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Have you ever wanted to read something that will make you vomit?

Discussion in 'Books' started by entropyseeksrevenge, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. entropyseeksrevenge

    entropyseeksrevenge Well-Known Member

    warning as soon as you click this link it will download:

    This the Room by Hubert Selby Jr, he brought you Requiem for a Dream and Last Exist to Brooklyn. If you enjoy shock culture, this book is worse than visual imagery people like Chris chan provide (taint wound pics included). If you pick it up you will have to put it down, multiple times, because you will be effected viserally. You'll hate yourself in part for having some of your darkest thoughts exposed you wouldn't even post to anon forum, you'll feel suffocated and claustrophobic in an open field from the immersive style of writing. You'll feel like you did something wrong for reading it, and you'll feel naked despite clothed. And when you think you've reached the worse part you haven't.

    I'm not engaging in hyperbole. Use this thread as a support group if you venture in.
  2. Slut

    Slut What's wrong, big boy?

    challenge accepted motherfucker
  3. Jewhunter69

    Jewhunter69 I'm feeling edgy.

    This is true. This is the only book that made me feel physically ill while reading it. I had to put it down several times and take day long breaks from reading it. The writing style is that of a stream of consciousness from a severely deranged and disturbed individual. Reality is unclear. It's like riding on a roller coaster while having a bad acid trip. It's wonderful because of that. No other book has been able to get such a visceral reaction from me. No other book has stuck with me for so long. I highly recommend you read this book and post how far you got into it before you had to put it down.
  4. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Are there supposed to be numerous grammatical errors early on or is it just the format of the file?
  5. Jewhunter69

    Jewhunter69 I'm feeling edgy.

    It's intentional. It's from the character's perspective. It might seem annoying at first but it helps set the tone.
  6. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Thanks. It sets the tone but it was off-putting. Sadly, I will have to find this either in paper back or hardcover. I have atrocious eyesight and love the feel of a real book.

    You and @entropyseeksrevenge say this is quite graphic. Any novels you would compare it to?
  7. Jewhunter69

    Jewhunter69 I'm feeling edgy.

    I don't have any but I can't speak for entropy.
  8. entropyseeksrevenge

    entropyseeksrevenge Well-Known Member

    He does this with all of his books which are written without punctuation. You learn which character is speaking by their diction, you will catch on by the second or third chapter so don't give up. It makes it much more like a conversation being had in real time, it also makes things like multitasking while reading impossible. You won't keep up with the book if you are multiposting while reading. Be patient with it and know we're here for you once you get sucked in.

  9. entropyseeksrevenge

    entropyseeksrevenge Well-Known Member

    This makes American Psycho seem like cotton candy.

    edit: i am someone who thought AP was funny and sped read it in a day, it took me over two weeks to read the room, which is like 1/6th of the length and I was genuinely anxious other KF users would take me up on the offer to reread the book with them when I made the thread over there. I have only been able to read this once. The author wasn't able to pick it up again for over a decade. It is really fucking dark.
  10. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    I'm a big Edward Lee fan, so this seems like a challenge I should take on.
  11. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Already read a bit and am definitely getting an "Into that Darkness" by Gitta Sereny vibe.
  12. bustopher_jones

    bustopher_jones Found at all the best clubs.

    Honestly, this book didn't do all that much for me. I couldn't shake the foreground awareness that it is fiction, and while I appreciated the conceit, I wasn't guthooked by it.

    I did, however, have a very strange conversation with someone who could not believe I would read such a horrible book around a baby. I was like, the hell? How would this affect a baby? You think babies are telepathic in some way? Turns out, this person literally felt like her infant was an extension of herself and was viscerally revolted by the idea of consuming vile imagery or thinking bad thoughts around him.

    One of the neuroanatomical predictors of past pregnancy is a reduction of grey matter volume in brain regions associated with distinguishing self from other; it is hypothesized that more streamlined connectivity facilitates more efficient response to infant needs. Motherhood is body horror.
  13. Guinastasia

    Guinastasia The Poster Formerly Known As Mrs Paul

    Is this like The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs?
  14. entropyseeksrevenge

    entropyseeksrevenge Well-Known Member

    less graphic
  15. Rat Speaker

    Rat Speaker Well-Known Member

    I didn't make it very far in and the @entropyseeksrevenge & @danny cyberbullied me ruthlessly for weeks it was not a good experience, be warned.
  16. CWCki Jeff

    CWCki Jeff ★★★

    I've never read anything that disturbed me, so this might be fun.
    entropyseeksrevenge likes this.
  17. The Jumping Dwarf

    The Jumping Dwarf Kiwi Farms refugee

  18. CWCki Jeff

    CWCki Jeff ★★★

    I've gotten 110 pages in so far, but I started getting sleepy so I had to take a break. I'll probably finish reading it before the end of the day though.
  19. Rat Speaker

    Rat Speaker Well-Known Member

    Bless you
  20. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    The obvious next step is to read a comparable book aloud with the infant in the room.