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What are your most Hated Movies?

Discussion in 'Films' started by Adamska, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. TheImportantFart

    TheImportantFart Jet-powered fish

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Transformers. The first one's okay as a really dumb action piece, the rest are complete garbage. There's so much good mythology they could've used and they sacrificed it all for fart and dick jokes and boring, bad human drama. Dark of the Moon marks one of the few times I seriously considered walking out of the cinema and in hindsight I wish I had. To this day I refuse to watch Age of Extinction or any other atrocities Michael Bay's preparing to unleash on us.

    I also hate Iron Man 2. It embodies everything wrong with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I wanted to see an Iron Man sequel, not a feature-length Avengers trailer (I didn't watch The Avengers in cinemas on principle because Iron Man 2 pissed me off so much).

    Obvious one, but the Star Wars Prequels. I've kind of made my peace with them now that we're getting half-decent Star Wars films again, but back in the day, the fact you had to be familiar with the EU to understand most of what was going on really pissed me off. They never explain what the Sith are in the films. Seriously, go back and watch them. Not once does anyone actually explain what the fuck a Sith is.
  2. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Well, here goes;

    The Force Awakens. Laughable. It's only barely better than Phantom Menace (and Rouge One, which I'd say is worse than PM even, being that it's entirely superfluous and irrelevant from beginning to end), and it was made better back in '77 with rubber masks and some mythology instead. Plus if I bought a ticket in 2015 for that ending like I'm supposed to be excited to see that actor back on the big screen after decades of cartoon voicing, it's obvious somebody forgot to carry a digit in the math somewhere before shooting began.

    There is no reason why this movie should have turned out as bad as it did at the time they made the thing, none. But it's boring and it sucks.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  3. Lurkman

    Lurkman Not lurking at all and probably not a man

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Cars 2.

    The only time I've ever fallen asleep in a theater and this is after my fair share of films too.
  4. Space Cadet

    Space Cadet New Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    I saw Kazaam in the theater and I have never hated a movie more. Seeing the clickbait going around about it where people think it starred Sinbad makes me angry, because they clearly have not seen the film. They would know it was Shaq. They would bear the same scars I do.
    c-no, Luna, hm yeah and 6 others like this.
  5. Ol Slag

    Ol Slag 'Tism stormchaser

    Jan 20, 2017
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    Beaches and The Notebook. Fuck both of those movies.
  6. John Titor

    John Titor I am "Punished" Scientist, it's so nuclear

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I'm going to get a bounty on my head for this but for a movie I heavily disliked: Kill Bill. I thought it was pretentious to high hell and an excuse for Tarantino to go "Hey, look at all these movie references I can cram in!" The choreography was pretty mediocre which leads me to believe that people who liked it just never saw that many martial arts movies. To top it off, who the fuck puts a washing machine cam in an animated sequence? Or anywhere?

    Movie that makes me lose faith in humanity: Innappropriate Comedy. 20 minutes was all I could muster. Sometimes I think I've been too mean to Seltzer and Friedberg after that experience.
  7. Gerion

    Gerion Fat Binturong

    Jan 31, 2017
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    With you on all of this re. Kill Bill, and I'm a huge Tarantino apologist as a rule. Vol. 1 was so fast paced as to be overbearing, vol. 2 was a glacial slog, with a lot of talented actors wasted so Tarantino could indulge reference after reference meant only to appeal to himself and his sperg superfans.

    I'll watch nearly anything, especially if told that it's unwatchable, but after seeing the trailer for Inappropriate Comedy I just couldn't.
  8. Adamska

    Adamska Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    I'm a dude who just doesn't like Tarantino films in general, since to me they come off as relatively non-cohesive attempts at artful schlock if it was written by essentially an edgier and more full of himself Joss Whedon if he also happened to be a Troper.

    As for another movie I hated, I just remembered Biodome; low hanger but it was pretty much the worst goddamn thing I saw on the big screen... as a child.
  9. Harrison Gentleman

    Harrison Gentleman Old-School Gentleman

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Here's my list of the worst films I have ever seen. Hours of my life I'll never get back...

