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What comics are you reading?

Discussion in 'Comics/Art' started by Hellblazer, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Finally getting around to reading Constantine, the Hellblazer (2015-current). So far it's not as good as the original Hellblazer run, but is worlds better than the first post-Vertigo reboot and the Justice League Dark book. The writing is sharp, and they've done a good job trying to approximate the hard-R rated Vertigo world without being able to explicitly do quite so much language and content-wise.

    I wasn't expecting much, but it's solid.
  2. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    I've been rereading Uber (mainly because it's started again after a year break).
    It's kinda a "what if" Nazi's got super powers in the last days of WW2 type story but it treats them more as weapons than super heroes (if that makes any sense) and the author really knows his WW2 stuff.
    A lot of the chapters are written more like an after battle report than a comic too, which makes for a very different style story.
    I should say it's a fucking bleak story though, very grim, but well worth a read, especially if you're a war nut.
  3. Deleted User 0007

    Deleted User 0007 Well-Known Member

    I've been reading Descender. It's a lot like Saga but replaces the insane world and characters for a believable dystopian future filled with both childlike optimism and the pessimism of adulthood all wrapped up in the coldness of space.
    It'd say give it a read. It's easily one of the best comic's made in the last 4 years.
  4. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    some alan moore superman/batman stuff.

    across the unvierse, the dc universe stories of alan moore.

    swamp thing's also a good read.
  5. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Starting in on The Goon after having it on the to-read list for ages. It's a unique book.
  6. Thomas Jerome Newton

    Thomas Jerome Newton That's right the Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous

    Just read the currently-released issues of Snotgirl, and it's been surprisingly good so far. It's not something I would normally read, but I was also expecting something completely different from what the comic was actually like. Didn't even know it was a Bryan Lee O'Malley thing until after I read it all.
  7. KingGeedorah

    KingGeedorah Look upon ye works and sperg

    Fuck fuck fuck I have a problem guys I buy waaaaay too much in the way of comics. Right now I have like 5 different books going.

    Nameless - Grant Morrison
    Batman Eternal - Scotty Synder (plus mad heads)
    Runaways - Brian K. Vaughan
    Y The Last Man - Brian K. Vaughan
    Hellblazer Vol 4. - James Delano (plus mad heads)

    oh and all of The Walking Dead up to issue 96
  8. Blank

    Blank The Charles Dickens of Disco.

    Recently, I've been going back a few decades and really absorbing a lot of the earlier Marvel comics I missed. Re-reading the whole Age of Apocalypse, Onslaught, and Operation:Zero Tolerance storyarcs. It's not exactly the most rewarding of reads, but I'm finding it important to re-look at the stuff I could only get an issue of when I was younger. That and plus I have absolutely no faith in Marvel's current runnnings, and haven't had faith in them since House of M.

    I used to be reading a lot of Wildstorm and Vertigo titles a few years ago (Fables, DMZ, Ex Machina), but fell out of it during one of my moves. I would like to get back into it, but mostly waiting for a decent sale on Comixology.
    Trefoil Knot and Hellblazer like this.
  9. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    I've been rereading Charley's War (Pat Mills), It's probably the best war comic ever or rather the best anti-war comic, somehow it manages to be both at once without being preachy.
    It's a really grim WW1 comic from the late 70s/early 80s and is pretty hard to find, it's only been reprinted as a set of 10 hardbacks (fucking expensive) but you can find it on torrents pretty easy.
    The artwork (Joe Colquhoun) is IMO the best black and white stuff I've seen, truly amazing and it fits the story perfectly.
    If you're into WW1 or even history in general I'd really recommend it.
  10. Trefoil Knot

    Trefoil Knot < x,y | x² = y³ >

    For some reason I've gotten on a "low fantasy"/"dark fantasy" kick and I'm pouring over Red Sonja, starting with the Gail Simone version.

    Despite the character being known for a goofy outfit, the actual comics are far more dire and serious than I remembered.
  11. Thomas Jerome Newton

    Thomas Jerome Newton That's right the Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous

    I'm trying to read through the entire Archie Sonic series
    and possibly probably do a Youtube series on it
    including the Knuckles comic, and it's... interesting. I only just got through the first 50 and I can tell it's all downhill from here until that fucker Penders gets the boot with issue 160.
  12. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    Have you tried the Savage Sword of Conan books ?
    They're a bit hit and miss but still miles ahead of the marvel Conan.
    Plus you can get them in giant phone book size volumes dirt cheap now.
    Hellblazer and Trefoil Knot like this.
  13. Deadpool

    Deadpool God's perfect idiot

    Well it took over a year but I finished reading (almost) every Spider-Man (all titles) up til 2015 about a month ago. Now I'm 200+ issues into Daredevil. My goal is to read every "major" Marvel series.
  14. KingGeedorah

    KingGeedorah Look upon ye works and sperg

    I'm like this but with DC right now. Rebirth has been pretty great all around and much improved over New 52 releases.

    I'm also about to take the plunge and spend like 80 bucks on the entire Bendis Avengers series cause it looks awesome.
  15. broke dick dog

    broke dick dog Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    I very rarely read comics but there are a few I like.

    The various Batman Adventures series was a pretty good Batman: The Animated Series companion. Just like the show itself, there are a few stinkers and quite a few masterpieces, with consistently good issues in-between. Obviously everyone always talks about Mad Love and the Christmas annual (which were both adapted for the cartoon), but there a lot of hidden gems. Most of them are left in obscurity because of the show, but you could easily imagine some issues being unmade episodes. And one aspect where the comics were usually superior is that they rarely ever suffered from crappy art/animation like a few episodes did.

    Hellblazer and Descent like this.
  16. Descent

    Descent Well-Known Member

    What do you mean crappy anima-
    As if this episode didn't have enough fucking problems.
  17. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    Been reading some D&D pisstake comics called Skullkickers, pretty mindless but amusing.
    They're actually written by one of the Dragonlance people who I only just discovered is a guy, lol.
    Hellblazer likes this.
  18. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    Found another good series I'd never heard of, The 6th Gun by Cullen Bunn (lol, it rhymes).
    It's a damn good cowboy tale with strange supernatural shit mixed in, I've only read the first book of it but it's bloody good so far.
  19. Deadpool

    Deadpool God's perfect idiot

    Just finished my read through of Daredevil. It had it's incredibly cheesy and terrible points but it also had some really fucking good points as well. Overall I'd give it a solid B+. Now it's time to do a read through of Punisher comics.
  20. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    I tried a full read of Punisher a while back, it gets difficult.
    For a long time he's pretty much a GI Joe with his PunisherVan and PunisherGadgets and shit and then he swings back to being more like the Frank we know.
    Then again these days they've got him hunting White supremacists who train their kids to be suicide bombers (I really wish I was making that up, fuck you Marvel).
    Punisher MAX is fucking awesome though, Especially the Ennis and Aaron stuff, probably some of my favourite comics.
    Minimal Effort and Deadpool like this.