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11/9/16: Chris Reacts to Trump's Victory

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Galhox Ladyankles, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    He seems to be taking it well.
  2. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator



    Advocating murder is bad. Also, someone really should educate Chris as to who Mike Pence is.
  3. Kappashiro Nietzschieri

    Kappashiro Nietzschieri Deep in the Ocean Engineering Thoughts

    Chris is an autist so he can't understand why murder is bad. Someone should educate him about that
    exball likes this.
  4. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    I'm surprised you think it's bad. Having no morals would prove otherwise.
  5. exball


    I'm sure Trump is heartbroken he still doesn't have this strong woman's support.
    Strewth and Hellblazer like this.
  6. Kappashiro Nietzschieri

    Kappashiro Nietzschieri Deep in the Ocean Engineering Thoughts

    Murder is bad when it is against the God Emperor. Morality is irrelevant to the question
  7. Corgi

    Corgi Friendly Forum Fiend Staff Member Moderator

    Chris is using his wicked wiccan magick on that poppet of Trump in order to enact his cursing spell. The results will reveal themselves in due time.
    Galhox Ladyankles and Hellblazer like this.
  8. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    If Trump's civil case late this month goes badly, I wonder if Chris will attribute it in part to his 'tard magic.
    Corgi likes this.
  9. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Imagine he maces Trump screaming "DON'T CALL ANYBODY"