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The SCP Foundation

Discussion in 'Internet Fiction/Fanfiction' started by TheImportantFart, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. TheImportantFart

    TheImportantFart Jet-powered fish

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I made a Creepypasta thread and the SCP Foundation was brought up a few times, but this is so huge I actually think it requires its own thread.

    The SCP Foundation is an organization that is the subject of a web-based collaborative writing project. (SCP stands for "Special Containment Procedures", though it also refers to the organization's slogan of "Secure, Contain, Protect".) The stories generated by the project describe the exploits of the fictional Foundation, supposedly responsible for containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law (referred to as SCPs). The main written works on the SCP Foundation website are documents written in the style of structured internal documentation about the SCPs contained by the fictional organization. As of 2017, the staff of the site have opened the 1000, 2000, and 3000 series.

    The website also contains thousands of "Foundation Tales", short stories set within the universe of the SCP Foundation. Many tales have to do with other fictional organizations within the SCP universe. Several dozen sub-canons called "hubs" have been created within the site, each pertaining to either an alternate timeline of the SCP universe or a "GOI" (short for "Group of Interest").

    The SCP Foundation series has received praise for its ability to convey horror through its scientific and academic writing style, although the content has strayed significantly from its horror origins in the years since the site's creation. The SCP Foundation has also inspired numerous spin-off works, including the video game SCP - Containment Breach which was shot to fame after being the subject of Let's Plays by the likes of PewDiePie and Markiplier.

    Although I've been aware of the site for years, I only recently started delving into some of the articles other than the most famous ones. I've really enjoyed what I read, so I've set up this thread to allow people to discuss and share their favourite stories. There are literally thousands on there, but here are some of my favourites to get newcomers started:

    SCP-012 (A Bad Composition)
    SCP-035 (Possessive Mask)
    SCP-049 (Plague Doctor)
    SCP-055 [unknown]
    SCP-076 ("Able")
    SCP-087 (The Stairwell) (also inspired a game)
    SCP-096 (The "Shy Guy")
    SCP-106 (The Old Man)
    SCP-173 (The Sculpture) (the one that started it all)
    SCP-174 (Ventriloquist's Dummy)
    SCP-231 (Special Personnel Requirements)
    SCP-400 (Beautiful Babies)
    SCP-455 (Cargo Ship)
    SCP-513 (A Cowbell)
    SCP-610 (The Flesh that Hates)
    SCP-682 (Hard-to-Destroy Reptile)
    SCP-701 (The Hanged King's Tragedy) (one of my absolute favourites, if not my favourite)
    SCP-847 (The Mannequin)
    SCP-1057 (Absence of Shark)
    SCP-1471 (MalO ver1.0.0)
    SCP-1733 (Season Opener)
    SCP-1875 (Antique Chess Computer)
  2. As much as I love 701 and 087, the one that has always stuck with me is 231. It's one of the best pieces of psychological horror that I've read to date, and contains this paragraph that randomly haunts me:

    "Yes, staff members who have been assigned to SCP-231 are allowed to take a Class A Amnesiac before leaving the project if so desired. Yes, false memories are then implanted. No, none of the supposed methods for recovering or detecting false memories work. Yes, there are some of you who've worked on SCP-231 and don't remember it."
  3. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Maybe it works so well because the opening paragraph reads "SCP-169 cannot and almost certainly will never be contained—no structure on Earth is large enough or strong enough to contain SCP-169"
  4. I much prefer the fictional explanation for Bloop to the boring actual explanation.
    Deleted User 0007 and Corgi like this.
  5. Corgi

    Corgi Friendly Forum Fiend Staff Member Moderator

    Feb 23, 2016
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  6. "Removed SCP-999-J-1 in front of 12 year-old girl. Underneath was another instance of SCP-999-J-1."

    Omg it's now my favorite too
  7. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    "What the fuck is this?" - 05
  8. I forgot to add this to my earlier post cause I was in a rush, but this story (mediocre writing style aside) about SCP-231 is one of the best lore-building tales on the site if only due to the new perspective it throws into the ring.
    Corgi and Hellblazer like this.
  9. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I'd never heard of this before. I love it. 231 is a brilliant piece of horror. It has a very Machen feel to it.

    In the hands of a better writer, that lore-building story could really sing.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    Attachments-senpai likes this.
  10. TheImportantFart

    TheImportantFart Jet-powered fish

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Glad to hear I've crated a new fan.

    Decided to write an SCP of my own:



    Item #: SCP-3000

    Object class: Euclid

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3000 is to be suspended in a 1 gallon jar of dill pickles. The jar and its contents must be inspected daily for any degradation or loss of integrity. If the jar or its contents show any sign of degradation, (such as cracked glass, mold, or discolouration) SCP-3000 is to be immediately removed and suspended in a replacement jar by a team of Class-D personnel. All personnel handling SCP-3000 must wear full-body pickle suits and gloves of no less than 4 millimeters thickness.

    Any sentient beings exposed to SCP-3000 are to be terminated immediately.

    Description: SCP-3000 is a clay medallion, constructed from Crayola Model Magic Clay and acrylic paint, shaped to resemble the head of a creature tentatively identified as a hybrid of the popular children's video game character Sonic the Hedgehog and the Pokemon Pikachu. The medallion is attached to a chain-link necklace, which in turn has 8 shrinky dinks attached depicting crude cartoon sketches of the creature who is the subject of the medallion and 7 others believed to be of the same species. Samples of human hair and fingerprints have also been found embedded in the clay. Attempts to extract the hair chemically and mechanically have proved unsuccessful.

