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Meta Someone familiar is managing Chris's emails (At the very least)

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by ShinyMetalAss, Jun 25, 2018.


Is the new management a smart move?

  1. Could be

    7 vote(s)
  2. Probably not

    22 vote(s)
  3. Don't know

    9 vote(s)
  1. Anya

    Anya Heh Administrator

    Apr 30, 2016
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    In the beginning, there was a “no trolling plans” rule, even though it was more of a guideline, because PVCC were doing all the trolling and really, the rest of the common folk only had to sit back and watch. As time passed and people started finding out about Chris from image boards and ED, new people started filtering in, slowly and some tried to be the next Liquid or the next Alec, but PVCC were still around and they kind of shut that down. (For the record, I wasn’t part of PVCC, but I’ve been around long enough to know some stuff through conversations with Marvin, in particular.)

    @Soniblue keeps harping on how what PVCC did was A-Logging and all that, and yes, compared to what’s gone on now, sure, you can make an argument for it, but all the things Chris was trolled into doing back then set the precedent for Chris trolling. You can’t apply the “A-Log” label to Clyde yelling at Chris over Mumble or IRC because there was no A-Log. Anthony Logatto, A-Log himself, was basically mimicking what he’d seen the PVCC trolls do and he put his own idiotic spin on it. He was getting legit mad at Chris, which is what makes A-Logs both hilarious and annoying. However, one could make the argument that Kaycie was the first A-Log, just because she screeched like an autistic howler monkey at Chris and was an overall huge bitch.

    Chris was more naive back then and was more easy to manipulate. Back then, you could pretend to be a girl on the online and get Chris to drive across a state or two and dump him off in the ghetto. Yes, from what I’ve seen from the few PVCC folks still around (and even Bluespike himself) agree that getting Chris to shove broken bits of clay up his ass was going too far. Was it A-Logging? No, but you damn well know they didn’t try to pull that shit again.

    Then Bob died. Organized trolling stopped. PVCC disbanded. Chris went dormant for like 3 years. Idiots still tried to troll him, but he just wasn’t around to really even deal with it.

    (After Chris went dormant I stopped following him for a while and was a way more productive member of society. It was weird and surreal.)

    Nowadays, according to Marvin, Chris is pretty good at filtering his own e-mail and not responding to bullshit. Evidently, Chris receives troll spam at an “industrial” level, the likes of which not even a neurotypical person would be able to handle. So having someone forward the pertinent e-mail like a human spam filter isn’t “controlling who talks to Chris”. Do you honestly believe that Chris needs to respond and report every e-mail that he gets trying to catfish him or threaten him or just scream “JUUULAAAAAAAYYYYY!”? Because those are the people trying to contact him.

    I’m neither a fan of nor do I hate Josh. He can do what he wants, and I’d say that regardless of whether or not he ran a niche gossip forum. Transparency is good and he’s being transparent, so no one can screech about “hoarding cocks.” Claiming he’s a gatekeeper or whatever of Chris is absurd, but whatever helps you sleep at night. Josh has been around the CWC community long enough and has been in behind the scenes stuff long enough to know how involved he should/could/can get. Regardless of people shitting their pants (and doing nothing) about his decisions, he’s still going to do it.

    TL;DR: You can’t retroactively assign an A-Log label to something that literally had nothing previous to compare it to, 99% of Chris’ e-mails are from try-hards trying hard and Josh is gonna do what Josh wants to do, malevolent or not.

    I also lost my train of thought like half-way through writing this, the Unisom’s kicking in and it’s nearly 4AM so eat dirt.
  2. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    The lolcows have to be stopped! Telling them to shove sonic medallions up their ass is the only way to beat those dang dirty lolcows. Why doesn't anyone believe me!?
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  3. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Gatekeeping isn't even bad. If it is done to prevent people who are unfunny attention whores from getting in and souring content or to prevent people who appear to have an interest in just ruining things from ruining things, then do it. If you have gotten to the point where you can gatekeep, then likely, you should manage the people who get "in" with the cow, especially if you understand the greater cow community which surrounds it.

    If the purpose of gatekeeping is to just hoard the cow for yourself and you aren't being funny or if you aren't letting in new blood whenever new blood seems solid, then it is at a weird area and you should consider stepping away. But there are a lot of cows who are beyond retardo out there. There is Chris, Striker, Gail, etc. and they will believe anything you say. Preventing assholes from manipulating them for their own gain isn't whiteknighty, and it may be gatekeeping, but your goal as a curator for a cow should be the preservation of old content and sustainability of future content flow. Chris is the best cow ever, but he's gullible as a 3 year old and anyone can get in, all they need to do is keep trying. Once you break through the first few levels of trust (which you can figure out how to do through trial and error using a fuckton of different profiles), you can tell Chris that he must eat Barb's spleen to preserve her so they can both live forever and he will do it.

