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Sonichu THE REAL SONICHU: Annotated Edition [FAN COMIC]

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Blank, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. TheEnderGecko

    TheEnderGecko True and Loyal Sonichu Fan

    Feb 9, 2017
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    WOAH! That twist with Christine really got me! The whole time was thinking that she was going to be Magi-Chan's daughter.
    Blank likes this.
  2. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Another day feels like so long to wait for more!!!!
    Blank likes this.
  3. MillenniumStar

    MillenniumStar Sheer Buzzkill Attack

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Good to see that this is back! I'm actually envious of you _blank_ with your drawing skills.
    Blank likes this.
  4. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    CHAPTER TWO: PART ONE - Kids These Days
    Ahhhh this backstory.This segment was what helped bring Megagi into the forefront as a leading character, it introduced everyone to TRS's version of Robee, and as well as mention of another very popular character which would become popular mostly due to intentionally sloppy writing. But more on that later.

    Let's turn our minds back to the summer of 2014...


    Man, back in the day this page was a massive undertaking. To this day I am apprehensive of doing anything over seven panels to a page, and this 16-page number was nuts to do. Mostly I was wanting to do a Kevin Maguire facial study to help tell the story, and I think overall it worked. And i know it's back patting, but something about Sonichu's appearance here still makes me sensibly chuckle.

    ....hindsight is kind of a wicked bitch sometimes. See, one of my shortcomings in these comics is how I tend to forget to explain the setting. Like, in my mind, I know Megagi and Rosechu are at the CWCville Shopping Centre Food Court. When I made this page, I didn't even realize to think telling people where they are situated... and I'm just now realizing that I never did- didn't even put in any visual cues that the two of them are supposed to be sitting down... wow.

    I guess these introspective things are good in some sense outside of me yammering on about stuff.

    Sonichu: Alpha 'Chu and all-around class act.


    It's @bearycool 's favorite page!

    I also realized after I finished these pages Bionic had "Sonic" ears and not "Pikachu" ears. I was surprised no one ever corrected me on it... then I remembered it was Bionic and no one cares.... yet.


    Note to self: have more sudden Magi-Chan heads appearing before people later on in this comic.


    I figured after 45 pages, I earned the right to do a splash page.

    Anyway, next page is the correct page in the sequence. I just conveniently forgot to make any segueway to the next scene... so no, I didn't forget a page.


    Hey, it's Robee!

    Robee is a mixed bag of a character for me. Obviously he was supposed to be a parody of the whole Tumblr "professional victim" mindset, I think the joke got old after the first few pages, and then afterwards mostly got annoying and he was at risk of becoming a very one-dimensional character, like something from Marvel Comics. Only difference is that I realize my writing is a joke.


    Not much to say about this page. I like the lawnmower. That's a fine looking marker-lawnmower if I may say so.


    I actually really do have plans for Bubbles. She's honestly not just the sexy Rosechu.

    Further, if you actually think any of the Rosechus are sexy, you may need to re-evaulate your life.

    Serah was supposed to look like... some... lolcow from back in 2014 whose name eludes me. All I know is that she unfortunately has become an omen of far, far too many people in reality here in 2016 and 2017. We should have heeded the warnings.

    Also in case you don't know, Christine's shirt is supposed to the Kronos cross, popularized by the immortal band Blue Oyster Cult. If you haven't listened to any of their music yet, your homework is to listen to their Secret Treaties album. You'll thank me later.

    I had fun making this page. Perspective is wonky as all hell, but eh.

    Also crazy to think that's been 2 1/2 years since Chris first started to try and sell his art on Ebay. Ahhh memories.


    Fun fact: When I was going to first bring in Dagget, he was supposed to be a no-nonsense robotic hardass. Essentially the PVCC's answer to Robocop.

    As readers know now.... that didn't happen. Like, at all.

    Also to those fortunate to have never gotten punched in the nose before themselves- yes, it does bleed that much. And yes, it really is that painful.

    She no ded, K?

    Also second to last panel I must've been unconciously channeling Berkely Breathed to draw Christine that way. Works though.

