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Meta Someone familiar is managing Chris's emails (At the very least)

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by ShinyMetalAss, Jun 25, 2018.


Is the new management a smart move?

  1. Could be

    7 vote(s)
  2. Probably not

    22 vote(s)
  3. Don't know

    9 vote(s)
  1. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Over the past few months there's been speculation over who or what was CWC's new manager. Turns out its Kiwi Farm's Null with a gaggle of assistants.

    @Sexual Tyrannosaurus suspected as much recently when local idiot bizzarnage (RIP) convinced Chris to write (Insert meme here) on his fod in a printed portrait. When chris expected payment this conversation occurred which was kindly donated by said local idiot.


    All of Chris's messages after his first one obviously don't read like Chris's voice. We had confirmation of much in the below thread. I'm not gonna post caps but if you go to pages 8, 9, 25, 29, 31, 34 and 51 it should be obvious


    There's also another thread for weens who try to fuck with Chris that links in with this nicely.


    I suggest reading the whole TMG thread for the full picture but essentially Null has a team that checks Chris's emails, twitter and the like. I think they also manage Chris in other ways but that's slightly less clear. CWC has been the target of fraud over the past year and has lost roughly $6000. If you read enough into it they're basically Chris's new general managers. They'll keep people with malevolent intentions away and maintain the equilibrium in which he produces the best 'content'. So this is another council of web users managing CWC with the twist that its existence is fairly transparent for a change.

    Personally? I'm quite dubious about the owner of KF simultaneously managing that forum and looking out for Chris's best interests. He said that his intentions are benevolent but I think its impossible to act on it while running a forum that consumes content from said person. There will always be a conflict of interest.

    Chris's learning disability makes it very hard for him to be controlled. He needs to be banished from the internet and receiving treatment from a trained psychologist but obviously those things are not in the cards anymore (if they ever were). In the meantime his web presence will be guarded and scamming Chris will be impossible but I doubt this solution will positively help Chris in the long run.

    Its a bizarre turn of events. Discuss!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
  2. Sonichu

    Sonichu You don't have to tell me twice!

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Null has outright admitted it in the KF thread on the TMG incident. Whether it's just him (occasionally asking for outside help) or a team of people trying to manage Chris I don't think it's a good idea. Truly the blind leading the blind, none of us have the tools to help someone like Chris.
    Honestly some of Null's posts even read like what you'd see in a lolcow's twitter feed, just a ton of over-reactions. People fucked with Chris IRL? Welcome to 2008.

    Obviously the idea that someone is scamming Chris/Barb out of thousands(?) of dollars is seriously disgusting but if that's the case tell him to call the cops and report the fraud. Taking control of his email/twitter to act as a guardian is a dumb idea and, proven by the events of this weekend, completely ineffective.

    Unless you move down to BLC and spend every day with Chris you're not going to be able to "manage" him. I know for years we said Chris doesn't have the capacity to hurt anyone but he takes a bat with him everywhere he goes, (supposedly) fucks with his hormones, and just had a full blown meltdown in public. His delusions about cartoons, sonichu, cwcville, etc. grow every day.
    Honestly the best thing for him would be moving to an assisted living facility, I think it's inevitable at this point.

    Trying to control his life is only going to delay that and make these incidents more common and potentially more dangerous.
  3. CIAStoreOwner

    CIAStoreOwner Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    There is definitely a conflict of interest here. The stated reason for doing this is protecting Chris. However, there is certainly an ulterior motive as the goal of any site admin is to increase traffic. Being the arbiter of who can and who cannot talk to Chris will naturally lead to an influx of people who want to interact with him onto his forum. It would be better if Josh admitted that he wants to have Chris be his personal freakshow attraction as that would at least be honest.
  4. Soniblue

    Soniblue Sonichu's arms are NOT blue!

    Jun 21, 2018
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    Yeah, it's Null. He's admitted it and has been Chris new wrangler for the past few weeks. He's freaking out a lot in the TMG thread on KF. I'm not gonna screenshot it because I don't want to cause drama, but if you want to see it just go check there.

    Blocking everyone trying to contact Chris isn't a good idea IMO. I covered it in the JULAY! autograph thread and the TMG thread, but I'll do a short version here.

