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Maradonia: The Shadow Empire

Discussion in 'Films' started by Henry Bemis, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Paying tribute to the best worst movie that – thus far, and appropriately enough – is confined to the shadows.

    ASoulMan and Hellblazer like this.
  2. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    The best classics are the underground ones. Random internet forum weirdos will be tormenting their friends with Maradonia for years.
  3. Ginger Piglet

    Ginger Piglet CAMAB Male-Presenting Lesbian


    It says something when a film makes even Assault of the Killer Bimbos look erudite and thoughty.
    Hellblazer likes this.
  4. Randall Fragg

    Randall Fragg Active Member

    >Credits play with a still image of a bald guy in goofy looking makeup shoving a snake into his mouth
    Hellblazer likes this.
  5. PrincessVenus

    PrincessVenus Member

    Remember the part when the guard was scared shitless of stock image doves?
    Henry Bemis likes this.
  6. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    But what about the doves?
    PrincessVenus likes this.
  7. PrincessVenus

    PrincessVenus Member

    They led him to the knee deep pool off screen
  8. MerriedxReldnahc

    MerriedxReldnahc The Gayest Gay Man Who Ever Gayed in CWCville

    I still think the bone chopper dwarf (played by "Dave the Dwarf") is the best character. He's just this tiny dude with a sick motorcycle and was the only person doing something resembling acting.
  9. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Well, yeah...but what about the doves?
  10. Ginger Piglet

    Ginger Piglet CAMAB Male-Presenting Lesbian

    Apollyon has a Club of Evil and an evil water park in the books.

    MerriedxReldnahc likes this.
  11. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    hey didn't someone back on kf do a crazy amount of research on this and dug up tons of really suspicious shit on the people involved? like money laundering and connections to white collar crimes and shit like that

    > evil water park in the books

    okay now i wanna read that
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  12. January Cyst

    January Cyst Well-Known Member

    Yes sir, I did an expose (well, more like a text wall of autistic ramblings) on Gerry and Glo-Glo.
    Here's the skinny:

    "Dr." Günter Tesch was a German Christian musician in the 70s that immigrated to the US in the late 70s or 80s.
    Gloria was born to him and Marina Terkulova Tesch (a Russian immigrant) in 1994 in California.
    Günter Tesch was involved in some kind of weird scam involving several companies in different states that "collect donations" for Chinese children, lead by his buddy "Dr." Richy Reichel, Gloria also appeared in some of his videos:

    Günter Tesch has a fairly lenghty rap-sheet, including a fairly recent arrest for domestic violence

    The Tesch clan owned a property in Florida, but defaulted on their mortgage just a couple of years later and used a loophole in the system to live rent-free for another 8 years or so without being evicted thanks to repeatedly
    filing for bankruptcy
  13. Handsome Pete

    Handsome Pete If smug detachment was a person

    In case anyone hasn't seen it:

  14. Another Fellow

    Another Fellow the unwanted one

    He also has a two-thousand-strong herd of pet unicorns, and they sing a song thanking Mother Earth for its blessings.
    King Apollyon stood up from his seat and said, “We want to finish this great meeting with our ‘Mother Earth Song’.” (page 437).
    Mother earth.., mother earth.., we bless you….we adore you…we give you thanks….you are our mother….you nurture us and you provide for us…. Mother earth.., mother earth.., we bless you…, we adore you…, and we give you thanks…
    (page 438).
    EDIT: According to Conjugal Felicity, they repeat this chorus sixteen times.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    Hellblazer, Ginger Piglet and hm yeah like this.
  15. A Potato Named Vodka

    A Potato Named Vodka AKA Vodka Vodkavich Vodkaev

    The cinematography is pretty competent. All the stupid special effects and ren. faire costumes cheapen the look and feel of the film though. The acting is bad, that goes without saying, but at least the dwarf guy is fun to watch.
  16. Corgi

    Corgi Friendly Forum Fiend Staff Member Moderator

    I've only read the book, but haven't seen the film yet so this is a wonderful treat. I'm definitely going to give it a watch tonight!
  17. Ginger Piglet

    Ginger Piglet CAMAB Male-Presenting Lesbian

  18. A Potato Named Vodka

    A Potato Named Vodka AKA Vodka Vodkavich Vodkaev

    That girl who says, "I hope they choke" had me rolling. Best damn person in the movie. She read my mind.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  19. Space Cadet

    Space Cadet New Member

    Most bad movies made are by people who have at least seen movies. Maradonia is made by people who only know that movies exist and people watch them sometimes.

    The end scene where you can clearly see the guy in the green screen suit carrying the sword to King Apollyon put me in tears laughing. Hell, all the King Apollyon scenes are indescribably hilarious.
  20. A Potato Named Vodka

    A Potato Named Vodka AKA Vodka Vodkavich Vodkaev

    ^That's exactly what I was thinking. It's a movie made by people who have never seen a movie.
    ASoulMan and Very Honest Content like this.