    NEXT: DAGGET... BAGGET... The Bucket Head Guy.
  5. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    Jan 30, 2017
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    getting good
    Blank likes this.
  6. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    More fightin', and probably the most pretentious TRS has ever gotten. Don't worry- that segment is short.

    "All that is down is only the floor" is one of the classic Sonichu lines, classic in the sense that is makes sense but at the same time it's incredibly bizarre in phrasing. It is also the phrase Mayor Chris-Chan used on Dagget back in one of the earlier sub-episodes so... continuity. Woo.

    Also the physique of Wild in panel six is absolutely terrible. Shame, Blank. Shame.

    A couple of joke phrases on one page and Dagget has a new tic. People seemed to really love Dagget's bizarre speech pattern on this page so I just ran with it and built his back story around it.



    Chris has empathy.


    Now it's time to face full-life consequences... wait, wrong series.


    I think "Emotional abuse starts at home" is still one of my favorite lines in this series.

    Chloe, when I got my hands on her (PHRASING) was pretty much a blank slate as to what she would be capable of doing. Blazebob's powers were basically explained with his name, so he was set. The name "Chloe" means "new growth" so I figured I'd give her plant based powers. but to differentiate her from Wild, I figured to make it more spore-based.

    So yeah... Chloe is the true villain of Resident Evil 7.



    Also, Golden Knight was making his rounds around this time in the Farms, so I had to throw him in here for a panel.


    Around this time, someone compalined about the memes, hence is why I tried to reign them in after this page.

    Also this section is... strange. Instead of focusing on a boss Magi and Dagget fight, I started this... thing. Not exactly sure what the point was except to expand on Sonichu's subconcious. Why, I dunno. Let's just get through it, shall we?


    ...now re-reading this... I think I was making this page around the time Chris was having some kind of sperg-out about people not buying his crap on eBay. And unfortunately, no I didn't make up most of Chris' dialogue on this page.


    Shit, Sonichu fell onto Chris' Facebook page. Also, apparently Chris is now a giant Cabbage Patch Doll.

    ........I seriously have no idea.

    ...but after that pleasant diversion, we return back to the semi-sane as Rosechu makes her appearance in: THE REAL SONICHU: Little Trouble in Big Tokyo.
  7. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Hmmm... no replies since my last update. Does this count as a double post or a bump then? Ah well, I don't blame ya. Last group was the low point. Hopefully this will be of more interest (Hint: Blank fuels his autism with comments. Not beggin' or anything... *cough* )

    CHAPTER TWO: PART THREE - Little Trouble in Big Tokyo
    In this collection, we finally see what Rosechu has been up to, Crystal gets an impromptu makeover, and Mitch gives Blazebob a hand...


    Oh boy.... this part of the internet's illustrious history... grab your crash helmets and pop in your mouth guard for the next page. While I still stand by my stance I penned here, the hamfisted way I added the following commentary is Marvel-levels of bad.

    On a lighter note- the marking on Rosechu's back, I always assumed would be some kind of tattoo, at least initially. Then some readers reminded me the 'Chus are covered with quills so that probably wouldn't work. So... it's a brand. Rosechu got "Mother" branded across her back because she's metal.


    Note to self: continue to have more interaction with Rosechu and Mary.

    This page introduces the "Cherokian Clan" which, while not really fleshed out here, I perceived as an artistic representation of Chris' white knights and weens. They are the ones even more pathetic than the Mayor of CWCVille. Also, yes, that's a pony tattoo. No, I don't know which one- I literally drew it and colored it a couple of random colors.


    Her lightning blades remind me of the old weapons some of the Battle Beasts used to use. And if you actually remember what Battle Beasts are, you get a gold star.


    The next few pages are kind of bizarre. At this point I was realizing I hadn't done any serious choreographed fight scene, just glimpses, so I want to alleviate that. Unfortunatelt, somehow it became a more stylized depiction of Rosechu kicking ass without actually showing whose asses she was kicking. On a visual standpoint, I like it. On a storyteller perspective, I'm pretty disappointed with it.


    I wrote this back in the later half of 2014. i am typing this up now in the first few weeks of 2017. I am saddened that Robee's attitude has become more and more the status quo instead of being rightfully outrageous.


