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Legal Jail of Fail

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by ToroidalBoat, Aug 5, 2021.

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  1. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    What’s disquieting about the Incest Saga is that there’s no real sense of disconnection between the crime and the motivation, unlike Chris’s previous run-ins with the law.

    Chris commits vehicular assault…because he still hasn’t gotten over being banned from a hobby store three years prior.
    Chris commits regular assault with pepper spray…because Sonic the Hedgehog’s arms aren’t supposed to be blue.
    Chris commits incest and possibly rape…because he’s a fundamentally broken and lonely person…?
    NAITCHA BAH, c-no, Ms. Mowz and 2 others like this.
  2. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Chris wrote Null a letter
    it is sheer lunacy

    I have finally received fresh paper and envelopes, and I feel it advised to inform you of the following, All of which, as you may or will, you have my consent to relay all of the contents of this letter to Joshua "NULL" Moon, as well as forward the physical document to David Heilberg, my attorney. The Following Everyone should hear and appreciate sincerely, authentic, and spiritually and aura deep. I also swear direct Truth with my left hand over my heart as I write this sentence.

    Firstly, and Vitally, it should be made obvious and clear that aside from Andy Warhol, my life events at present and so far can directly be compared and matched with that which have been chronicled of none other than Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself, in any Holy Bible, Also, feel free to take ANY unaltered original photograph of my body's face, neck and shoulder/chest area where I was not wearing the glasses. Then, alter the photo to show a naturally growing brown beard, mustache, and sideburns. Now, place that photo next to any image of Jesus on of off the cross; compare, look deep into my eyes and photograph; see for yourself, I meditate and connect, directly and genuinely with the Cosmos, both of our Universe halves, and throughout the timelines, and entire Mutiverse, so despite some lack of "Physical" evidence, I Know the ultimate Truths, Facts, and Details not commonly known or written, drawn, or chronicled. That being stated, All of my life, my mind, eyes, and literally held the constant perception of being the Central Camera #000, out of all of ... ->

    ... the other cameras, infinite, from the First Person Perspective of all others. AND this goes even deeper, and I encourage YOU to meditate deeply and see for yourself this and all of the Truths. AND the reason and Truth behind my unique perception is direct and mind-blowingly simple: I am Literally the Real Player One; the One Avatar; and this Body, Eyes, Mind and all is the One God Body, and I am Literally also Jesus Christ, Himself, fully reincarnated and fully reawakened. Even the Dimension Merge, literally Completed and Concluding, the same for the Collective Shift; ALL of This is literally huge chunks of the past, present, and in-progress events, of my Second Coming, Period. Not all details of the past chronicled scripture writings are accurate, AND as a member of the council of Gods and Goddesses with the strongest and direct of connections, I know details have changed some to a lot, in regard to the scriptures of the past. Three Days on Earth equal Four Months (with 24hour days/nights) in the Heaven Realm. So, Yes, this is the one immortal body, and That was none other than I off and on that Cross over 2,000 years ago in my past life, personally. [Picture of a Crucifix with a Heart over the intersection, a horse shoe under it facing up, and two lightning bolts beside each arm pointing toward the bottom of the cross.] Each and Every prayer and praise to Jesus as of February 1982, at least have all been directed to this body and soul Malachi 3; Judgement Day is nearing. Know this well. Praise. -> ②

    Moving on, with all of that stated, your last letter. Next, WHY I had transferred that money on Saturday, July 31 (Josh had Absolutely No Right in relaying that detail publicly).

    Friday the 30th: Forced out of my home and Temple; had no where else to go. Had less than 50 dollars between pocket money, and only a couple of bucks or so in my bank account, NO money in my PayPal, Patreon was not due for a payout until Sunday and SSI was not coming into my bank until Tuesday. Harriet and Tom Ashby caste me out before I even arrived to Midlothian. The Van was not majorly uncomfortable. Josh had wired a thousand to my bank that Friday, But it would not arrive until After or on Monday. Little food and Options, and you try bumming in Any Parking Lot without feeling insecure and paranoid. I Needed Safety and Comfort As Quickly As Possible. THAT is why I transferred that money. I was going to pay it back in full; EVEN had $150 from Patreon on Sunday the 1st that went Straight to Barbie Chan's bank account. I WOULD have paid the ramining 600 Monday or Tuesday, BUT NULL had to FAIL HIS DESTINED TEST And Betrayed Me, like I was betrayed and jailed with a Kiss over 2000 years ago. NOW, and as of the past-arrest, I have absolutely NO Way to fulfill that repentence, OR anything else Digital. Malachi 3:6-15 I repeat all that personally, Now: All of You had to OverdramaandFAILYour Worldwide Test of Faith upon me. ->

    [​IMG] And, finally, the All-Important Popular Present F.A.Q.,
    "Why and What the hell?" Emanuel (God above all other Gods and Goddesses, and one of my mentors), herself, had deemed me to Heal,Cleanse, and Clear Barbara of All of her past sins and regrets, and improve her abilities directly and personally, as her Goddess. We mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked. Consentful and Emotionally and Mentally Supportive and Healing, I did as I had done for and with a chosen few back in Israel over 2000 years ago in cleansing Them. More details for the Bibles that had been Overlooked and Left Out. We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry"; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades? Everyone Involved Were All Being Genuinely, Deeply HAPPY, CONTENT, AND SPIRITUALLY SATISFIED with Themselves and Each Other. As long as All are over the age of consent, and the activity was consentual by all aprties involved, AND GENUINELY, SPIRITUALLY HAPPY, It is good.