    Alien: Resurrection (oddly enough, I did like Alien 3)
    Anything involving Transformers
    The Book of Eli
    Star Wars Episodes I-III (well, Revenge of the Sith was okay, but other than that....)
    The Incredible Hulk (both the 2003 and 2008 versions)
    Anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
    Dragonball Evolution
    The Matrix Trilogy
    Sausage Party
    Left Behind (both versions)
    The Wicker Man remake (The original film from the 70's is awesome though)
    The Omega Code
    Freddy vs. Jason
    Anything in the Saw franchise
    28 Weeks Later
    Dawn of the Dead (the 2004 remake, the original Romero film is one of my all-time favorites)
  10. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I hate that movie. I've never seen part two and think I would probably actually enjoy it but because the first one is so fucking annoying, I can't/won't bother. I don't give a fuck about your toe fetish dude, wack off to that shit on your own time, not mine that I'm paying to be entertained during.

    Death Proof isn't any good either but it's not actively bad without attempting to be so at the outset so I can't muster up the same disdain for it. Which is sad because the rest of his work is great, even the stuff he hates because others supposedly ruined it like Dusk to Dawn, True Romance, Natural Born Killers, all modern classics IMO. Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Inglorious Bastards, you can stack those films up against anyone in the history of the medium comfortably from any era, from Frank Capra through David Lean to Steven Spielberg and everyone in between and not have to blink, but that shitty overindulged piece of crap is sitting right there in the middle of them like the obvious turd it is that everyone has to fawn over because Bruce Lee dressed like that once in a movie that was important 30 years before or something. I just don't get it.

    Wut? I'm about to go post that in guilty pleasures. Plus In the Army Now and of course the seminal work that is Encino Man.
    Alan Smithee and John Titor like this.
  11. Count Olaf

    Count Olaf The Swedish term for beef that is roasted

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Son of the Mask, Twilight, Dragonball Evolution, and The Star Wars Christmas Special. I dont think I need to say any more.
    Luna, Alan Smithee and Garbodor like this.
  12. Kari Kamiya

    Kari Kamiya Onii-chan Complex

    Jan 23, 2017
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    This is a hard one, I tend to forget bad movies since I don't bother watching them again, and they never leave much of an impact on me. Last live-action movie I absolutely despised was The Host (the shitty Stephenie Meyer movie), only because I had promised my mother I'd watch one of her films after she watched Vision of Escaflowne with me. It's probably one of the worst movies I've seen, and it was really boring on top of it all. I remember more of Ghostbusters 2016 than I do with that movie.

    For animated movies because I'm a sperg, these three left quite the negative impact on me (spoilered for length):

    While I don't like Frozen, I thought Big Hero 6 was worse, if only because it doesn't feel like a Disney movie. It was like Disney was trying to copy DreamWorks, particularly How to Train Your Dragon, and it was bothersome. Hiro was a boring protagonist who had promise, at least if they had returned to the whole "back alley robot battles" or whatever they were. I think it'd be cool for Disney to tackle robot battles, but that interesting concept of New Tokyo or whatever it's called was never touched upon again for the rest of the movie. Baymax is honestly the only thing to like about this film, but the dynamic duo of Baymax and Hiro doesn't work like how Hiccup and Toothless' relationship does. The supporting characters I think were tryhards, and I swear one of the selling points of the film was their ethnic diversity, which is something I don't give a shit about. And of course, the "surprise villain" was also pretty lame, I don't care how realistic it is, if at all.

    Minions is money-grubbing, retconning (weirdly-enough) shit, plain and simple, only further proving my claim that Illumination Entertainment is a hack studio. It made Angry Birds look like a better movie, and that movie was bad, too. The only good thing about Minions was Scarlet Overkill, and she was quite the missed opportunity. Her husband sidekick could've been interesting, too, but they didn't do much with him, either. Have to focus on the wacky antics of the three Minions, after all!

    This is Pokémon-related, but I don't give a fuck because Genesect and the Legend Awakened was fucking insulting as a movie, and a kids' movie at that. I completely understand and agree that Pokémon isn't well-written as a series at all, but to piss on the franchise's most popular Pokémon and its fans (and on the late-Takeshi Shudo's legacy) was disgraceful. Yes, I hate this movie because of a single (main) character, the ads and marketing surrounding this movie basically was built up on that fact. They even went ahead to re-air the first Pokémon movie and its sequel on Japanese TV for the new Pokémon fans (a.k.a children) to be caught up on the awesome character that is Mewtwo.