    Few things...

    1) Zapina has yet to make an appearance, but I actually have something planned for her. It's gonna be fun. Beleive me. So much fun. It'll be Yuuuge.
    2) More of Bubble's adventures is in a bizarre B&W offshoot I made a couple of years ago... gonna have to figure out where to share that...
    3) For those who don't remember Marbles.... you're welcome.

    Whenever I make my millions and I make the TRS animated movie, I hope to have "Imp Sonichu" voiced by Willem Dafoe.

    Also impressive shot by Megagi, firing off five shots judging by the shells and none of them apparently anywhere that Chris' medallion...


    And now begins the Amnyfest... Adventure? Amnyfest Saga? Tales of Amnyfest?


    So after the last page, I was planning on having Crystal take Chris in... but then someone reminded me that Chris' true powers came from the Amnyfest ring. So then I had to write that in... and things just went weird. Very, very weird.


    Hit with an electrical attack and punched through a goddamn wall...

    ...I really put my characters through a lot of abuse.



    I read somewhere recently that they thought Mitch was adorable... to that person, I'm sorry.

    Note to self: Make more cute characters- people will like you better and maybe they'll come to your birthday parties.


    Original character, do not steal.


    Still littering these pages with random, obscure references.

    The whole "consuming" plot point is more in reference towards Rosechu's evolution into Vamprosa... and yes, that is an allusions to something later on in the comic that I haven't gotten to yet.


    ...A lot of abuse... at least now Blazebob can become a Jedi.


    I have a sinking feeling this depiction of OPL doesn't stray too far from reality.


    Not much to talk about this page... uhm.... don't become drug-addled cyborg cops , kids.


    "Welcome to the family, son."

    Also, the Basement Rosechus are... hm. I figured I'd give them individual powers, none of which have really manifested on the pages yet, but where I am in the story, I could probably implement them fairly easily.

    ...I really need to learn how to do "cute."


    Again, not much else to comment on this page. Chloe has weird shaped ears. That's all.


    Guess who googled "Australian slang phrases" and applied them liberally, hoping it didn't sound completely awkward as hell?

    Also, at this point I was abusing Morguefile's stock photo service like there was no tomorrow.


    This is a page that exists. I'm not sure why it exists or the purpose of this page was in hindsight... but it's there. So... yeah.


    ...so this is page... 82... and I'm already at the 200+ page mark... uhm...


    On another note- the panels Mary is looking over, one has a clip from Donnie Iris' "Ah! Leah!" music video. Excellent song. Check it out.

    The other comes from a video for an Italian duo from the 80s called Righeira. The song made such an impact on me, I had to make it into a CWC music video. Because I'm retarded.

    (Apparently I can't load up more than 20 images in one go so.... click on the link to read.)

    Sonichu- Master of Negotiation.

    That's all for now - next time we finally cross the 100-page mark and also reveal more of the family Sonichu's sordid backstory.
  8. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Really liked your quick take on goobergate, I must have missed that the first time round.
    And I also got a good giggle from your "Australian slang phrases" , I thought you were doing cockney (not actually sure where a lot of these "aussie" things come from, no one actually talks that way here ever).
    Bloody awesome comic, more please.
  9. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    Jan 30, 2017
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    this comic is legendary
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  10. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    Jan 30, 2017
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    doing good man
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  11. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    Honeydew daytripper is the hero we all deserve.
    Blank likes this.
  12. 313

    313 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I actually had no idea that Rosechu "consuming" was her slowly becoming Vamprosa... I just thought her fighting made her want to turn into the face-raping Lioness we all know. That's awesome.

    Also we really need to see more MLW, her interactions with Rosechu are funny and interesting. They seem like super close friends, like the opposite of the Sonichu/Chris Chan dynamic.
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  13. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Dagget / CWC interactions are great. The two awful communication styles mix well. And I kind of like the Rosechu fighting without being able to see the victims thing- it's arty. At least so far as someone who can't draw stick figures can perceive as arty.
    hm yeah, Foulmouth and Blank like this.
  14. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Alright, presently hanging out at the Movie Night, but I wanted to make sure to get these pages up tonight. I'll add the anotations tomorrow when I upload Saturday's pages, but for now....

