronies
    TheEnderGecko and Hellblazer like this.