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Games you Think are Overrated

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Adamska, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Adamska

    Adamska Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Feel free to talk about games you just don't think deserves the praise they get.

    I'll start with one you guys might know: Ironically don't like the Metal Gear Solid series too much; I think the old MSX games were better due to tech limitation preventing Kojima from drowning the player in story.
    ToroidalBoat and Member 72 like this.
  2. The Smiler

    The Smiler Time to get corrected

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Considering how everyone praises this game, I really don't see Ocarina of Time as the best game ever made.
    I had an N64 pretty late in the console's life and I knew nothing about the Zelda series - my only experience with it before the Gamecube was trying out Link's Awakening at my cousin's. I got Wind Waker and loved it, plus it came with the OoT/Master Quest bonus disc. I had that bonus disc for 10 years before I actually completed a full playthrough, as I was constantly starting and getting bored. Majora's Mask was a much better game as I felt so much more invested in it and its world.
    OoT may have been revolutionary for its time, but as someone who experienced Wind Waker first the cries of "best game ever" don't resonate with me one bit.
    Garbodor, Mimic, SpacePanther and 2 others like this.
  3. Mr. Popo chan

    Mr. Popo chan New Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Final Fantasy 7 vs the SNES ones.
    Yea it was hyped so everyone played it, but 4 had the better story, characters and I like the class system. We don't need everyone doing everything.
  4. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Jan 20, 2017
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    God of War 3. While the combat was fun, the story was boring and predictable as shit. It might be that it was the first God of War game I played.

    Fallout 4. Once again, combat was great, customization was great but the main storyline was a huge piece of shit. Nuka World was fun though.
    QuiltGuilt, Supertrash and Member 72 like this.
  5. Mr. Popo chan

    Mr. Popo chan New Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    My big problem with fallout 4 was the freaking construction system. Unnecessary and mostly pointless padding to the game
    Member 72 likes this.
  6. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Jan 20, 2017
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    As a side thing, it's fine. Making it absolutely crucial to both the Far Harbor and main story line was complete horseshit. I like customization on guns but I don't really give a fuck about building a house.
    Supertrash and Member 72 like this.
  7. Adamska

    Adamska Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I'll also throw the Legend of Zelda series as one I never got into, since I didn't care for a Link to the Past and I preferred Mario 64 over Ocarina of Time. I just played games that tended to outshine them in my eyes.
    Member 72 likes this.
  8. Sakura97

    Sakura97 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    About 99% of the Final Fantasy games. The only good one is VI and even then I can think of about 10 jrpgs that are much better.
  9. John Titor

    John Titor I am "Punished" Scientist, it's so nuclear

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Resident Evil. I recognize that it's an old game and was a pioneer in survival horror but I dislike the clunky tank controls and how the fans reeeee at thought of the games trying to improve the formula instead of stagnating. So tired of the excuses too: "it adds challenge", "the controls put you into an unfamiliar place", "it's just like a horror movie where the characters are idiots." Just admit it, it was a design limitation that made sense back then but not now.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  10. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Never got into the original NES Legand of Zelda.
    The Smiler, Cyan and Member 72 like this.
  11. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    Jan 21, 2017
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    "Undertale certainly fits the bill pretty well", I would have said before people started calling out its obnoxious fanbase. I played it once, then gave up the first time I died. From all the plot spoilers I've managed to accidentally gather while actively avoiding them, it seems that the plot is full of dumb no matter what choices you make, though to its credit your choices actually to impact the exact flavor of dumb you get.

    Mega Man 2 was a very good Mega Man game, but not the best one. 3, 4, 9 were at least equal if not better. 9's flaws all come from trying too hard to be like 2, because people wouldn't shut up about 2 for decades while ignoring the awesomeness that the Slide brought to the series. But 9, at least, had balance between its weapons' usefulness whereas 2 very much did not.

    The first Mortal Kombat was a terrible Street Fighter knockoff with awful graphics. It was literally only popular because of the gore and the controls being more responsive than most Street Fighter clones of the early fighting game boom.