    CHAPTER THREE: PART ONE - A Skunk's Life

    Poor Nait's face- never really figuring out what exactly what shape it should be.


    I'm realizing now that while I was originally calling her "Spunky," her actual name- somewhere along the line I started calling her Megagi- her slave CWC name. Total oversight on my part.

    Also in the early days, while I enjoyed drawing herself, I abhored coloring her camo pants. Just pointing that out.

    Sonichu is a Class A Nice Guy.

    Also, how did she lay that egg? Isn't she a skunk? Skunks don't lay eggs.

    Yes... Just don't think about it. Just... don't. Stop.

    Her T-Shirt is in reference to the band Jethro Tull... making that her second Tull reference. Wonder what I should put on her next T-Shirt. Aqualung? Steel Monkey? Benefit? So many choices...


    I honestly wonder if Chris ever did read this comic, would he realize this is beyond creepy behavior, or would he get excited about the prospect? Eh, if anything, he'd probably get irate that this isn't the exact pigeonhole he put Spunky into in the first place.

    I'm kind of disappointed how this page turned out, mostly for Rosechu's reaction. She's obviously pissed at Sonichu, but I think I made her look and act a touch too aggressive towards Spunky. I mean, she's not happy with her but... I dunno. Rosechu's a total whackjob anyway...

    Also, I feel like the sandwich recipe was inspired by something else, but for the life of me, I can't remember. Probably will give Sonichu the cat shits though. You're welcome for that image.


    Probably one of my more favorite scenes in the comic thus far is this scene with Rosechu and Spunky, just for the interaction between the two.

    Fun fact- the bicyclist Rosechu clipped was actually drawn to look like the Dad character from Happy Wheels, but when I scanned in this page, he was clipped (no pun intended) from the image, and I only realized after posting the page. Just as well though- that game was kind of a flash in the pan, wasn't it?


    I may have issues. Or maybe I think pug-cat-potato monsters is hilarious. Any case- thanks Chris for letting me draw... whatever the hell these are.

    Is it a good thing or a bad thing when a character you write actually annoys you?

    Ah well... potato monsters. Yay.



    Other than that... I really like how Rosechu turned out in panel 4.

    Going over these older pages, I'm honestly surprised how terribly I laid out word bubbles. The hell was I thinking?

    Oh, and now we're entering into superdark territory. You've been warned.


    ...I actually just finished listening to part of "My Inner Life" with my editor a few hours ago. I hate fanfics.

    Also, curious that I colored Rosechu's hands pink instead of peach or whatever color. ROSEHCU'S HANDS AREN'T FRICKING PINK.


    In case you don't get the reference.

    And yes, this was done purely so I could have a page of Magi-Chan making a doofus out of himself.


    Not exactly sure what happened with the black ink in this page. Looks weird to me.

    Also I remember back when I posted this there was some actual speculation as to why it didn't affect Spunky. The honest answer? Plot convenience.


    And so a burgeoning friendship begins... and again, superdark territory starts now. Last warning.


    Continuity-wise, this scene happens before Rosechu's infamous scene in the 4-cent garbage building, so this would be where Sonichu first learns about her manifestation. Anyway, that's my explanation as to why he wasn't freaking out in CWC's original comic when she went apeshit.

    You're welcome, Chris.


    Outside of my usual editor, I somethimes run these pages past my brother as well, who likes to lurk around the KF. Not sure if he's here yet, but if so... hi bro!

    Anyway, when I sent this page to him, his first reaction was "Dude, you doing okay? This is like, really dark, even for TRS." Also judging by the reader's reactions at the time, I think I was making them uneasy. Not sure if it was the "uneasy" I actually wanted, but I was getting a reaction.


    100 pages! Time for celebration! Wooooooo...... oo.... oof.


    Annnnd this is the point where people really started to hate Sonichu. Still amazed by how much of a reaction I got towards the little yellow bastard.


    Fuck, I hate that sunset.