    But fuck all that, have a second Mewtwo for no reason, and this time a female Mewtwo who's basically a cardboard copy of the original! Wait, why was she created? To be the world's most powerful Pokémon in the world? Who created her? Who cares, because the scientists are dead now anyway and she's living with other Pokémon! What's this, she can't fight toe-to-toe with this new Pokémon as she is? Here, make her a magical girl to advertise these new not-then-revealed-Mega Evolutions! Wait, how can she transform? Don't question it, because now she's more powerful and faster, buuuut let's have her still struggle to fight this Pokémon anyway! She doesn't know her place in the world, but still understands the world is beautiful and is her home? Makes perfect sense, so let's have a shippy moment with her and the pyromaniac jerkass Red Genesect!

    I can barely call this Mewtwo, she's the worst character I've ever seen. When you have a character who's a fucking plot hole, you've failed as a writer. You can barely call yourself a writer when you're working with Pokémon anyway, but to even fuck that up is laughable.
  13. Benny Liggins

    Benny Liggins Huh...

    Jan 30, 2017
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    Good Burger and Bio-Dome for me.
    I was watching a lot of really bad films (such as The Room, Birdemic and Batman & Robin) a few years ago, all had been enjoyably bad before I got to these pieces of shit. It even got to a point where I thought all bad films would be enjoyable to some degree, but these two proved me wrong and I pretty much stopped watching bad films for a long while afterwards because of how horrible they were. I only just made it through Good Burger and although I tried my hardest I could not finish Bio-Dome, it was literally too painful to watch.
  14. HotaruThodt

    HotaruThodt I Can Feel the Cosmos!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    All of the live-action Resident Evil movies
    All of the Twilight movies
    Dark Shadows (I grew up watching reruns of the original series. Tim Burton's movie shat on the franchise)
    The Evil Dead remake (It had good intentions, but honestly I found it just plain boring)
    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again (2016 remake)
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
  15. Sseyn

    Sseyn Active Member

    Jan 20, 2017
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    the babadook
    The Mighty Shockwave likes this.
  16. A Potato Named Vodka

    A Potato Named Vodka AKA Vodka Vodkavich Vodkaev

    Jan 22, 2017
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    The live-action The Cat in the Hat and The Grinch. Those two movies scarred the shit out of me. I actually remember crying in the theater out of horror during The Cat in the Hat, but I was on a field trip with my daycare/summer camp so there wasn't much that could be done.
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- not to be confused with the far superior Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- makes me want to pull teeth.
  17. Cyan

    Cyan #00FFFF Staff Member B& AF, Fam Moderator

    Jan 21, 2017
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    The amount of shit I got from people for thinking that Up was just kind of alright and actually liking Avatar made me hate both movies.
  18. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    Jan 30, 2017
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    both versions of the day the earth stood still. 60s one or keanu reeves one, take your pick. both were pretentious and disappointing in different and similar ways.

    if the earth has come to a standstill and there's a breakaway space human dude with a giant space robot, do something cool! don't just act like a 90's cartoon about the rainforest. come one now.
    CWCki Jeff likes this.
  19. CWCki Jeff

    CWCki Jeff ★★★

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I'm generally desensitized enough to not actually hate movies anymore, but one movie I just could not like was Birdman. It was very interesting from a technical point of view in that they filmed the entire thing in one take, but it felt like a movie for critics and snobs and not simple people like me.
    Very Honest Content and Garbodor like this.
  20. Mimic

    Mimic Was forced to Evac, had no place to Zoom to.

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Dragonball Evolution. It's already been discussed, but damn what a shitshow. Did poorly as a Dragonball movie, and did poorly as a kung fu movie. Just one massive failure.

    My personal worst is Speed Racer, the live action one. Maybe it was because I'm a fan of the cartoon, but that movie was god awful. Speed got turned into some autistic sperg about cars, and they wanted to modernize it by making it F-Zero lite with CG and bad acting straight out of Spy Kids. Such a disappointment.