    SCP-3000 was discovered by Agent Skyraider in the remains of [REDACTED], Ruckersville, Virginia, following a fire that had caused major structural damage to the property. Repair works have since begun on [REDACTED], but it seems unlikely it will ever be rebuilt. (See Addendum A-2)

    When SCP-3000 comes into contact with bare human skin, it brings about a complete physical and mental metamorphosis in the subject. The person who touched it (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-3000-1) will, over the course of 30 seconds, take on the appearance of a 26-year-old overweight Caucasian man, 5 foot 10 inches in height with brown hair and mild heterochromia, wearing denim jeans and a St John's Bay Rugby Stripe Sueded Polo coloured red, white and blue. Psychological tests conducted on SCP-3000-1 reveal it to be on the autism spectrum at a mid-functioning level. It is also suspected SCP-3000-1 suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Additionally, studies of SCP-3000-1's crotch region reveal that its penis is circumcised and has a joint about halfway up the shaft that causes it to bend at a 45 degree angle. The origin of this deformity is unclear. Personnel who have encountered SCP-3000-1 report it smelling of rotting watermelons. Once metamorphosis is complete, SCP-3000-1 will place SCP-3000 around its neck, with all traces of the person it was before coming into contact with SCP-3000 erased. SCP-3000-1's physical and mental characteristics are identical to [REDACTED], widely believed to be the original [DATA EXPUNGED] of SCP-3000.

    Fortunately, the spread of infection by SCP-3000 is stymied by SCP-3000-1's extreme reluctance to surrender SCP-3000 once under its influence. If an attempt is made to remove SCP-3000 from SCP-3000-1's neck, SCP-3000-1 will become extremely aggressive, attacking and [DATA EXPUNGED] anyone who attempts to separate it from SCP-3000. Fatalities have been minimal due to SCP-3000-1's low physical strength and extreme incompetence and clumsiness. However, if kept alive, SCP-3000-1 will become a devastating drain on the economy of whichever country it inhabits. It shows extreme reluctance to work or be a productive member of society, preferring to subsist on welfare and play video games all day. For this reason, immediate termination is mandated. The few occasions where SCP-3000 has been successfully removed from SCP-3000-1's neck have demonstrated that this procedure does not reverse its effects. There are currently no known means of reversing SCP-3000's effects.

    Addendum A-1: As of September 2014, [REDACTED] has begun mass-producing and selling objects that resemble SCP-3000. Delivery of the items and the behaviour of their recipients is being closely monitored.

    Addendum A-2: As of Januray 2015, [REDACTED] has been rebuilt, with its original inhabitants [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (believed to be the original [DATA EXPUNGED] of SCP-3000) resuming their residence there. The property is under continuous surveillance by Foundation Personnel.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
  11. Birdoj

    Birdoj bird but in esperanto

    Jan 24, 2017
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    SCP is my favorite thing to read when I'm bored at work. The thing that I like it is the idea that everything is "true" on its own but when you look at things together as a cohesive unit you start seeing flaws and things that can't all be true at the same time. There's lots of various in-universe explanations, many of them explained by the various "theories" for what SCP-1 is.
    I have a friend who reads SCP and works for the feds as a document writer so he actually gets to [redact] stuff for a living, he loves it.
  12. The asshole in me wants to write said better version, post it on the site, and then tag the original author (or however the fuck that shit works over there).
    Hellblazer likes this.
  13. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    It's usually shorter to just say "I."
  14. This is why you're one of my favorites.
    Mouseberger and Hellblazer like this.
  15. TheImportantFart

    TheImportantFart Jet-powered fish

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Found a few more quality entries:

    SCP-1000 (Bigfoot)
    SCP-1048 (Builder Bear)
    SCP-1983 (Doorway to Nowhere)
    SCP-2317 (A Door to Another World) (I love this one - it's got a great Lovecraftian vibe to it. Also, who knew there was a higher object class than Keter?)

    Also, this is one of the most adorable things I've ever read. I want one of these. If all the creepy's getting you down, read this to unwind:

    SCP-2295 (The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork)
    Hellblazer and Deleted User 0007 like this.
  16. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I like the Doctor Wondertainment line of toys and things that make you murder people and etc.
    Birdoj and Deleted User 0007 like this.
  17. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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  18. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    Jan 21, 2017
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    My personal favorites:
    SCP 731 Manhole that turns people into rats.
    SCP 458 Pizza Pizza!
    SCP 261 Vending machine
    SCP 294 Drink vending machine
    SCP 953 Batshit crazy foxgirl
    SCP 247 Tiger that appears to be cute cat, even when devouring you
    SCP 085 A painting of a woman
    Bob's Axe and Deleted User 0007 like this.
  19. Birdoj

    Birdoj bird but in esperanto

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I find it's really fun to find SCP's that would fit your academic friends' interests/knowledge bases. I have a research linguist friend so there's lots that I'm sure he would love to be part of.
    He also found this one http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1206 which he loved because he's been on that train line in that exact situation multiple times before.
    Mouseberger likes this.
  20. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I had a friend last night bring up SCP in an unrelated conversation and call SCP-597 "the InkBunny monster" and how he was sure he knew some furries would masturbate to it, and goes out of his way not to interact with them.