    Since it comes up, yeah, the person Magi-Chan is mentioning in the first panel is Sarah Hammer. Might have it more fleshed out later on, maybe not. Honestly it's kind of extraneous... but we'll see.

    So yeah, at least Spunky got a trendy haircut for her trouble.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
  15. Corgi

    Corgi Friendly Forum Fiend Staff Member Moderator

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Mitch is still kawaii desu~ to me. :oops:
    Blank and Hellblazer like this.
  16. Baron_Aurr

    Baron_Aurr Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    This. Is. Amazing.
    Blank likes this.
  17. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Comment implying blank should father my children.
    Blank likes this.
  18. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Are you sure that's the best idea?

    Lunechu, Foulmouth, Blank and 2 others like this.
  19. ShavedSheep

    ShavedSheep Baa!

    Jan 21, 2017
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    It'll be cool. Trust me.
    Foulmouth and Blank like this.
  20. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Jan 21, 2017
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    CHAPTER THREE: PART TWO - Revelations & Escalations
    This section was essentially a "get back on the rails" section to get the plot back in motion, plus try to drive more irreverent humor back into the comic after it started getting edgelord dark with the "Skunk's Life" section, and thankfully I still had an ace in the hole to accomplish just that: Punchy.

    Let's get to it.

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and one of the big comic influences I had back in my formative (read: stupid retarded kid) years was Rob Liefeld's work on X-Force. Although by the time I hit my teenage years I knew his art was generally crap compared to his peers, I still have a soft spot for his style of broken back women homunculi and shoulder-pads attached to superheroes. So, for no reason other than that, I refashioned Brit-Tay Rosechu to be the typical Liefeld bad girl and and Wheels... I mean Mary Rosechu to be ground transport.

    She also shoots rockets.

    It's amazing how difficult it is to draw "wrong." I mean, I'm not saying a great artist - competent at best, really - but like, trying to regress to how I was drawing draw in junior high.

    Also, I'm pretty sure I cribbed a bit from Evan Dorkin for Spunky's reaction in the last panel.


    "Why is Mary arriving in a giant purple sperm?"

    Because trying to draw glowy shit on Xerox paper with colors is hard.


    Annnnd this is the last we've seen of Mary thus far. This will be addressed.


    Anyone who mentally responded to Crystal in panel one with "Corn!" You get a gold star for knowing yet another one of my stupid references.

    And the doghouse mention comes from the Father Call where Chris believed Patti's doghouse weighed like "5 or 10 tons." Just in case you don't listen to the Father Call as habitually as I do.


    Wild is a man of principles.


    I fucking love writing Punchy.

    At this point, I knew I had about a half dozen different plotlines going on and thankfully Punchy was there to help bring most of it together. It a lot of ways, Punchy for me is the MVP of this part of the comic. If I didn't have him to move the plot along, chances are it wouldn't have gone anywhere nearly as interesting as it did.


    This is one of those instances where I wish I had a page actually showing Angelica grabbing Crystal. Just kinda happens off-page and is weird to read. Another lesson learned, I suppose.

    Punchy is a man of tact and compassion.


    In retrospect, the revelation that Crystal married Officer Graham is a bit ham-fisted. Nowadays I would probably make it more subtle.

    Ah well, still better than Marvel.


    This page came out a few months after Chris' "Gamestop Incident," so would this scene be like a Law & order "ripped from the headlines" sort of thing?

    I should have had Robee try to mace one of the Jerkops.


    Kind of looks more like a firm shove than a punch, but I guess it works. Also, behold Punchy's Magic Knuckles- only stabbing things when it is convenient to the plot!



    Iiiiiii got nothin' else for this page.


    And all the stoners in the back applauded.


    Note to self: Horribly murder Cerah for being the ugliest and most worthless character in the comic.


    Seriously Cerah. Friggin' Angelica is more useful than you. Just go away, you ugly hambeast.

    Also no- we didn't skip any pages. Robee apparently fell and scraped his knee off-panel. Everything happens off-panel.


    Next time: PVCC Justice.

    Also, thanks to everyone stopping by and leaving comments. Really makes my day. Y'all are superstars.