    For me, the only good Final Fantasies are:
    * The original Final Fantasy 1. I think the sprites are better on the NES version than the remakes and a lot of the changes made for convenience in the ports and remakes took away from the game's challenge too much IMO, though when I play it on an emulator I turn up the speed because the battle animation and text go by too slowly for my taste.
    * Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on SNES, which I love for its simplicity but sometimes wish was a little less easy. As baby's first RPG this is decent and it lives up to its design intent better than any other professionally made RPG I've ever seen, and isn't up its own anus about how "good" its story is. This is the only SNES Final Fantasy I've actually played, even through emulation.
    * Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, partly because I'm a huge sucker for "people from modern world stranded in fantasy land and forced to cope" as a plot setup.

    And even then, the Final Fantasy games would barely be a blip in my top 100 RPG videogames list. The top ten would be dominated by Mario, Dragon Quest, and free indie RPGs that most of you have never heard of.

    I'd say the most overrated Final Fantasy of all is the original Final Fantasy Tactics, because at least FF7 and FF10-2 and FF13 have vocal hatedoms as well as vocal fanboys, but FFT is a huge sacred cow and its basic plot premise is a big dumb cliche. It's not been clever to make a story where a thin analogue of the Catholic Church (or the Church itself) is corrupt for hundreds of years. And I wouldn't even say it was a badly written version of the plot premise, more that it's not really a better written story than FFTA or Mystic Quest but it's overrated because fanboys love to gush about it.
    Glaive and Member 72 like this.
  12. Member 72

    Member 72 The Mysterious 72 (and Chat Lurker)

    Apr 29, 2016
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    I played the original NES Zelda and beat it and it seemed like a "Use strategy guides to win" game. One of the dungeons even required you to use a bomb to uncover a path to beat the boss in order to get one of the pieces of the Triforce.

    The adventuring part is just meh and felt outdated. The dungeon parts are pretty fun though. Overall, I just felt the game is pretty meh and doesn't really held up too much today.
  13. Darksiders isn't a bad game, it's just super edgy and whenever I play it I spend half the time thinking about how I'd rather be playing Bayonetta instead.
    Sseyn, Supertrash and Member 72 like this.
  14. John Titor

    John Titor I am "Punished" Scientist, it's so nuclear

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I thought FFT was one of those games that created the cliche before everybody else started copying it.

    Speaking of sacred cow status, that's how I feel about Dragon Quest. Dare to say any of the games are flawed, the fans want your head on a platter.
  15. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Breath of Fire II had already done it, and it was old hat for fiction in general long before videogames were invented.

    It's one of my favorite RPG series but I'll definitely agree it isn't flawless. Main reason I love it is because I stumbled onto the RPG genre by accident in my early teens with the GBC remakes, having been from a decidedly anti-D&D household. Pretending to be a hero saving the world from dragons and demon-worshiping cults was my teenaged rebellion. The GameBoy games were really grindy and they were wisely made far less grindy than the NES versions, a trend you'd think the later sequels would have caught onto. Also the NES versions had a pretty bad user interface which Final Fantasy blessedly simplified and the remakes adopted.

    For me, Dragon Warrior Quest 1-3 is pure nostalgia and most of the others I've played feel mostly like they're pandering to that very nostalgia rather than really improving in a meaningful way.
    John Titor likes this.
  16. Glaive

    Glaive Cyber Tzar Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 10, 2016
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    Ctrl+F 'Undertale' - 1 result

    Proud of you @Mouseberger

    Might as well just rename the thread to Undertale. Singlemost overrated game to have come out in the past few years imo. It managed to gain a ton of hype by appealing to the 'so randumb' crowd who I typically describe as adults who enjoy Adventure Time humor. I'd say it would be most comparable to Earthbound but manages to somehow only have a partially complete hard mode and still have worse programming than Earthbound despite having come out 20 years later.
  17. Adamska

    Adamska Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I didn't want to use Undertale mainly because I actually am such a gaymur heretic I don't give a shit for the Mother series at all, let alone the knock off cheapo indie brand that it is. Basically, it was too obvious and I as the contrarian fuck I am must slaughter other sacred cows first.
    Mouseberger likes this.
  18. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I liked Undertale, but yeah it was crazy overrated.
  19. TheImportantFart

    TheImportantFart Jet-powered fish

    Jan 21, 2017
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    This. I do love Ocarina of Time, but it's not the best game ever and it hasn't aged as well as some people think.
    Garbodor likes this.
  20. CWCki Jeff

    CWCki Jeff ★★★

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I kind of think Overwatch is overrated