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TLC- The Lolcow Channel

Discussion in 'Shows' started by PigaDgrifm, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. froddy

    froddy Mad scientist with girlbird helper

    Trilby and Regular Collie like this.
  2. People really need to start beating their kids again...
  3. meatslab

    meatslab Magical, pansexual, non-threatening spokesthing

    Those kiddos and their obsessions are adorable.
  4. January Cyst

    January Cyst Well-Known Member

    To be fair, that kid with the vacuums makes money off of repairing them, so good for him.
    Aesthetic, yaks, Trilby and 8 others like this.
  5. PigaDgrifm

    PigaDgrifm For every problem there's a Final Solution.

    At least we can assume a lot of the kids will grow out of it eventually.
  6. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    ^ optimistic rating!! but really though, actually, kids with strong interests like these are indeed super spergs, but their obsessions can become profitable even if it's really specialized. that vacuum kid could find a good niche market to live off of.
  7. PrincessVenus

    PrincessVenus Member

    TLC is basically KiwiFarms the channel
  8. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    ae hoarders >>>>> hoarding buried alive.

    hoarding ba is like the table scraps of the freakshows ae got hold of.

    also my 600lb life is really pretty dull. the only parts worth watching are some surgery bits. any other notable moments have been made into gifs.
  9. Regular Collie

    Regular Collie Verified Collie √

    I will never forget this joke I heard from a stand-up comic at a convention I was at a long time ago about Hoarders, this person specifically (I think). He said: "Watch Hoarders. You will immediately feel better about yourself, I guarantee it. There was this one person who literally shit into bottles and threw them out into her yard. You could be having the worst day of your life right now. Maybe you got fired. Maybe your girlfriend left you. Maybe you failed a test, I don't know. But you can take this in stride knowing that even though you lost your job or failed a test that at least you don't shit into bottles and then throw them out into your yard."
    Trilby, hm yeah, Corgi and 4 others like this.
  10. Barbarella

    Barbarella Member

    I love Hoarders (and have been trying to find the full episode of the poop lady show so if somebody knows where it is, let me know). I also love my 600 lb life, and don't forget, Intervention.

    My favorite was the girl who inhaled ten cans of duster a day. It hits my chest just to think about it.

    I remember when that channel had real medical surgeries and stuff, fascinating. But it's still fascinating as a freak show, just in a different way.
    Regular Collie likes this.
  11. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    no way i was ever there to see who that comic was, but this paragraph is really familiar. maybe it's a snowclone. maybe he took it from someone else.

    anyway it's true for certain.
  12. January Cyst

    January Cyst Well-Known Member

    alluc has links as usual.
    Barbarella likes this.
  13. Barbarella

    Barbarella Member

    Thanks. Looks like a handy site. :).
    January Cyst likes this.
  14. Birdoj

    Birdoj bird but in esperanto

    Not 100% TLC, but I read about how there was an episode of (A&E) Hoarders with Kevin. His family cleans his room and finds big ol dicks as well as """"S&M"""" stuff, girl clothes etc etc and they lose their god-damn minds. It's obvious his family is pretty vanilla and any sort of gender variance/play is causing them to lose it. It was pretty shitty that he wasn't there to defend himself when they were airing his dirty laundry on national TV but whatever for the ratings I guess
    Article: http://www.thefrisky.com/2016-02-04...-more-time-kink-shaming-man-than-helping-him/
    I don't have good enough cable to watch it on A&E but if you do: http://www.aetv.com/shows/hoarders/season-8/episode-5
  15. Guinastasia

    Guinastasia The Poster Formerly Known As Mrs Paul

    I'm watching Hoarders right now. I don't know where the people get the patience to deal with these people. I'd be like, "fuck, just torch it." I know it's a mental illness, but I just couldn't do it. (One plus about the show is that after watching it, I always end up going on a cleaning spree.)

    I don't, however, have any sympathy for animal hoarders. Cuz fuck animal abusers.
  16. meatslab

    meatslab Magical, pansexual, non-threatening spokesthing

    There's a recent episode with Sandra that made poor Matt Paxton quit the show. I have it saved and watched part of it. It's a 2 hour episode. The woman is so fucking impossible and all the helpers reach their limits with her.
  17. PigaDgrifm

    PigaDgrifm For every problem there's a Final Solution.

    I think that family spazzed out over the BDSM stuff more than the other one did with the shit-jug woman.

    ^ Post that episode if you can.
  18. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    He at least has something that could lead to a nice career in appliance repair. Never a shortage of that.
    John Titor likes this.
  19. The Mysterious Stranger

    The Mysterious Stranger An Angel named Satan

    ...how is this idiot not dead?

    Also I think I somehow hate her family more for enabling her. She lives with her mom, and her mom is paying for that shit. Just stop giving your daughter money, Christ!

    Of course, she'd probably end up blowing guys for money or Office Depot gift cards
    Trilby and Very Honest Content like this.
  20. meatslab

    meatslab Magical, pansexual, non-threatening spokesthing

    She actually ended up completely turned her life around. Here's an article from 2015 that says she's now an interventionist and is getting her master's degree. http://starcasm.net/archives/305327

    It makes me all fuzzy inside when I see people from Intervention doing well.