    Look at this:

  4. Samachu

    Samachu Cross stitcher

    Jan 30, 2017
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    I've thought about this and in my honest opinion, it COULD be a good idea if done well and not abused.

    From what I've seen, Chris is very vulnerable to manipulation as demonstrated months ago (opposing statement to people saying that he's not easy to trick anymore). If they know how, people can even change his own personality with ease (ie, going from "lesbian" to bisexual in the drop of a hat). Chris should not be in contact with people like this because it's horrible to manipulate someone's thoughts for the sake of 1 hour entertainment.
    If the managers are overbearing or attempting manipulation of their own, they should be ousted. If they're doing a good job of keeping away trolls, even if it means no new content, then it's fine in my opinion.

    We need to get the trolls to go away and deter them from doing anything, leave Chris alone if you want to mess with him, it's not 2007 anymore.
  5. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Its reassuring that Null's quite gentle here but it also reinforces my view that Chris needs proper help. He's really lost his grip on whats real or not.

    I guess in the short term at least an idea guy level prick wont get access to him. Its just so surreal. Half of these people were trolling him a decade or so ago.
    Holdek likes this.
  6. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    How did Chris get scammed out of thulousabds of dollars? I missed that saga.
    Samachu likes this.
  7. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    When I said it is complex in another post, I should have expanded on what that means. A lot of it is stuff we already know, so I didn't want to beat a dead horse.

    We all know Chris is beyond fucked up and Idea Guy and his buddies sort of exposed the lengths at which it can really go as well as the depth of Chris' delusion. Things to consider are that Chris really cannot be involuntarily committed and he has no interest in losing his autonomy or most elements of his lifestyle. He also needs Mommy to be satisfied. So when we all say "CHRIS NEEDS REAL HELP!!!" we need to consider the constraints placed on the situation.

    Chris will not change on his own and he has the freedom to live a life where he can crash everything into the ground. Barb more than enables this, she facilitates it with her beyond reckless spending habits. She will live her life spending every damn dollar she can find and spend it on useless trash that will do nothing but depreciate in value, even if it means finding dollars from forcing Chris to make obligations he will never, ever, ever be able to pay. Chris is also free to acknowledge or ignore the obligations Barb has tied him to, which he does, until the collection agencies call, and by God, they got the Chandlers on speed dial. Regardless, Chris ignores this because he was never taught how important meeting financial obligations can be, he has skimped by with paying minimums and now he has a debt above his head that.. hold on... [calculating all SS against est. debt]... yeah, he will never be able to pay it off, unless every SS dollar went to debt for the next 25-30 years. The SS "lockbox" will be empty before Chris will pay his debt, while the shit he owes on corrodes and depreciates in yet another Barb Chandler hoard.

    Just as he has the freedom to be his mother's personal paypig, he has the freedom to believe in CPU goddesses and all this other bizarre shit. He has the freedom to believe in a dimension where him and Sonichu are best friends, and that one day he will live that life. He has the freedom to do what fucked up people online suggest.

    So when we say that Chris needs proper help, fuck yes he does need proper help, but the precursor to that is him wanting to get that proper help, and while you can manipulate him into doing destructive shit to save his Sonichu dimension, you cannot get him to get into a structured program and to engage in positive behaviors. Virginia tried this a few times and once Chris' time was up, he moved on.

    We have seen this play out through the last decade or so. This is who he is. He would have theoretically had a better life if Barb died instead of Bob, but that would have had its own baggage, and Chris would have likely gone in a different direction with his psychological issues. Either way, this isn't perfect, but what actionable alternative could be applied here?
    Holdek, NAITCHA BAH, Neuro and 8 others like this.
  8. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I don't know.

    Man the whole damn thing is so fucking surreal that I'm having a hard time parsing it.

    Could you imagine all this shit a decade ago?
    Holdek likes this.
  9. Yawning Sneasel

    Yawning Sneasel Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    You know Gail right? The lady who thinks she has psychic sex with Putin and stuff? She's broken to the point where her "trolls" stay on in part to make sure she takes her medication.

    We have people so mentally impaired that internet trolls are taking the role of family and loved ones. It's an entire can of worms to get into and consider why this is the way it is, but it really is amazing. Mental health in the US is so bad that this is where we are. Before this, these people would find some way to accidentally kill themselves. Now, they have people who like to laugh at them preventing them from doing that. Really is amazing.
    Holdek, Alan Smithee, Strewth and 6 others like this.
  10. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Are you still considered a virgin if you have psychic sex? We might have to get Hirtes in on that.
  11. ShinyMetalAss

    ShinyMetalAss Blackjack, Hookers & 'Tism

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Not compatible.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
  12. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Hey guys I’m sorry I’m late I’ve been tied up with life.
    I read this thread and skimmed parts of the KF one and it appears I’m in the minority for thinking this is a good idea, so lemme make up for the lack of posts with this essay making a counter-argument for what I’ve been hearing.
    I’m behind on Chris antics so I’ll throw in my usual “I could be wrong” blah blah blah here.

