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Gamer Apathy/ Exhaustion

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Blank, Jan 21, 2017.


What is your overall feeling of the gaming scene going into 2017

  1. Goin' just peachy, fam.

  2. Few apprenhensions, but overall I'm optimistic

  3. Meh

  4. I expect to be mostly disappointed, but maybe one or two gems.

  5. Vidya is dead to me.

  1. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Hey everybody- let's rant about vidya! Wheeeee!

    So, 2016 was an interesting time to be a gamer, as it had become pretty apparent that the crowds were growing tired of the market. Don't get me wrong, they still pulled in mega bucks, but it wasn't as sizable as years past. Big-name sequels didn't sell as much as was to be expected, and generally everything felt deflated.

    Zooming onto myself, I have found myself growing increasingly apathetic towards the majority of the market. Whereas this time last year and the year prior, I was happily pre-ordering games just for the satisfaction of getting them on release day, something has changed. Going into 2017, instead of looking towards a new year of new games, I feel like I'm going to just pick up 1 or 2 games this entire year, and then wait until the big holiday sales at the tail end of the year.

    I'll probably rant more on this later, but are you feeling the same type of burnout? If so, what are the main factors for you: cost of gaming? Quality of gaming? Lack of innovation? Lack of appealing to your tastes? Shitty developers being shitty?

    Expound to us your reasons and stories. Because you know you wanna.
  2. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    well, Nintendo switch was a bit of a disappointment but we'll always have indie devs creating gems. Overall, I keep my gaming to steam now, just because it feels way more trustworthy then AAA developers.
  3. If I go in expecting everything to be shit, I'll either always be right or pleasantly surprised.
    entropyseeksrevenge likes this.
  4. Abstract Daddy

    Abstract Daddy mum question God when I was born

    Looking back through the years of playing video games, I think it's more of a personal burnout tbh. To me anyway. Like I feel I've played EVERYTHING and innovation feels rare or forced. A kid playing games for the first time though I think has so much to choose from and wouldn't get as apathetic to the new stuff as an old time gamer would.
  5. Just go back and play Doom again. You'll remember.
  6. Abstract Daddy

    Abstract Daddy mum question God when I was born

    I always liked the original Quake growing up. Not enough games use lovecraft-ian horror in action settings- especially FPSs.

    Speaking of though, if Bloodborne gets a sequel this year this'll be a great year for gaming.
    Deleted User 0007 and Hellblazer like this.
  7. DrHamplanet

    DrHamplanet Just a steeltown girl on a Saturday night

    Imma buy South Park Fbw but not much else but dlc for things I already own.
  8. dunbrine47

    dunbrine47 Well-Known Member

    I've got decades worth of used games to keep my mind off new releases.
  9. ASoulMan

    ASoulMan The Lasaga Master/Booty Warrior

    I'm looking forward to getting some of the Fire Emblem games coming out later this year. I already preordered Shadows of Valentia.
  10. Hodor

    Hodor Well-Known Member

    Last year was really good for me, since I mainly play weeb shit, and a lot shit i was eyeing came out this year. This year's looking like a pretty good year too, in that respect.
  11. Nobody

    Nobody Whom of None Staff Member Moderator

    I realized about a couple weeks ago that the 3DS was completely hackable. It's been sitting on my desk unplayed for 18 months, collecting dust, so I figured I'd give it a chance. I followed the guide to do so, and installed "Freeshop". That shit lets you download any game directly from Nintendo's servers, because Nintendo is completely fucking stupid at securing their assets from piracy.

    I ordered a 64GB SD card, popped it in, and downloaded ALL the fucking games.

    I have barely touched my 3DS since then. I don't know why. Maybe I already know the games are shit.
    CWCki Jeff likes this.