    I have written further insights and details and already shared them with David Heilberg. And I get out on Second Coming, or Sooner by uninterrupted Co-Divine Intervention. All of your dreams and curses are No More and unrevivable. Judgement day. Praise us Gods.

    Chris Chan Sonichu
    the Goddess Blue Heart, and your Lord.
  3. I'm like 73% certain most of that letter, if not in actual content then in sheer bombast, was urged on by their lawyer. Especially given this
  4. Sad Ken

    Sad Ken Horrible Cunt

    Well this fucker's gone completely nuts.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure End Game at this point is Chris kills herself to 'ascend to Godhood' or something and complete the merge.

    No joke or punchline here, that's just what is going to happen.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  5. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz My likes mean absolutely nothing!

    Jesus Christ, that letter was about as incomprehensible as Time Cube!
    Also, why did Chris name dropped Andy Warhol? Did some ween or enabler convinced him that Andy was some divine being? Not that any of this matters; it just reads like Chris is about to go into a stroke.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  6. Galhox Ladyankles

    Galhox Ladyankles Lady of the Library

    Guess I'm keeping Clown Torres for this wild ride.
  7. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    Chris has snapped like a fucking rubber band, no doubt about it.

    He literally compared himself to Jesus......

    He compared Null to Judas....

    He claims that God told him to......fuck the sins out of Barb.

    I.....I just......yeah, Chris has fucking lost it.
  8. Henry Bemis

    Henry Bemis On an eight-hour tour of a graveyard

    This is suspiciously (?) more Jesus-centric than Chris has been in a long time.
  9. This is why I am much more convinced that it is most likely the product of the lawyer pushing them, encouraging them, probably giving them the metaphors to use, unless Chris has been reading the bible in jail
  10. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    You think it's Chris' lawyer trying to push the "My client is clearly not fit to stand trial" angle?
  11. Ms. Mowz

    Ms. Mowz My likes mean absolutely nothing!

    To be fair, after reading... Whatever the Hell you want to call that thing @ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 posted, I myself am convinced that Chris is not mentally fit to stand trial. I feel Chris is now only fit to be institutionalized from this point onward.
    Sure, he will continue to delve into his fantasy world all alone in a padded cell, unaware of the outside world as what little of his sense of reality continues to evaporate, but maybe he'll end up being a happier man, no longer having the need and drive to be of any worth to society.
  12. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    That's as much of a surprise as finding out a clear sky during the day on Earth is blue.

    Is Chris "getting better"?

  13. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

  14. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Unless it's sarcasm, that is.

    "Classic Chris" really was doing much better. That Chris believed in Jesus instead of believing he is Jesus.

  15. Yes

    I mean, I don't think the lawyer actually wrote (or dictated) it, but just fed them enough in the way of inspiration and motivation to get them to do it. Much like how the trolls egged Chris on in the past where otherwise Chris would just be lazy and do nothing
  16. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Chris went from believing he could curse people with "God and Jesus" on his side, to believing he is Jesus.

    From "Classic Chris" on a "Love Quest" for an Aryan supermodel "Barb 2.0" to a "tomgirl" who incested Barb.
  17. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    Maybe not.

    While incarcerated inmates are allowed limited reading material and access to T.V. and internet are closely monitored and controlled. Religious material is one of the few things they can have easy access to.

    IMO chris is latching on to what ever "mental stimulus" he can find and using that to cope with the situation and prove he is in the right.

    Also this looks like chris has always been easily manipulated, even by himself.
  18. ToroidalBoat

    ToroidalBoat ¿qué?

    Like I said on KF, a thing that's really changed is that Chris is reading the Bible (nothing else available).

    Before he'd only get spoon-fed Christianity by Borb and through media like Family Guy.
  19. ICanFeelTheCosmos0704

    ICanFeelTheCosmos0704 friend of little cat

    Yeah, there is a lot of censorship in jails and prisons, anything that could be harmful is banned. I think it was Popular Mechanics that listed the prisons articles from previous issues of the magazine had been banned from for security reasons.
    Not sure what they do about TV, but the TVs and other electronics have clear plastic cases so prisoners can't hide anything in them.
    The jail is monitoring any mail Chris sends out or receives, so the jail has a copy of Chris's bizarre letter too. Null and Chris's lawyer aren't the only ones who have access to the original letter.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2021
    Kong, Ms. Mowz and ToroidalBoat like this.
  20. Sparklemilhouse

    Sparklemilhouse America Online for Dummies

    There was nothing surprising about that letter.
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