    “Chris needs legitimate help, Null isn’t qualified to help him/her.”
    Null is some computer guy who bounces around the world and I understand 100% he is not a doctor or a mental health specialist. However, I don’t believe Chris will ever see a real therapist unless it’s court mandated. Null probably knows this, so saying “You should try therapy.” will probs be met with accusations of being a troll and cut from Chris’s life, leaving Chris alone to be hit with scammers and malice again.

    “Null runs a forum about Chris, this is a conflict of interest!”
    Null runs a forum about 79.6 shitzillion stupid people on the internet. KF hasn’t been a Chris forum in a long time and I’m pretty sure most people on KF don’t
    follow Chris closely. Chris is not the focal point of Null’s website. Null helping Chris is no different than when he chat modded one of Jace’s streams to keep idiots away. Or when the cops get called when some lolcow threatens suicide.
    Also, there’s a bit of a difference between “haha, look at this guy, he’s funny” and “I’m going to scam this guy out of thousands of dollars and make him humiliate his dying mother online for menial amounts of money.”

    This is just gate keeping!
    You know what, if Chris is legitimately getting scammed out of $6000/month than let’s close the gate. If the only help Null can provide Chris is to stop scammers and idiots paying him $50 to revive a dead meme for their own stupid reason, then I say let him.
  13. CIAStoreOwner

    CIAStoreOwner Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Apparently Chris did get scammed out of $6,000, performed humiliating acts, confessed to crimes he didn't commit and was blackmailed the whole time.

    Yeah, Chris does need a gatekeeper. But, it should probably not be Josh. It wouldn't surprise me that if in the long run, Josh ends up bilking Chris for a lot more money.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
    Sonichu and Very Honest Content like this.
  14. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    According to the farms, Barb has a reverse mortgage, which means Chris is royally screwed when she dies.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  15. CIAStoreOwner

    CIAStoreOwner Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    Yep. Means that Chris is going to have to pay back the ENTIRE debt in 4 months or so before the house goes into foreclosure. Chris could get a purchase loan, but there is no way in hell that house is going to pass any sort of appraisal. Rocky had the right idea in all of this: This man is exceptional enough of an a individual to be convinced via a lunar superweapon and pictures of a 4-year old riot in St. Louis that he should crap on the floor, admit to being a pedophile/TRUE AND HONEST motherfucker in addition to videotaping him punching her and giving these chucklefucks $6000. And this guy is practically guaranteed to be homeless. Yeah, it's time to look into Chris being admitted into a home or Section 8. Cue Mad Mike reeing over Chris getting the latter too.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  16. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Lots of CWC drama on the farms. tl;dr: some troll extorted 6k worth of money out of Chris by threatening to blow up CWCville with a space laser. Chris apparently actually believes this and will believe literally anything trolls tell him.

    The troll has also tried to get Chris to do weird things like film himself shitting on the carpet. Null is trying to wrangle Chris into filing charges and is sicking his troll army on the guy. Rocky thinks Chris should be in a group home. This probably deserves a better write up but I’m lazy.
  17. CIAStoreOwner

    CIAStoreOwner Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    tl;dr is pretty much Null and Co. telling themselves how they're better than a neglectful woman about to knock on death's door, a free church counselor, an attention whore and people who rip off the reality challenged. Yeah, real great comparison. I'd like to see the Discord caps of this too. Just saying.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  18. Very Honest Content

    Very Honest Content Formerly a niggo (???) Staff Member Moderator

    Jan 20, 2017
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    I'm looking forward to Josh Wise getting raped and murdered in prison but it's not like the rule of law in America is worth a shit right now so I'm not holding my breath...
    Sonichu likes this.
  19. Skeletor

    Skeletor Skellington Justice Warrior

    Jan 23, 2017
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    People act like Rocky is supposed to be some kind of full-time tard wrangler just because she’s a church counselor.
  20. Sonichu

    Sonichu You don't have to tell me twice!

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Yeah something tells me this is a dead end. Unless Null (or another farmer) plans on going nuclear and confronting these jackasses in person nothing is going to happening.
    I just don't see the police investigating a 40 year old man being "extorted" by someone threatening to blow up an imaginary town.

    I probably sound like a broken record at this point but... Chris needs to be in a group home, preferably with limited/supervised internet access.
    He's completely delusional and incapable of caring for himself.