    -Preventing people from contacting Chris will cause a content drought. Idea Guy level shit can fuck right off though.
    -It won't help Chris. He doesn't learn, and even if he did blocking any trolling removes any chances for him to learn. I think it's his paranoia that makes him wary of trolls not any learned judgement.
    -Calling everyone who criticizes Chris an A-log is just immature. Most people who aren't complete tards don't think that Chris is the worst person on the planet, and chimping out solves nothing.
    -I personally think that trolling that isn't malicious is fine. I'd rather not see constant trolling and low effort stuff, but we have had a couple funny ones in the past few years.
    -A lot of the classic Chris trolling is just as A-loggy. Remember early Clyde Cash would insult Chris constantly until Chris had a funny reaction, and said he raled PandaHalo. Bryan Bash sent hookers to Chris' house. Had the hookers been armed and insane or had the police been called this could have been a much more serious situation. Lots of trolls got nudes and shared them, Casey sounded like a massive bitch from the calls I listened too, and some shit while funny was also just plain creepy like getting Chris to wear a diaper as an apology to Ivy or the aforementioned nudes.
    -A lot of people who are saying to leave Chris alone are also the people who trolled him for 5 years as an organized group. It's their fault Chris has become so boring in the first place.
    -Lots of people have tried to help Chris in some capacity. They got mocked. The only reason this is flying is because it's Null. If some random tried it they'd get harassed.
    -Nobody owns Chris. He's not the Farms personal pet, and it's not up to them to choose who he interacts with. I'm aware this one may come off as a bit hypocritical.
    His claim now is it he's trying to get Chris to act more like he did before he trooned out. Like he would if he hadn't been trolled constantly for years.

    I don't dislike Null for what it's worth.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  5. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

    Jan 20, 2017
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    In order for someone to effectively filter Chris's messages, they have to be familiar with trolling and Chris's legacy. So it'd be someone who knows of him as a lolcow. If it's not the owner of KF, it'd be someone who is entertained enough by Chris to follow him in the first place, so the conflict of interest would exist anyway.

    Chris definitely needs a therapist. Idea Guy was the point of no return for that.

    Keeping Chris offline would be complicated. Ironically, his fans are responsible for keeping him online, inadvertently painting a target on his back. He gets so much money from fans that to cut him off completely would have the side-effect of wrecking the Chandler finances. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place - if he stays offline, he would probably have to get a job to make up for the lost income (and dedicated weens would try to fuck him over, like when he tried exercising at Anytime Fitness); if he stays online, he's susceptible to ween schemes from his emails. Which is where someone helping to filter his messages comes into play.
  6. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I heard many times that kiwi farms forbids interacting with lolcows, instead saying it is better to watch/talk about them. Null doing this makes him look like a hypocrite no matter how good his intentions are
  7. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Its not really helping Chris in the long run. That's my problem with it. The stated goal doesn't match up to the people overseeing it.

    Chris's delusions are hard to control because a foundational fantasy his psyche rests on is partially true: He does have a fanbase but its one built up around his mistakes. It grows with him.

    If Null and co really wanted to help Chris (or this forum or anyone else) they'd shut up shop and call it a day. Send disco to spergatory or better yet just delete it from the database and take the cwcki offline. It wouldn't stop users from talking about Chris offsite but it might deter enough of them since KF has always taken cues from null. If its possible set Chris up with a therapist and explain everything thats happened over the last decade. I know that's implausible but it would be better than unqualified ex-trolls doing it. Finally explicitly tell him the truth- The internet is out to fuck him and he should stay away from it.

    I dont know if that would work in the long run. Chris would probably come back to e-beg or something. But it would give him the best shot to change on his own terms.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  8. Soniblue

    Soniblue Sonichu's arms are NOT blue!

    Jun 21, 2018
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    The people trolling Chris were on the site when it was still CWCki Forums. So it isn't just Null who has been interacting with Chris, there was a hidden board for discussing trolling.
  9. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    i understand why having a history with Chris as a lolcow has a certain utility when caring for him but it just seems a bit gross.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  10. Soniblue

    Soniblue Sonichu's arms are NOT blue!

    Jun 21, 2018
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    This would actually create more issues than it would solve IMO. Once the CWCki is gone there's the ED page, last I saw it made claims like Chris burned down his house for insurance money. Now this isn't an issue for those of us who know that it's a comedy site that shouldn't be taken seriously, but lots of spergs in the Chris following might take it seriously. At least the CWCki is accurate even though it's written so stuff sounds funny. There would also be the issues of weens being able to make up a bunch of shit or spread inaccurate statements that people can't fact check. But even if that were all taken down Chris would still act like a tard in public and online so he'd still be a big target for trolling. Eventually someone would find stuff Chris posted or meet Chris in person and post about it on /cow/, /b/, /v/, or Reddit, which we all know would be worse than controlled groups of well informed people. If anything the CWCki, Kiwi Farms, and CWCki Club documenting Chris is beneficial to him.

    Remember that a lot of early Chris information was provided by people who know him or by Chris himself. So things would still get posted regardless of the CWCki's existence.
  11. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I'm not sure I'd call this 'beneficial to him' but you are right about ED. I didn't think of that. It would be very hard to impossible to control somewhat accurate information without the cwcki.
  12. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Just interacting or trolling? I mean, people buy stuff from Chris and interact with him in that regard but that's not a bannable offense or anything.
  13. Soniblue

    Soniblue Sonichu's arms are NOT blue!

