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Legal Jail of Fail

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by ToroidalBoat, Aug 5, 2021.

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  1. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    "The Teflon Tard" is what Chris used to be called. Looks like the teflon wore off...

    (original thread here and first court report here)

    (new thread on letters from the Jail of Fail here)

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  2. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Can't wait to see how this plays out!
  3. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    He only had one outburst when I saw him in court nine years ago, IIRC. He gave the actual media three.
  4. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Will the – shall we say – unwanted extra attention on this case have any effect on judgement? Or will Chris, with no family or ally to varnish or cushion their craziness, simply drive everyone up a wall?
    Kong, Ms. Mowz, One Too Many and 2 others like this.
  5. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Chris being concerned enough about his stuff to blurt out in court reminds me of what he said during the Julay Saga:
  6. JSMK2

    JSMK2 Member

    None of us can.
    Inorite? I also wonder if weens will call the jail Chris is being held at.
  7. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    They probably will. I'm not interested in that though, I kind of hope there will be other court reporters in September though.
  8. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    That's what this thread is here for.
  9. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Just so everyone knows I'm not going, lol.

    (That said I wouldn't mind visiting downtown Charlottesville again, but IDK if his hearings are at the same courthouse.)
  10. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Kind of sucks that Charb blew the money Bob left behind on a case they could never win.

    Looks like they really did think throwing money at the problem would make it go away...
  11. PigaDgrifm

    PigaDgrifm For every problem there's a Final Solution.

    Nice that he's endearing himself to the judge already.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most court-appointed attorneys kind of from the bottom of the barrel?

    If so, this means Chris was lucky enough to get the one PD who didn't take the bar after spending all night at one....... and is still gonna fuck this up by yelling for his Legos in court. Even at the end, the ride just gets wilder and wilder.
  13. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz My likes mean absolutely nothing!

    Personally, I can only see this end with Chris being thrown into the Looney bin.
    It's ironic, Borb's attempts at making sure their son doesn't end up in a mental Institute back during that one kindergarten incident only made it far more likely that he'll actually end up in one.
  14. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    Maybe not “bottom of the barrel,” but more “not my first pick.” I thought the stereotypical PD was the sort who’s fresh out of law school and perfectly able but lacking the experience to be properly jaded.

    Again, I can’t help but wonder if the unusual amount of attention being paid to what would otherwise be a procedurally sane process has anything to do with Chris getting a PD who’s a cut above. Neither the hit-and-run nor blarms sucked up this much oxygen.

    Nevertheless, should Chris ever pop up again, I’m waiting to hear about David Heilberg, the “UNCOUTH MALE.”
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  15. JSMK2

    JSMK2 Member

    Can't wait for that. Also, @NAITCHA BAH, I'm totally stealing "took the bar after spending all night at one.'' Might come in handy.
    Ms. Mowz and NAITCHA BAH like this.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Inb4 "uR a WyTeNiTe n BeTaCuX r N wYtENiTeZ r", but I hope for this because I really do want Chris to get something resembling help. As bad as a mental institution is, he'll get more there than he will in prison. The flip side is he'll be out of prison sooner. If they hold him in an institution until he is sane enough to stand trial, well......

    If there was a case that a godjesus exists and he is trolling Chris, this might be the best case. The cards are way more in his favor than they should be, yet he is still managing to ruin it.

    That feeling when the only thing your high SAT scores accomplished was amusing people discussing the king of lolcows. :cwl:
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  17. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz My likes mean absolutely nothing!

  18. JSMK2

    JSMK2 Member

    Hey, more than that lawyer who got drunk the night before the bar exam.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Dafuq did I just watch lol?
    JSMK2 and Ms. Mowz like this.
  20. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    I doubt it. In the thread "Chris - The Legal Issues | Kiwi Farms", a lawyer said the following about the insanity defense.
    I still think it's possible Chris could go to some kind of institution though, as he has a lot of issues, but likely not from a court sentence.
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