    Jun 21, 2018
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    I mean it's beneficial because people can check to get accurate information. Without it weens are free to claim that Chris is a lot worse than he is. There are already people who think that Chris is a borderline rapist because he flirts and gets too close to women who don't like it. The CWCki shows that shit like that isn't credible. For the hundreds of us on KF and here there are probably thousands of people who have a less detailed understanding of Chris and act like he's Hitler's reincarnation. Just look at the comments on some of his YouTube videos.
  14. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Whatever happened to the "no trolling plans" rule? Or the "don't touch the poop" rule?
  15. king koi

    king koi Nobody cares, yo!

    Feb 9, 2017
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  16. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I really think it depends on what you feel is best for Chris and what would actually work. Like there are so many moving pieces involved and its so complex, I don't know whether to say it is a good thing or not.

    On one hand, with @Null and co. running things, there is a pretty strong filter in place to prevent trash from several media to get through to Chris. From talking to @Null, I feel entirely confident he will not abuse this block for his personal gain in almost any situation. There is also a team in place which will help Chris with his decision-making. This is something that could be abused; however, with all of the goals that I have seen @Null list, it sounds to me that his objective is to get Chris on more solid ground. Shit is so razor thin for Chris at this point, that for anything to work out for Chris in any sustainable way @Null and co. will need to act in his best interest and not do things which would be personally beneficial. Additionally, with @Null and co. running things, as @AM3K said, there is more transparency.

    On the other hand, there are some problems. One is that @Null brings baggage. The baggage I am referring to includes Vordy, a titanic-load of people with threads on KF, many who are caustic enough to try to create trouble for him through Chris. Another is that @Null is nowhere near Chris, so anyone could usurp his management by building a friendship and exploiting Chris face-to-face. How likely is that? With a following and fandom as large as Chris has, you're bound to find some weirdo who will charm Chris into letting him stay at his house.

    Another thing to consider is the scope of management. @Null can only do so much. Look at this conference. @Null didn't know most of the whole story for about a day and we still don't. Is this the first time Chris has created a public nuissance? Chris cannot be wrangled IRL by anyone. Also, from a financial standpoint, Chris will always do what Barb says over anyone else. Chris has literally signed away his future. Once Barb is dead, 14BLC is gone. That isn't speculation, unless Chris can come up with about a quarter of a million bucks, if not more, 14BLC is history. You can debate the responsibility of Chris in all that, but that's a whole other can of worms.

    So to the question of whether Chris being "under new management" is a good thing or not? Either or, neither nor. I don't think it poses significant risk or damage to Chris so the downside is minimal, but the upside is that Chris has someone to find media deals for him. The problem is that he cannot manage himself when it comes time for him to deliver, so the upside isn't significant as well.

    As to the worries that @AM3K expressed, Chris is something that KF really is transitioning away from. Disco is an a-log/hirtes brushfire. I anticipate there being some radical changes to the nature of content on the site in the next 18 months, but the changes will be organic, from the ground up and incremental.
    c-no, Holdek, Neuro and 6 others like this.
  17. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Trying to protect someone except when the results are funny isn't really protecting them. It's making them a pet. The conflict of interest is too much for someone claiming to have Chris' best interests at heart to be taken seriously. Especially when this person has no educational or work history that would lead one to believe that they could be a significant positive influence on Chris.
  18. Anya

    Anya Heh Administrator

    Apr 30, 2016
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    I’m of the opinion that Null screening emails is harmless. I’ve mentioned before - if emails are being screened, then oh no, some try-hard fuckface doesn’t get to yell “JULAAAY” at Chris. It doesn’t create more or less content because the likelihood of Chris responding or commenting on that shit (or it becoming public) is slim to none anyway. Besides, that’s not funny.

    Null’s response to Bizzarnage was fair, I think. The kid was being a jackass and was told to fuck off.

    Do I think that it’s inevitable, due to distance of team members and with the baggage Null has, that eventually, things will go south? Certainly. But will it impact my life in any way if/when that happens? Nope.
  19. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Jan 20, 2017
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    It's about ethics in Christory, or so I've heard?

    Chris is Our Pet Lolcow, we're in this together, but the facts remain he's hardly special in his naivety. There's a whole generational subset of these types of American guys who failed to launch and are now adrift to a viking funeral of lulzy flame-out proportions on their own little apogees all across the country in every state of the union. Chris just has them beat in notoriety because he was first to market ahead of them, from Phil on down the list. Any optimists who tuned in for this particular show either are bad at reading where narratives are headed despite the characters' involved best intentions otherwise or as naive as Chris always turns out to be proven to be when given the slightest of chances to. Chris couldn't even resist the urge to insult Josh when mistakenly complaining about the donation cashier check that was sent to alleviate hardship after almost coffee roasting Barb to the big hoard in the sky. I fail to see how he'll be able to get better now no matter how much assistance is handed out to him from all sides because that's why he's the king of American lolcows. So I voted 'don't know' but will be amazed if it makes Chris great again...
    RetardBus, Holdek and Anya like this.
  20. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    Jan 22, 2017
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    you're right it was trolling. my bad
    Very Honest Content likes this.